MOWAG-Bofors - Shark 8x8 Trinity 40mm SPAA

More SPAAs are long overdue at pretty much all BRs outside of Russia

Now with the VEAK 40 changes, this would fit really well at 9.0 or 9.3 to fit into Sweden’s 9.3 lineup. It’s performance anti-air wise will probably be very close to how the VEAK used to perform, but it has seperate search- and tracking radar, and it has better mobility than USA’s M247.

My opinion is that it shouldn’t go too high in BR since it will probably still use the tracer rounds like the VEAK did, tracers on SPAA plays a HUGE role on wether or not you will be able to hit an air target from kilometers away.


Hey I think you got the two rates mixed up. For sea trinity Rate of elevation is 45 degrees/sec, for Rate of Train it is 85 degrees per second.
I was wondering why the horizontal drive is slower than the vertical one.

Thanks for pointing that out =). I looked it up and the source I used actually stated those stats but later on used the correct ones. I must’ve picked out the wrong ones, doh!

Data corrected. Removed the traverse speeds from the basic stat card and left them only at the armament stat card, no need for duplicates. Also corrected the depression stat from -5, to -10.
Source: Terry J. Gander. The Bofors Gun.



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I just wish 3P was actually implemented correctly in WT. Then there would not be 66%chance of ur rounds doing jack squat

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The Brazilian Navy has used the Swedish anti-aircraft defense system for many years, they tried to use the module for a possible sale to Brazil and it only remained in the prototype

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Suggestion passed to the developers for consideration.