New heavy tank for germany 8.0 immediately

Germany really need a TT heavy tank for 7.7 to 8.3, I not a german main but teaming up with Germany at this br is really pain in the ass, especially facing US and USSR. Those German player can’t really stand a chance against those heavy tank at US and USSR like IS-4 and M103, most german player don’t even have Maus and can only use Tiger 2 after their Leopard 1 exploded. So pls, for Germany player and other who gonna team up with them just give them some heavy tank, whether it is real or fiction.

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Even if a heavy tank existed that could be used (maybe East German IS3 or something?), it would be a net negative on team performance imo. Armor gets less effective as BR goes up because ammunition tech is surpassing the rate that armor advances and speed becomes more useful. I obviously can’t prove it but I think German teams would probably do better if they were weaned off heavy tanks sooner. Armor should never be a substitute for trying to avoid being hit in the first place.

There is a reason they stopped being made.


T-10M more likely… Schwerer Panzer X

or take something from the east german vehicles

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everything will just be copy paste from now i guess


If you know of any heavy tanks Germany built while their country was mostly exploded and split in two, I’m sure Gaijin would love to hear about it.


is prototype ok?

If they don’t have any tanks, don’t add any the vehicles. Simple as that.

They got no prototype heavy’s.

Funnily Maus and E-100 might be the best heavy tanks at 7.7, one of them is near unobtainable these days but I personally find Maus overall stronger than its counter part, it also has two cannons and the secondary can take out light tanks, break tracks and even destroy barrel with one well placed shot, which render the enemy a sitting duck at one point and you can farm rp with extra hits. My only complaint is a death timer set by CAS losers who could decide when you stop having fun.


Funny enough the E-100 we have ingame is entirely incorrect, it is 70% made up by gaijin just to be put into the game.


Did they removed/make them unobtainable for the same reasons they removed the tiger 105, panther 2 and that strange looking SPAA?

there are actually, you have VK70.01 (Lowe) with 10.5cm or 12.8cm, E-75 with similar caliber

edit: you also have Tiger-Maus with 15cm

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no it was from a very rare and hard event called teutonic giants around 2016 only they reward it to 200 players only

IF we’re addding the e-series tanks, the e50, e25 and e10 would be far more interesting imo than e75 which is just tiger 2 but lorge.

Name one

None of which were built in any shape or form. Warthunder is not for blueprint vehicles.

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and yet we have challenger 3…

The only heavy they could add is the E-100 with the planned turret, or just bring the Maus back to the tree. That said none of those would help. They would be far to slow to really influence the matches, at least on bigger maps.

Which was built…? Takes one google search

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tiger 2 with 105