No bomber sight on He-177 A-3 (Battle pass)

Hi hi hi,

Someone had tested the new battlepass bomber He-177 A-3 with hover bombs HS 293 A-1?

For me, i don’t have bomber sight or specified sight when i use that specific bomb. This make the new bomb useless, as it is impossible to guide it correctly onto a target.

good that you notice that too

it was one of the biggest problems the Germans had with it

so that’s fully historical


I remember reading that the germans used some variation of the Lotfernrohr 7 bomb sight to help with guidance, guiding it with just the eyeball would have been pretty impossible

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yes, on the later versions of the guidance system as it was used on the 177A5 and later

this is However an A3/R3 with it’s Kehl I and all the problems that made the Germans update the system 4 more times over the course of 2 years

Then it shouldn’t have both the Fritz X & Hs 293 payload. Gaijin screwed up as this craft is most likely an A-3/R4 with Kehl III:


wait so I just shoot those gliding rockets on blind? hahahahhahahhaha nice…just perfect

Yes, there is no bomber sight when you use the new WASD bombs. No bomber sight in a strategic bomber :) Sigh… Gajin please.

So theres no point in ever using that plane, why is it even in Battle pass??? Like we got the worst plane and I should be thankful ???


on which version of the guidance system?

the A3/R3 uses a Kehl I which has exactly this problem but the main service version based on the A5 uses the Kehl IV which we KNOW had a sight for it

Even if it’s historicly accurate, an in game feature must be not totaly useless… With actual view avaiable in game for the plane, the only view can be a little use for guide the bomb is an fictionnal view (virtual cockpit …) And if you go in SB with that, you litteraly can’t see your bomb because you have instruments in front of you…

A modified bomber sight pointed a little far on the front and an altitude estimation of the bomb can be add for this ammo. It’s not fully historical but that make that new feature a little more usable.

But as I stated before, this aircraft is an A-3/R4 with Kehl III. Gaijin is incorrect

if it is modelled like an R4 then that’s a bug, it’s supposed to be an R3

In-game, can it equip with BOTH the Fritz X & Hs 293? If so, then its an R4

then report that bug

Since this is not a soviet vehicle, which would receive an insta-correction if a single bolt is the tiniest bit skewed, I am not sure if I should bother with a nomenclature bug. Furthermore, the A-3/R4’s gondola was elongated to fit the Kehl III equipment:

Whether or not this game’s 177 A-3 has this longer gondola, I do not know, but since this A-3 is an alleged copy/paste of the game’s 177 A-5, then there is a high chance that the A-3 has this longer gondola. Finally, I have a zero percent success rate with that awful off-putting website despite using a multitude of primary sources & manuals:

If reports like these didn’t take…

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Try that bomb against ships and you will be successful, thats not a anti tank weapon
even from 8km i can hit a ship with HS 293 with zoomed 3rd person or gunners view.

Guys, a question a bit off the topic, but it’s close.
Are all the german bombs in this game historic? I mean down to an explosive mass and filler type and it’s TNT equivalent.
I’m asking, well, because all german bombs beside 2500kg one suck, and do it bad. And given how low is the amount of bombs on german fighters/bombers etc. I would like to know if my disappointment is at least historically accurate.

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Sadly, I don’t play bombers, but at this exact point in time I was curious to test fly this thing and perhaps get the BP, although everything is worthless to me, literally. Then I wanted to find out how can the WASD missiles be controlled and damn I’m happy I checked forums and google first!