I think the best would be to flesh out the Swedish tree - which already got Finland included - to finally form a Scandinavian Tech Tree. I think this could solve this…
If both were added as subtrees, a lot of vehicles, wich also would be unique or different would be left out, if not the tree will in my opinion be quite big. Also naval, the scandinavian countries has a lot of vessels, where most of them are self made etc
The grind would also be intense, while being of the bigger, if not the biggest techtree it would take ages to progress i believe
Fron what i have seen when looking at vehicles, thete is still a lot of Swedish and Finnish vehicles left. Both unmodified and modified. With these added over time the tree should be quite good, even better than it is now. The way rhe tree is now it is one of the better trees in the game
I wouldn’t say that “a lot” of unique vehicles would be left out.
The vast majority of what you consider unique here are such minor modifications that they barely if at all matter for the vehicle performance.
An additional machine gun or a different radio really doesn’t mean much for the game.
Then taking a look at the truly major modifications such as NM-116 and M41DK you’re really left with quite few per tier but just enough to really flesh out one line of vehicles + some SPAA in their appropriate line.
Denmark and Norway are perfect supplementary nations in this regard as nothing much other than novelty (which doesn’t mean much for the VAST majority people) is lost.
And what about unique and iconic vehicles still left out in major trees?
I’d rather see Skywarrior, Vigilante, Dragonfly, etc. than “yet another Spitfire, Starfighter,…” (just looking at US as an example), even if that means getting an even bigger tech tree…
The entire century series I’ll keep forever begging for
Ah yeah, completely forgot about those!
Shame on me…
if you consider air, ground and naval it makes a lot, i guess it can already be seen in some trees
An additional radio o have never ever stated to be unique in this way. and a extra machinegun .30 .50 etc can really make a difference. like if the Vidar did not have the 12.7 placed on top there its survivability would drop a bit, it is a really nice extra to have
A little gap between spaa is surviveable, some of the in game has, even tough an additional spaa would be really nice to have. Truly major modifications, much of the older stuff such as the chevrolet armored cars, ford anti air, acsvg5, nm135, nm142 etc etc there are more than just the NM116 and M41dk :)
if more of the remaining swedish and finnish vehicles is added, there would not be a special need for supplementary as they have quite a lot remaining, both known and nearly forgotten
Could not agree more.
Would love to see more vehicles used by Danish/Iceland/Norway.
But only as part of the Swedish/Finnish tree.
Got to think about the trees in whole as well
Among many other things, space and grind etc
The amount of finnish vehicle are from what i have counted ca 15 vehicles in each branch, and by doing that still left out a lot if vehicles, unique vehicles as well. There are still lita of swedish and finnish vehicles for each branch to be adding
Norway, Denmark and iceland combined gives following
Air: 95+
Ground: 111x
Bluewater: 60-70
Coastal: 200x
Then, adding lets say 15 vehicles from Norway and 15 from Denmark, then one leave out a lot of stuff, unique stuff even
Dont bother say adding the most “interesting” stuff, what is most interesting? Are not a unique or special vehicle interesting? Like the f-86k sabre with norwegian mods such as jato, spermal fire bombs, cf104 with penguin, f5g with penguin, spermal, additional armor, jato and various other modifications to armament hull and cockpit?
Having 30 new vehicles added to each of those trees, that is a lot of stuff, it would increase the grind at quite a degree and the tree would become one of the, if not the biggest tree in-game
Splitting the trees have these pros
-Less intense grind
-More space
-Doesn’t leave out the important vehicles
-Allows purer nations
-Norway, Denmark and iceland are closer together geographically and hostorically
-Dilemmas of wether one nation or another should have the certain vehicle under their flag or not is removed
And many more
The famous spiel.
If one wants to play F-104s there are already multiple options in game.
If one wants to play CV90s there’s already options in game.
If one wants to play Leopard 1/2 then there’s already multiple trees in game that have them, the list goes on.
There’s only a handful of actual domestic vehicles or major modifications that would potentially attract people.
I wouldn’t want to have to wait another few years for an actual interesting tree because a copy/paste product was added in it’s stead.
Interesting vehicles incorporated in trees they belong in best, simple as.
Hello again
As someone that playes all nations and tree in the game, Except helis.
I can only speak for my self.
But i find it boring/uniteresting to play the same/almost identical vehicle for the 3rd-5th time in new nations.
So many of those vehicles that are listed in this post. Are mostly copy past = boring/uniteresting to me.
I’m sure there are many that would like to play more or less identical vehicles multiple times.
So to me the best option is to take those that are unique/usefull(filler vehicles) and add them into Sweden or another already existing tree.
“-Less intense grind” It would be grinding the same vehicles again for 3rd-5th time.
“-Doesn’t leave out the important vehicles” Just take those important/indigenous/unique options and add those to Sweden.
“-Allows purer nations” ? It would be like China. Mostlikely worse. Getting the leftover from other nations with minimum indigenous/unique vehicles.
“-More space” Gaijin could add 5/6/7 line to a tree without to much problems.
So it you only want to play Danish and Norwegian vehicles. Gaijin could(probably wont) reduce the number of unlocked vehicles to get to the next rank. So those that only wanted to play Danish/Icelandic/Norwegian vehicles can do that. Those that want to “Mix” their line up with vehicles from Denmark/Finland/Iceland/Norway/Sweden can the do that.
I tried to compare the planes better and make better placements, br and lines. A few planes has been added (from 95 to 101 planes), everything has been recounted and updated.
New image

Old image

I have changed the layout of the tree, changes some br’s and added two new planes, i am working on improving it further,.
New vehicles
- FW 200 (Denmark)
- SAAB B-17A (Denmark)
New image
Old image
In regards to the Danish Saab 35 Draken, I think you might be a bit confused about them. There are the 3 different variants, the F-35 (Fighter), RF-35 (Recon Fighter) & TF-35 (Trainer Fighter). At the same time, all 3 of them went through an upgrade called WDNS (Weapon Delivery and Navigation System).
What have happened, is I think you might have confused the RF-35 for a F-35 post WDNS, since one of the things that was part of the WDNS upgrade, was a new nose cone that looks very similar to the nose cone that was found on the original RF-35.
At the same time, I would probably say that the best way to implement the Danish Drakens, would be as follows:
- F-35 Draken - Regular tech tree
- F-35 Draken WDNS - Regular tech tree
- TF-35 Draken - Premium
- RF-35 Draken - Event
The aircraft should have the same capabilities in regards to the suspended armaments they could carry, but compared to the F-35, the TF-35 only had 1x 30mm ADEN, and the RF-35 could not carry the AGM-12 Bullpup. It would probably also be possible to add the TF-35 WDNS, and RF-35 WDNS, however it would be alot to have 6 Draken in one tech tree.
Also some stuff in regards to other Danish aircraft:
The T-6 Texan, is an unarmed trainer.
The Fairey Firefly, it is an unarmed target tug.
The PBY-6A Catalina is unarmed, and was mainly used for ice-reconnaissance at Greenland, patient transport, aerial photography and Search and Rescue.
The B-17, was a post war transport conversion, and used as a transport plane.
The Gloster Meteors, would make more sense if they were after each other in the tech tree. At the same time, the NF 11, should probably be BR 7.7, since the NF.13 is ingame in Isreal tech tree with a BR of 7.7. The NF.13 is an tropicalised version of the NF.11.
The F-84, Denmark more specifically used both the F-84E & F-84G variants.
The F-86 (Rank VI, BR 8.7) should probably removed, since from what i know, the only F-86 Denmark operated was the F-86D, which only had the 24x FFAR, and 2x AIM-9B
Denmark operated both the American F-104G and the Canadian licensed version of it called the CF-104.
There is also a couple of aircraft you can add:
Lockheed TF-100F, It is a trainer of the F-100F Super Sabre, the main difference is that it only have 2x 20mm cannons instead of 4x on the regular F-100F
RF-84F, a reconnaissance version of the F-84F. It was armed with 4x 12.7mm, but from what i know, it couldn’t carry any suspended armaments.
Spitfire MA298, it is the only surviving Danish Spitfire fighter that is left. This one is a bit special, and should probably be marked as either an event or premium aircraft.
MA298 started its life as a Mk Vc, however since the Mk V was outdated at that time, it was instead converted to a LF Mk IXc with the Merlin 66 engine and a rounded rudder. In the Danish airforce it was used as a grounded airframe for mechanic training. At some point in the 50s it was rebuilt as a HF Mk IXe, with a Merlin 70 engine and a pointed rudder, and assumed the identity of NH417.
When the RDAF scrapped their Spitfire fleet, there was only one aircraft saved, the one with the number 41-401 which should have been a HF Mk IXe with the the serial number NH417. At some point, the aircraft was restored, and during the restoration, it was discovered that it didn’t have the serial number NH417, instead it had the serial number MA298.
The thing about this aircraft, is that i don’t know if it would be best as its original identity as a LF Mk IXc, or its assumed idendity as a HF Mk IXe.
Last thing, is in regards to the Danish F-16A & B. It is confusing with them to say the least.
Initially, Denmark ordered 46 F-16A, and 12 F-16B, they were delivered as F-16A & F-16B built as Block 1 (& block 5 & 10?). These 58 F-16, were later on upgraded to the F-16A/B Block 10 standard.
Later on, Denmark ordered another batch of 12 F-16 Block 15 (8x F-16A & 4x F-16B).
I found the following table, in regards to how many of each block of F-16A & F-16B Denmark got:
At some point later in time, the remaining fleet of 61 F-16 (A & B) were all upgraded in the MLU program, which got the name Block 20 MLU. This meant that the entire fleet consisted of F-16AM Block 20 MLU & F-16BM Block 20 MLU.
Thanks a lot! My sources for Danish aircrafts are not the best. Planes such as the texan, was listed with armament in several sites so i tought it was an armed trainer xd
I’ll look over this and update the techtree
Ive also, when i discovered some great sources found a number of different upgrades of several planes with details
It will take some time to update it