Recently, testing of the new mechanics of fragmentation of APHE shells was added to the DEV server. I made 10 shots in the frontal projection and side projection with “old” and “new” APHE shells. Here are the results I got (vehicle under fire - Tiger E, shell - Pzgr 39; damage to internal modules (ammo) is not taken into account):
Using shells with overpressure mechanic (>200g TNT equivalent) such as Pzgr in this test does not make sense, as it would result in a oneshot in 100% of cases.
yeah keep taking this gajin agenda, its not like british and french shells were nerfe so bad, its not like HESH was destroyed, lets destoy APHE as well
Please go read any number of studies on the topic. Hell, watch one simulation.
As the thread was locked and the individual responded with an incredibly depressing argument, I’m just going to edit this. This is a game. A game marketed at those with a fondness for history. As much as I would love for yanks or ruskis to leg it the moment the 17pdr blew a hole from one end of their tank to the other, that wouldn’t be very engaging for the player.
That argument does not, however, defeat the position that things should be as in line with available documentation. It would be far more fair to everyone involved if rounds were correctly modeled, especially as the ahistoric interpretation only really benefits a few countries whilst harming those that deemed the negligible benefits of APHE not worth the trouble.