National Insignia of All Majors and Minors

The Norwegian roundel is RNoAF (Royal Norwegian Air Force) and there are no modern/old verison of it, there are currently no Norwegian planes added yet, a different symbol for ground vehicles is is more correct, for an example the coat of arms, wich each branch has it’s own (air, ground, naval, infantry etc)

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That will greatly assist bigots in deciding to shoot someone who just happens to be flying something of someone they don’t like. Probably not a good idea in today’s political environment. I’d say remove all of the UI indications of nation or origin together unless you look at the vehicle card. At least make the haters go out of their way to hate.

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@Godvana - Thanks for the suggestion. I did consider the Fleur-de-Lis but I came to the conclusion that although it is one of the most important symbols in terms of French culture and history, it has been pretty much irrelevant as an official symbol of France and its military ever since the establishment of the July Monarchy and the Second Republic in the 1830s. As the game is set in the 20th/21st Centuries, I wanted to make sure the identity of the nation wasn’t anacronistic. I get that it’s being used in this picture, but this is in the context of a historical throw-back rather than an official symbol.
The concentric circles, on the other hand, have a huge relevance to the French military. Not only did the French use it first as the air force roundel, the symbol originates from the revolutionary cockade and was was also used on all French tanks for the first half of the 20th Century.

@Zyszhao Thanks for the suggestion! I’ll give it a go if I have some time.

@Po_na_pro_ni - Could do! It’s unique enough, although Gaijin already have a roundel for them in the game, which is why I chose it for my list.

@bbbdddaaa - I think it’ll be alright. The Rising Sun symbol on my list is just the one I copied from the version already in the game and has been since WT first came out.

@super_cacti - Thank you! The evolution of military symbols is a facinating history, but you’re right - it can be pretty much summed up as everyone copying the French or the British (who copied the French)!

@Til_Dovre_Faller - I would agree with you in most circumstances, but the problem is that these WT symbols will be really small on the interface and have to be easily identifiable. As it happens, the Norwegian Air Force has a really distinct, simple and unique roundel and works quite well to identify that nation (even if there are no norwegian aircraft yet, although I think that’s a matter of time). The Norwegian coat of arms (as much as I love it) is not only detailed but, on a smaller scale, might resemble the Finnish lion which I had no alternative to use (since I can’t use concentric circles or swastikas).

@Exocetta - I respectfully disagree with this notion. Certainly there’s no shortage of trolls, but I think there’s an over-estimation as to how many players will actively target other players on account of their vehicle choices. Rather, I find people just use the political environment as a vehicle for their trolling and, in its absence, they would find another way to annoy people. I certainly don’t believe that the actions of a few idiots should define the shape of the game.
On that note, I think that national distinctions are important in a game that divides teams in a battle based on countries. Learning which tanks you can expect to face for each nation is a part of the game, but it becomes much harder when you have no idea if that M4 Sherman that killed you was American, French, Italian, German, Japanese, Soviet, Swedish, British or Israeli.

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Thanks! for Sweden have their three-crown symbol that should be unique enouth even on small size(the version on aircraft roundel will be better), the + could used as symbol of Finland
Russia is too similer to USSR now, could use the hollow star from vehicles on RF millitary parade
And 2-head eagle for WW1 russia if needed(on some naval ships)
UK might be too hard to see in a small size, though the white-red-white symbol on tank might helps
There’s some politial reason for PRoC and PoC icon so i couldnt support this, though the RoC roundel is unique and looks good

lmao in fact China get Sherman earlier than SW or IL, and it’s the only one vehicle avaliable in all 10 nations!

I want a SNAIL insignia (downvote me all you can, idc).

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I can see a snail symbol working as part of a player ‘title’.

Though if there’s any vehicle that deserves it, it’s my TOG II.

For F-16AJ, Ho-Ri and R2Y2s lmao

Here is my suggestion:

ROC (Roundel Ver., it looks better) :

PLA (PLA emblem, instead of Five-stars) :

Russian Federation:


Should consider that they’re used in a very small size and they may hard to recognize

My opinion for RF and Russian Empire

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Finland is also complicated. I just want to provide more options.

Sneyl Republic

I always found it odd that Germany has icons to separate the Third Reich from it’s successor states, but not the Soviet Union from it’s defacto successor state, the Russian Federation.

To that end, why not use the hammer and sickle for Soviet vehicles and the five pointed star for Russian ones?


There is this new symbol which was mentioned further up, but frankly, it is hideous. Like a logo for a railway company.


these star used in many countries, like US, USSR and CN or many non-in game or minor countries so i thought to give russian a “unique” star instead of a common star

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This is just a tip, here the logo of the Norwegian Armored Battalion (Panserbataljonen it’s quite easy (not that many details), and we have it in the game as a decal, only the figure/head without the shield

Here you go, a revised Czechslovakia. Someone else pointed out on Reddit that North Vietnam technically has two vehicles as well so I did that, but then I decided to do South Vietnam and so on and fell into a rabbit hole. So here’s a bunch more symbols even though not all of them qualify in the way I mentioned in the OP.


North Korea’s star is inverted from the USA and the circle is ‘broken’ to keep it distictive. South Korea is self-explanitory, North Vietnam is based on the crest of the N.Vietnam Army, South Vietnam is based on the three lines in their flag, and finally this is a simplified version of the Czech low-visibility roundel.


It’s so hard to design a icon for them……
I thought the DPRK one is similar to what on WW2 US vehicles but failed to think a alternative icon
For north Vietnam i think the gear could be upper and above the star, as a square 1:1 icon will performance well with Chinese, Japanese and Korean words (the rectangle Hungary icon looks pretty bad on my Chinese client)
the Czech icon looks pretty well, anyway

Edit: Well… if considering using the roundel of air force, i suggest change the icon of PRC to the center part of their roundel

It’s a simplification of the the Vietnam People’s Army emblem, minus the wheat wreath since Tartanclad quite reasonably pointed out that would be unrecognizable if scaled down a font insignia.

The gear being underneath the star is core to the design. I suggested this emblem to Tartanclad because every other North Vietnamese symbol I’m aware of is either too complex (the national emblem) or would be unrecognizably generic in monochrome.


Hello. I think this change will not bring much improvement in addition to sacrificing history. Already that many of us are too little cultivated; so … When a simple letter from A to Z ??