NDI (Norway, Denmark, Iceland)- Ground Forces Techtree (Updated 197x vehicles)

This Is a suggestion for a Norwegian, Danish and Icelandic Techtree

Discussions of other trees belong in the right topic or the suggestions for those

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Interaction is interaction. It’ll keep your suggestion at the top of the list and keep more people coming in to look at it…

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Thought you might wanna see this : )



Added vehicles

  • M24 Chaffe “Einar tambarskjelve”
    -New and more powerful eigne
    -New 3+1 speed transmission
    -Removed hull mounted machinegun
    -New role as mobile barrage
  • CV9030N Mk.III 7.92
    -This veriosn has a different configuration with a new machinegun on the Protector RWS

Other changes
-Foldered some vehicles
-Added a rank 8 and moved some vehicles over there

Picture of new tree



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While i do like the idea of Norway being added, i don’t see it working out as it’s own tech tree and the most viable option would be sub-tree or some possibly remakingthe Swedish TT into some type of Nordic TT

I’m also imagining people are gonna be finding more time to complain more as major updates are probably gonna be spread thinner if Gaijin have to work on an additional nation which isn’t really gonna be super unique in terms of anything being new but rather just different

I do see a few vehicles that are interesting but a lot of these would function either exactly the same or extremely similiar to other nations version
As a sub-tree or possibly Nordic TT, i do find it more viable as it could greatly help out the current swedish TT which is kinda lacking in some area, especially in the middle Ranks/BRs

Even if we ignore the vehicles itself, I do wonder how it would be queued in matchmaking as if you’re a full squad, chances are you’ll play 2 or 3 nations which can take quite some time to matchmake depending on which ones are chosen and adding someone who will specifically play as NDI would probably lead to longer matchmaking or needing someone to switch nations

Of course this would happen with any nation being added but this queue is essentially gonna people using Leopards 2A5s to fight others that’s also using Leopards 2A5s alongside a 3rd country also using Leopards 2A5s

All that being said, Norwegian voicelines have been added/found in the files so there is a chance more Norwegian vehicles are being added eventually, in what way remains to be seen

(+ German mains are not gonna be happy about another nation beating them in the amount of modern leopards they might get)

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I think exactly the same.

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I’d prefer the Norwegian vehicles go to Sweden, with Denmark getting used to fill gaps in Sweden and Germany. Idk where Iceland would go though.


It is a Nordic country, therefore it goes withing a Nordic tree

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Don’t think they really have anything, their entire defense is just being in NATO as far as i’m aware
So pretty much nothing that they’d add besides patrol boats with either 0 or 1 single cannon


Hey now, it’s a supposed golden opportunity for them ;)


They got ca 5-10 possible patrol vessels wich would be possible to add, and a potential catalina bomber ;)


Miscellaneous changes
K2NO Black Panther M/2 Changed name to K2NO Trophy
K2NO Black Phanter M2 Changed name to K2 Black Panther Kaps
Leopard 2A7NO Changed picture
M109A3GNM changed name to M109A3GNM L/39
M109A3GN changed name to M109A3GNM L/23
M109G changed name to M109G L/20

New vehicles
-Leopard 2A7 - Trial vehicle, added as optionable event vehicle
-Leopard 1A5 DK-1 - further updraged A5DK added to researcable foldered with 1A5DK
-Leopard 1A5DK Mine - added to the rank 6 premium line, minor further modifications such as a mineplow wich could work as additional armour and more
-Hotchkiss H39 - Norwegian spoils of war vehcile added

New picture


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What do you mean by that? Join Sweden? If Sweden joins Norway and Denmark’s Leopard A7, I will say yes and support you. Norway Denmark must all join Sweden


In this suggestion, what i mean is an new techtree

To add a new nation with Norway, Denmark and potentionally the few vessels iceland has to offer, i am at the moment unsure about the Faroese.

It might not be the biggest tree, it might not be tje most “unique” tree but it should have a good enough mix of both.

In the swedish tree, there are still a lot of vehicles yet to be added, and when naval is added, there will be a bunch of new vehicles and content, and if we never will have more than 5 lines in one tree, how should there be enogh space for all these nations in one tree? Cant leave out all the stuff, and only adding the most special is missing out on a lot and wasted potential

Denmark and Norway should be placed in Sweden instead of a new country, which is meaningless


it is far from meaningless if you think about it :)


Id like to see sweden fully turned into a nordic tree, especially since Norway uses so many versions of the 9030 and have a few aircraft and other ground forces to add. Naval maybe im not well versed in their navy.


Though id really like it if gaijin were to implement the sub tree addition someone has suggested essentially meaning you could have multiple full nations in one nation. As we move forward i feel that will be the only way to keep the game going.

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Yes, Norway used and uses many CV90 variants, both IFV’s and for other purposes like mine clearing, trnasport, mortar etc. Also the first export customer of the cv90, and more or less the reason for the 30mm variants.

Norway has quite a bit of each branch, exept helicopters, never had anything other than the bell 412 etc. And if all Norwegian vehicles were to be added to the Swedish tree, considering the current problem where it is not possible to have more than 5 lines per techtree it would be pretty boring, with only a couple vehicles and all the interesting or special ones left out. because even with only the most “famous” vehicles added a whole bunch would be left behind, and that is lost potential.

With Norway and Denmark combined, there is enough vehciles to form a new techtree with Ground, Naval coastal, naval bluewater and Air. We have both modified, self built vehicles and its share of unmodified one like every nation has, but over half of them are modifed or self built.

These Nations strongest point are the Naval part. A lot of the vessels were self built and designed, for both nations. So there it will be a lot of interesting vehicles from all the time periods. There would be a Bluewater too, wich proably would be around 40-50 vehicles and go up to 5.0 in BR.

Subtrees are good, but only if it is separate lines and there is actually included some vehicles, i have to say some subtrees have been very dissapointing when introduced (a lot left out). and at that point, if both Norway, Denmark and eventually a couple vessels from Iceland, the tree should not be named Sweden anymore,

Adding new techtrees, does still add a lot of content. New premiums, events, decals, battlepasses, and you have a choice wether to or not to grind the vehicles (harder if it is in a subtree). in my opinion it would just make it better. and there are quite a few options to choose from, canada, tjekkoslovakia, arab, latin american, korea etc

Only problem i see with a combined DK and Nor TT would be the lack of vehicles and what sub nations could they get to fill them? Id like to see every nation get fully represented but i feel adding a TT with a lot of holes could be more frustrating than fun imo.

I don’t think the amount of vehicles is a problem, it would be around the size of israel, china and italy as we have them now.

As currently, Norway is the country with the most vehicles of these 3 nations, it would proably be the “main country” with Denmark as some sort of major subtree, then the vehicles from Iceland and maybe Faroese if they have any.

I have done research, and i have found a lot of stuff so here is the numbers i have on the trees, havent updated it in a while tough, so it has changed a little bit.

Ground: 111x
Air: 95x
Naval Bluewater: 54x
Naval Coastal 220x
Helicopters: 1-3x
Submarines: 30x more or less

i think it is fully possible to do something about the gaps, there is always a way