New Leopard & Abrams traverse

It’s perfectly reasonable for autoload to be nerfed, but the Russian roulette wheel autoloader can hardly be considered a purely negative impact, as the martyrdom rate is significantly reduced, and in my opinion The only modular refinement that should have been added is the Combat Loader (which is the equivalent of a loader) All other structural refinements are nerfing tools that shouldn’t be there, and they’ve got a very clear targeting at this point (similar to the BR segmentation)Carriers are different or an obvious double standard)

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As for your mention of exploding fuel tanks, it’s a carrier design issue And it’s not entirely the fuel tanks, in many scenarios where the fuel tanks explode the result of continuing to count the destruction remains death, of course, some carriers do have fuel tanks that are designed to inflict more damage or even force death, which I see as a continuation of the body break mechanic.And due to the fact that most Russian main battle tanks from the T64 onwards used wheel loaders which led to a drastic drop in member group requirements, many do not provide expert training for member groups, which is one of the reasons why these tanks are prone to dying in the tanks, because manually loading carriers if you don’t have an expert member group with a level of 5+3 that would be a disaster.

It’s a equal threatment, as I said before, people asked for, and now when the vehicle they play recieve the equal changes, it’s a problem? I’ll consider you as a neutral to this kind of opinion, I’m not asking directly to you. That’s why I stopped playing main nations, Japan as a example didn’t recieved such backward changes, same to France, that’s why I’m mainly focusing on those respective nations, going all in for USSR, in my opinion was just a waste of time, specially caused by people that asked for changes without considering consequences.

This may be a fact, but War Thunder never takes these aspects in consideration, if so, more human mistakes would appear out of nowhere, and equally western design would affect highly the capacity of the loader to feed the breech in time.

Many vehicles have obvious double standards even after structural refinements (PUMA/KF41) PUMA is far behind KF41 in the current version across the board weakened and consistent in the sub room.This includes, but is not limited to, PUMA’s huge directional machine, 13mm turret frontal protection, inexplicable autoloader (KF41 doesn’t have this) 13mm frontal protection + autoloader = disaster Spike aiming logic (someone in loop mode doesn’t need to be able to see the target when the missile is fired, and an overhead launcher under the current mechanics is far superior to a turret height launcher that has toExposing the entire turret, while PUMA’s turret has almost no protection and a hit damages all equipment and leads to 40+ seconds of total incapacitation (10S forced burn + 30 seconds minimum repair time) MUSS that are already completely useless (almost all missiles in this BR have IRCCM soft kills that are completely ineffective) Horizontal and Vertical Drivers that have been forcefully nerfed ACE crews are 45/45 while the KF41 is 60/60 (KF41 is 60/60).KF41 is 60/60 (it’s been nerfed a little bit, but it’s still much stronger than PUMA) and BOXER MGS/90105HP vs. 90105HP has no structural refinement at all and has a lower BR.

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Yes, for example, fixed angle loading, but NATO vehicles that can’t perform fixed angle loading will only result in slightly slower loading speeds whereas vehicles that use autoloaders will not be able to load at all (vertical drives are damaged) As for the issue of NATO vehicle loading speeds, the loading speeds themselves are already lowered in comparison to realistic loading speeds (ACE members in the game are only at the level of a realistic average or even a newbie) whereas most of the Russian vehicles that use auto-loadingRussian vehicles using auto-loading are almost at the level of reality.Of course, it’s been said that manual loading causes it to be less easy or even impossible to load at high speed movement, wouldn’t auto-loading have no effect, hard to say, and auto-loading is more likely to malfunction at high speed movement I think.Manual actually has a more significant advantage in stationary situations (most of the time in actual combat it is stationary.If that’s what’s required, all leo’s should get a 4S loadout 10s under movement.

oh boy it seems like its time for another doc leak on how gaijin should run their servers =)

Just learned about this, honestly extremely dissapointing and if they keep doing this I will simply not play again.

The crew cage should eat spall, the horizontal drive should’ve remained the same and not this whole ass bullshit added. They could’ve added the turret basket as a “spall liner” in the x-ray and everything would’ve been fine.

Another problem is with the vertical drive, the trunnion is actually armor too, and also it’s not modeled correctly at all either, as it’s the M1 Abrams variant with the 105 and not the 120 variant of that specific piece. The vertical drive should’ve remained the same, while only adding some kind of mechanism to the trunnion and maybe only those would classify as a vertical drive too.

So now with these changes I would say the Abrams especially is officially the easiest vehicle to destroy, as even light tanks survive and don’t produce as much spall.

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Does anyone has documents about that basket?

Said item is still in service. But if you want to see it here’s a photo.

Sooooo wait… Autoloader is part of turret basket so why it wont disable turret drive too? (Applying gayjin logic here)


Honestly i do like more models being made but for god sake how stupid u have to be to think that turret basket IS PART OF turret drive? They do many “complex” calculations but cant figure out such a simple thing


I came to think that “okay gayjin is not biased” but sometime after people figure out to connect dots

Considering how many years of negligence they have put through in this matter, im genuinely starting to believe this is not an act of stupidity, but rather just plain evil.

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If it’s realistic, i don’t mind the turret being made bigger like this but only if the same is applied to other tanks, especially T-series ones since their autoloader module is really just a huge chunk of armor with spall liner

i remember having to repair the autoloader 3 or 4 times without a single ammo detonation once before, didn’t make any sense

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Indeed, this! Not only the T-series but including light tanks who have crew baskets too and other tanks included

Applying the Gaijin logic, adding a third module to the turret of the Soviet designs, specifically top tier Soviet vehicles would make this situation worse, not to you or any other player that chooses not to play said vehicles, but to people that want to play those, which is not solving, it’s only pushing the other with you to the hole, instead of presenting a decent answer, like, making turret basket or any structural part that’s part of some module act as armor part, like a 5 mm plate, instead of the huge horizontal drive module that the developers presented to the Abrams series, Leopard 2 series and Strv 121 and Strv 122 series.


This is getting absurd. Turret basket mesh which is there to protect the crew from placing hands and legs where they arent supposed to be when the turret rotates is now suddenly responsible for entire turret rotation mechanism.


Ofc i dont want it to be turret drive part. If it actually WONT be part of it i wont rly care about it cuz its just another module filler like gunner optic etc. Yes hydraulic system is very annoying but making it bigger is just an absurd.

I can bet u didnt play m1 cuz u claim everyone gets the same treatment. Well… If u actually played m1 u would know how painful it is. Get hit at center of tank which disables turret drive like 90% of the time and high chance that it hits engine so u cant move and cant shoot. Leo2 is in better situation mainly due to hydraulic system placement and much better armor.

Meanwhile u complain that u get ur autoloader disabled and have to repair and stop for god damn 25s 😭 but can shoot and move which always gives u 2nd chance which most tanks dont get.


U also say that u are very bored playing russia. Lemme tell u - i m not surprised. Pressing W is boring what a shocker.

When people see this double standard dont be surprised that people do that

Bruh… Like we (m1 and leo2 players) havent said that already cuz other than complain on forums and hope it some dev sees this we cant do much. There are plenty bug reports/suggestions that are ignored for even more than 3 years

I do like realistic modules being added but this does look like more of a way to kneecap certain MBTs more than others cough soviet MBTs cough