Why are you clownmaxxing so hard?
OH boy the p-40’s are some pretty good fighters (especially if you get time into biplane matches in arcade cause yea you can do that)
It’s not. The 4B has a noticeably more powerful engine.
It does not. It has a supercharger set up and even then it is a fairly low altitude supercharger, much like how the Russians have supercharger set ups on their planes but they are not very good at high altitude.
There was one P-63 with a turbocharger (the P-63D), however as far as I know it was just a prototype, and it is not in game.
yep I can confirm that the p-63 has no turbocharger, the p-39 was designed with one originally but it was committed from all production varients and its decendents: p-63, p-400
Well when me and my brother shared an account all he would do was bomb so idk if that would still effect my stats, but I thought I was a pretty decent player. I know i’m not the best, but i’m not bad either. I only play every other week due to school as well.
Anyways how would you suggest I improve my skills in air RB I would also love to get better. I enjoy a turn fight with the F8F so if I could do stuff like that i’ll be happy to try to improve. BnZ is also fun with the early P-51’s and Corsairs are great at energy management and trapping but i’m not the best at that.
Yeah any form of 109 is scary to fight.
I’ll check out the thread but anything not on here you would recommend. I want to get better but it’s hard when I only play every other week.
Imho prop Air RB is no rocket science - it boils down to 2 basic things:
- Situational Awareness
- Decision Making
In other words:
Are you able to “read” a match whilst being aware where all of the enemies are (their relative and absolute positioning vs your aircraft) and to assess their threat level correctly (short and long term view) - and are you able to make informed decisions based on what your plane can do (and what not) and what enemy aircraft can do (and what not).
Both of these issues are based on experience and willingness to learn.
With just a few hours a week it is rather hard to see immediate success - as experience means game time and willingness to learn requires to read a lot and watch some vids.
If i see this:
This looks like a matter of your perception - imho the F8F is a rather bad turnfighter with just 2 advantages in CQC:
- High energy (speed) loss in sharp turns (meaning rather easy to force enemies to overshoot) and
- Pretty good acceleration thx to the very good power to weight.
So in case you are able to get on the six of a rather mediocre enemy and he starts wild evasive manuevers or sharp turns he seals his fate as the F8F loses way more speed and can stay there - and turns well enough to spray him down.
Or this:
My comment was aimed at the fact that US teams tend to collapse completely - this makes it technically seen harder to make US planes work. It gets better depending on server and daytime.
On top of that: The pilot experience and overall quality of your opponents plays a role too. Noobs struggle with op planes whilst vets can make anything work if they are able to use their experience advantage.
If i see this list:
P63A-10 and C5
P40E-1 and F-10
And all P-47 variants
I see some challenges just based on the fact that you will face stiff competition at the same BRs which is better suited to be played in the wt meta (= low to medium alt combat) - especially at higher BRs turnfights are the exception as you play mainly vs way better turning props and you are forced to use speed and positioning as main weapon.
This means nothing more that you need an experience advantage to make the US planes work, but if you have that advantage they are able to fight vs meta planes.
So in order to create some quick wins:
- Play all your aircraft using the same crew slot, this helps extremely to build up crew points which are essential for US props like g-force resistance or stamina. Most of US aircraft have insane high speed agility for 1 or 2 turns (like P-47s) in order to use that you need the crew XP.
- Focus on one plane until you feel able to master it, invest the SL for an expert crew - it helps a lot in set-ups and executing of dogfights.
- Based on what i have seen and read from you i would go back to the P-39 N-0 at 2.7 as it can perform all play styles and has superior speed to create good positions and a very high dive speed in order to escape if you messed things up…
Anyways how would you suggest I improve my skills in air RB I would also love to get better. I enjoy a turn fight with the F8F so if I could do stuff like that i’ll be happy to try to improve. BnZ is also fun with the early P-51’s and Corsairs are great at energy management and trapping but i’m not the best at that.
Imho having fun whilst playing the game is the key to get better.
None of your mentioned aircraft here or on your list is a dedicated turnfighter, as USAAF and USN fighters are usually too heavy. Your mentioned early P-51s excel either by rather good high speed handling (P-51 A) below 4 km or with very good agility thx to low weight (P-51 C) - but the Corsairs have trouble to get guns on targets at very high speed.
Energy traps work only if you are fully aware of what you and your enemy can do at which alt - and if you are able to assess the actual energy state of your enemies correctly. Most US pilots die because they extend way too steep after a BnZ attack.
Imho the best US turnfighter you find is the late P-36 - and to a certain degree the P-39, P-63 A-5 and the F6F-5 whilst they need proper speed and energy management. But the last 3 have very good dive speeds and are great BnZ aircraft - and are usually fast enough to run away if you get outnumbered.
So if you have added some crew points i would recommend to play defensively - meaning climb away from the center, stay out of spotting ranges for markers, analyze the enemy team (players and aircraft) and join the fight at the right point of time.
If you really enjoy turn fighting in US planes: Invest the few bucks in the captured Ki-61 or Ki-43 - insanely good aircraft, i see a hell of very experienced players using the Ki-61 with great success.
My personal favorite in the US TT:
The F6F-5. Even if i ended ~30% of my matches with 0 points as my team got steam rolled (and i landed and j out) - the other 70% were quite nice matches.
Half a year ago i met a few times a very good pilot in an F6F-5 - scoring 3-4 kills in those matches and being a real pain to fight. So i took the plane out and was surprised what you can do with this aircraft if you have some experience. Currently i sit on 56:3 kills in it - and i use it just for daily tasks at rank II.
All you have to do is to get familiar with the best MEC settings (prop pitch, coolers/radiators and altitude for supercharger gear switches) come in with an alt advantage and manage your speed. 2 of my 3 deaths were gunner return fire, so plain stupidity :-)
Have a good one!
I just came out of a match in which a tanker used the event Kingcobra (basically a C-5 with a dark skin) to clap 5 fighters at low alt dogfights, 3 of them were 109s (G-6 and F-4s) which chose the wrong tactics:
Gaijin Entertainment - Single Sign On
Grab a coffee and watch him, very rare to see such things.
Sorry for the late reply (school has been drowning me) but thank you for the advice
This looks like a matter of your perception - imho the F8F is a rather bad turnfighter with just 2 advantages in CQC:
- High energy (speed) loss in sharp turns (meaning rather easy to force enemies to overshoot) and
- Pretty good acceleration thx to the very good power to weight.
I use the 1 good turn that it gets before losing a lot of speed to trap enemy’s into a fight. Then when I know they will kill me in the next turn I bring the fight either up if I can out power them in a stall climb or down if I believe I can make them overshot before my rudder becomes a brick. If neither of those work i’ll do a 20-30 degree dive to get away then climb and try again. This strategy can get me 5 kills but sometimes an enemy will notice and take me into a vertical before i’ve drain there speed in a couple turns.
Play all your aircraft using the same crew slot, this helps extremely to build up crew points which are essential for US props like g-force resistance or stamina. Most of US aircraft have insane high speed agility for 1 or 2 turns (like P-47s) in order to use that you need the crew XP.
Yeah I have 1 or 2 maxed crew slot for aircraft, but I don’t usually buy expert crew. I’ll lol into investing into those when i’m able to play again next week.
None of your mentioned aircraft here or on your list is a dedicated turnfighter, as USAAF and USN fighters are usually too heavy. Your mentioned early P-51s excel either by rather good high speed handling (P-51 A) below 4 km or with very good agility thx to low weight (P-51 C) - but the Corsairs have trouble to get guns on targets at very high speed.
Yeah the only really dedicated turn fighter is the F6F correct?
However I do well with the latest P51 variant if i’m able to entire a dogfight at a high speed.
All you have to do is to get familiar with the best MEC settings (prop pitch, coolers/radiators and altitude for supercharger gear switches) come in with an alt advantage and manage your speed. 2 of my 3 deaths were gunner return fire, so plain stupidity :-)
I wish I could do the MEC but my xbox controller doesn’t have enough bindings to support a viable setup.
If you really enjoy turn fighting in US planes: Invest the few bucks in the captured Ki-61 or Ki-43 - insanely good aircraft, i see a hell of very experienced players using the Ki-61 with great success.
I’ll look into that.
Also thanks for the video i’ll be sure to watch it when i’m not drowning in schoolwork.
Sorry for the late reply (school has been drowning me) but thank you for the advice
Yeah the only really dedicated turn fighter is the F6F correct?
Not really - if you read about USN tactics developed after they found an (almost) intact A6M those tactics were aimed to deny the Zero’s strengths (turn fights) whilst exploiting their weaknesses like lack of speed, dive speed or compression at higher speeds. Most of those tactics were just optimized with the captured A6M as the F4Fs used them earlier.
I wish I could do the MEC but my xbox controller doesn’t have enough bindings to support a viable setup.
This might explain your rather limited fun with the planes on your list - flying in Air RB is centered around mouse and keyboard. An xbox controller is the worst option you can choose as you won’t have the precision of MnK - whilst MnK is inferior (regarding in-flight handling) to the certified Thrustmaster Hotas for xbox.
So as you can connect MnK to your console you increase your difficulty level with just a controller without real benefits…
Have a good one!
certified Thrustmaster Hotas for xbox.
I have this it is fun in sim where I use my controller as extra keybindings so I can use MEC.
So as you can connect MnK to your console you increase your difficulty level with just a controller without real benefits…
I’ll buy a MnK then and start to learn on that. Was thinking about it anyways because doing quick and small adjustments and flicks with the abram’s is hard with the xbox controller.
Also thanks for being so helpful instead of saying skill issue or just get better.
I’ll buy a MnK then and start to learn on that.
Dude - u can use your Hotas in Air RB too.
Just select simplified flight controls (as full real is an overkill for Air RB) and disable the 5 or 6 individual instructor slides - whilst keeping the main instructor slide at “on” - this ensures that the auto-trimm function is active.
If you like turnfights and you are able to create 1 vs 1s - nothing better than a hotas. Have in mind that you will not have the precision in head-ons like mouse aimers, therefore head-ons are not recommended. Strafing run with point & click doesn’t work too.
I have this it is fun in sim where I use my controller as extra keybindings so I can use MEC.
I fly exclusively with the HOTAS in Air RB, controller for minor stuff like MEC, chat, etc and a mouse for looking around. It takes a while to find the best settings and i recommend virtual cockpit mode when attacking.
I would say i have less than 30 head-on kills in total (out of ~16k) - all my kills come either from BnZ or deflection shots in turnfights.
Also thanks for being so helpful instead of saying skill issue or just get better.
NP - That is the purpose of the Academy section.
Dude - u can use your Hotas in Air RB too.
Just select simplified flight controls (as full real is an overkill for Air RB) and disable the 5 or 6 individual instructor slides - whilst keeping the main instructor slide at “on” - this ensures that the auto-trimm function is active.
If you like turnfights and you are able to create 1 vs 1s - nothing better than a hotas. Have in mind that you will not have the precision in head-ons like mouse aimers, therefore head-ons are not recommended. Strafing run with point & click doesn’t work too.
Ok i’ll look into that I didn’t know they were good in RB because i’ve heard people shit talking there effectiveness. I’m glad i’ll be able to use it for another thing.
Is there any advice you would give on how to use the hoyas better in RB, i’m decent with it in sim so hopefully that helps.
Is there any advice you would give on how to use the hoyas better in RB, i’m decent with it in sim so hopefully that helps.
How to use? I mean the main challenge is to benefit from your agility advantage and to find the right balance of your setup.
I mean it makes sense that you try to leverage your advantage whilst playing around the already described weaknesses (no head-ons, no point & click farming).
One major benefit of mouse aim is to use the keyboard to fly whilst you watch your surroundings (primarily the enemy at your six) with your mouse.
You can compensate this to a certain degree by marking your enemy and using / holding the view on enemy button. That’s why it is essential that you either focus on creating pure 1 vs 1 in order to avoid getting third partied - or you finish enemies rather fast with “one pass & kill” strategies, that’s why i prefer cannon armed aircraft.
So i fly for target selection / threat assessment in 3rd person view and switch only to virtual cockpit mode a few seconds before i start shooting as your peripheral view gets limited.
I do not perform head-ons even if (depending on your settings) most props are rather stable at higher speeds as my preferred aircraft can outturn (almost) anything they face - and they are able to outrun Spits or A6Ms.
The main challenge is to find the right settings for your stick (use forum search) to minimize the “wobbling” effect whilst not sacrificing handling, so you have to play with deadzones and input curves.
And finally: I fly just a few aircraft - if i am not happy with their reactions to my generic settings i won’t use them - i am far too lazy to setup individual profiles. That is also the reason why i do not fly meta fighters like the Ki-44s - the plane is way too nervous with my settings.
Have in mind that the stability of an aircraft plays also a major role in case you get damaged - as there is no artificial stabilization without mouse aim.
I use only very stable aircraft and like twin engines - basically all of my most flown planes have good to very good handling & turn, good to very good high alt performance, excellent dive characteristics, air brake and cannons.
The P-47 D-28/30 i fly for US and Italy can turn to a certain degree , are very stable above 400 kmph and excel with BnZ, high alt performance and long range firepower; i explained earlier my reasons why i like to fly the F6F-5.
Have a good one!
Thank you for all your help, I’ll start looking at some settings useing the forums search. Hopefully in the next couple weeks i’ll start to get the hang of using the Flight Stick in RB. Thank you again if I have anymore questions I know who to ask.
Have a great rest of your day!