New nation - India! (with Pakistan subtree)

Ah, here is the point I was getting at and one of Mahiwews

Just because it looks like an M4 doesn’t mean it is an M4.

Looks alone don’t make it a C&P vehicle.


is the R3 air to air missile a sidewinder
no but they are very similar

Considering what this person considers to be “minor modifications” it hardly matters anyways lol.
According to his previously stated logic Sweden is copy paste yet he now claims it has a unique aesthetic and is unique in low-mid tier.

It’s just a case of cherrypicking as you stated earlier and it’s honestly surprising that we are choosing to continue this conversation against such contradictory points.

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me look at the rank 1 Vickers they have
Yes very Swedish
not every nation makes everything they use in house

I’d also add nor do they use everything they make.


It has unique aesthetic until rank 3. It’s simple.

Yes, they do.

Finish copy-paste subtree, not really swedish. New “addition”.
You can argue czech suspension for swedish.

The aesthetic is pre war tanks mate like of course how they look is going to change as they get better tanks


No they don’t


Did you ever hear of the phrase;“Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.” Its a statement that for what we find ugly or beautiful is in the end subjective to each person. If looks alone make any given tank Copy and paste to you so be it. But don’t go around pretending your subjective view is technical or even factual.


Like these two are different but according to @Genjurooo they are the same


Czech suspension?? No brother, Czechoslovak entire hull! You’re contradicting yourself still…

Me noticing it and pointing it out. Also those few TDs don’t give the early swedish unique flavour. The regular tanks do, that apart from m/41 look nothing like anything else we have in game.
That’s the opposite of contradiction, bro. Coupled with the above statement that even swedish vehicles I would have been more than fine if they were in the german tree.
Surprise, surprise, where the other czech things are.

It’s a stupid phrase that has little basis in reality. It’s a fact that humans have similar tastes and there is a simpler way to prove this: “distaste of shit”. Phrase only holds some water because higher we go on the beauty/taste scale, harder is to explain or even distinguish.

Go to sleep bro. You are making no sense. Some sleep should refresh your mind.
From your logic more than half of the vehicles in game should not exist.


By your logic it is by all means senseless that said Czechoslovak vehicles are in the German tree, yet you actively wish them to go there.
According to your previously stated logic the Pz.35 and -38 variants should all be removed as well as the Hetzer, as this does not have the “Czechoslovak aesthetic”.

Bro, you can’t understand sense, bro.
Yes, half of the vehicles in game should not exist in the trees they exist. They only should exist in the trees of the nations that originally made them. Again the example is M4 and its countless variants, bro.

Point me to the Czechoslovak tree we have in game. PRO-TIP: you can’t!
You know why? Because we don’t have one, duh.

So they;re copy-pastes of inexistent vehicles. Thus not copy-paste.

I know next you’ll argue that it should be. The Czechoslovak tree I mean. Like the Swedish one. I’ll argue against it since it will be filled with copy-paste past rank 3 just like sweden, it was a nonexistent nation in the war and I’d rather have their vehicles into the trees of other nations, like Germany.

Do you want to grind 20 Shermans? We already have too many shermans in US tree.

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Maybe change the folder structure so it’s not linear. Like you unlock the first M4 and you choose whatever one of those 20 you want next (if any) from the folder.

Still you cant folder all of them. You would have to grind at least 10 shermans.

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Edited that post adding what should be a solution to this reply of yours.
In fact that non-linear folder was a thing I was thinking about during the winter event. I wanted AM-1, but didn’t want to have to grind or buy AD-4… So yeah, it’s a issue what you bring up about the 20 foldered shermans, but non-linear should be the best solution.

Also foldering them increases the probability of players not touching that vehicle. Which would be a bad thing. Some of the shermans are very unique and they deserve to brought into matches.

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