New Location: Attica!

Another dumpster trash fire map thrown into top tier for no reason. Average engagement distance for ground to ground - less than 600m. Spawn to spawn is like 1.2km. And top tier CAS has free reign ticket on this map.


This may be an extreme take but its unfortunate that I cant disagree that much after how poorly Attica plays. It takes two players 30 seconds to lock the entire enemy team in their spawns


Average Attica gameplay.

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I called this map “attitrash” , please Gaijin give me the possibility of ban every map added since 2018.


More map bans would be nice. I decided to permanently ban cargo port, due to its lacking immersion. Tank warfare inside an cargo terminal always felt like way off.

Attica would be my next choice. Its like the worst addition since years. Even the old Fortress map was better, which had been permanently removed off the game. Attica is worse than white rock fortress and should be removed as well.


Love it! Plenty of terrain yet camping spots are easy to remember. Good for pushing and head on attacks, which is exactly my style of playing ground realistic. Zones are great - you can be in offencive while waiting for capture. Would be of course absolutely awesome if bigger but that’s another story :)

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Attica should have stayed in the Attic

The map is flatter than Texas, has useless rocks which cannot hide any medium sized tank. One spawn is able to shoot straight into the other (left side) for 0 reason, I’ve seen a Leo 2 spawnkill 6 people in 10 minutes from his spawn.

There’s almost no strategy possible as you’re funneled by tunnels into large open points which are shooting ranges in disguise. It’s impossible to retake the middle of the map without control over other points making it virtually useless. Killing people trying to come out of spawn is extremely easy given there’s like 4 exit paths for both spawns combined. Way too favorable for CAS vs losing teams as they’re stuck in corridors with rough terrain.

Horrible addition, I’m considering getting a premium to ban it lowkey.

PS: the map is ridiculously small, I’m sure it plays alright below 4.0, but cmon how are we supposed to play top tier MBTs when the gameplay is stumbling randomly on enemies behind rocks at 500 meters every 10 seconds ??? You can cross the whole map in seconds with a light tank ???


Also mid / late war tanks suffer cause of this size. Its too small. Its ok for reserve tank battles and maybe rank 1 vehicles. An ideal rookie map for small low pen/low range vehicles. This was likely the plan, they just forgot to exclude it from anything higher BR 3.


Looks like Gaijin decided Attitrash is the new offical map for Soviets GF.

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Another 🗑️ map from gaijin! Let the community design maps!!!


Attica isn’t that bad tbh;
However i would prefer a system where the whole world is included(different maps for different time periods) and battles take part only in a certain part of the world;

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I like the map, but it is better suited for low rank vehicles imo.