Modern ARH (FOX 3) Missile - History, Performance & Discussion

That’s not true for either

MICAs meet time to target and range data for a few known scenarios, there exists little information to accurately model them at this time. The issue that is plaguing it seems to be a bug that needs fixed.

That’s stretching - if you want the point to be valid stop exaggerating.


1.Aero Project - Missiles - Air-Air - Mica EM/IR - Fiche Technique
2. MBDA MICA EM/ IR [in french]
4. Matra MICA

Its all bullshit but you have the truth, non exagerating truth.
Like seriously 50 to 80km its effective range, its not stretching its what every single french weapon website say or i would really want to know how war thunder made their calculation. There is no information on the testing nor the technical document of it, but there is no more accurate infos on other missiles. We still are in the approximative war thunder adaptation. So either they stick to the known data or they invent us a fox 3 that have fox 3 range, no reason to nerf everything but usa and russia.

I read everywhere that r77 have 80km range like ingame, aim120 depend the version 70 to 180, its matching.

This is a lie, you are still lying. You are saying that other missiles reach their intended range and that is not true. It is not true for the AIM-120, the R-77, or the MICA. The MICA is the most handicapped currently because of a bug that causes it to explode prematurely. Still, in-game it has a maximum range closer to 50km and the effective range of all missiles varies depending on conditions. The realistic launch range for a high percentage kill rate is essentially the same between MICA and AIM-120… in fact, the MICA is better off at those ranges closer than 40km than the other missiles.

You’ve thrown any credibility your argument had out the window by exaggerating the issue and subsequently lying about the in-game performance. Every source you listed was useless.

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Try to hit a bot at 40km and record it, 50km would be a blessing. Why useless? There is no technical document so why not base the ingame missiles on those infos?

Missile travels over 50km before exploding;

Anything else you need?


thats not you, 11k alt and you know there is a bug that make them explode urly now. Thats a lie, see?

6.5km match

Correct, it is a video that @DirectSupport made for his bug report on that very issue. Where is the lie?
Here is the report; Community Bug Reporting System

Since the report has been made, why are you complaining? Do you think they have not been fair in modeling this missile somehow as compared to the peers?

Let’s look at the R-77 who has considerably worse time to target than it should simply because the missile has been tailored towards a 0.9 mach launch engagement. This hampers the missile considerably as they are modeling it as though it has planar style fins instead of grid fins. In short, the missile is modeled as having considerably more drag than it really should for any launches that take place beyond 1.3 mach since it would not be experiencing that wave drag during acceleration.

Beyond this, the missile is hampered because it is modeled as having excessive AoA of the fins to match the maneuvering performance provided by the grid fins… but does not have the reduced maneuvering drag the grid fins would supply.

Let’s look at the R-27 next shall we? It is missing 100 m/s top speed and up to 25% of the maximum range in high altitude scenarios.

What exactly is your point?

Thats exactly my point, the modeling of the mica is much worst than the others; the lack of range is verry annoying, if gaijin think the missile is theoricly to good they can make another version of it without “breaking the balance of the game”. And i didnt know about the r77, but it should be fixed because aim 120 and other american missiles are well modeled. Its a bit unfair.

Also Russia have fakours, France have 0 long range armement.

I just showed you how it isn’t, so how does your point stand?

Life is unfair, what you think is unfair is only a disparity that you think was done intentionally. I assure you, it was not. The data for AMRAAM is far more extensive and thus it is easier to match it to a variety of datapoints that themselves confirm the others.

Russia does not have the Fakours, the Iranian Tomcat is in the US tech tree. Russia has no considerable long range ordnance because the R-27ER underperforms and isn’t very useful in the current meta.

Your point was about speed and manoeverability, not range. Keeping pressure at 50km could give you time to reach the deadly range of the missile. A small chance of hitting is enought to waste 1/6 missile. Not having this option is a disadvantage.

I got your point, ill just play usa until the fix.

I didn’t mention speed and maneuverability except for missiles that underperform in those departments. The MICA is already one of the top missiles in the game performance wise - no other missile will perform better than it under any circumstances that will result in a kill.

is there an active report right now for removing the launch angle restriction?

Dassault Rafale - Variants, Characteristics, Armament and Performance - Machinery of War Discussion / Aircraft - War Thunder — official forum

Another topic where pple well detailed the micas issue if you are interested.

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Another image of the KS-172

I have been involved in the discussions with the French bug reporting team about the MICA since prior to it’s addition. I am very well informed on the issues currently.


Waiting for gaijin to actually give aam3 and pl12 to give more range than the aim120b
waiting for gaijin to add variable drag/drastically reduce static drag of MICA EM and R77
waiting for gaijin to remove the 50km self explode limit of mica

Literally all other arh are artificially nerfed in comparison to aim120b, american bias i call it

don’t we have an official photo of the aim 260 now?

We’ve got a render, and quite frankly, it just looks like an AMRAAM with no center fins:



It almost sounds/looks like all the AIM-260 is is an AMRAAM they shoved a new motor into, since they stated the AIM-260 was going to keep the AMRAAM’s dimensions which both wouldnt surprise me, and would also be tremendously embarrassing and likely just a government scheme to move money to some friends under the guise of “fixing” a problem the US has.

What I DONT understand, is why the US hasnt gone and shoved an AMRAAM-ER (ESSM body) into an F-35 as a stopgap measure for their range issues, the immediate answer ppl would come up with being “it doesnt fit”, which is true for the dedicated AAM station, since the AMRAAM just barely fits with its fins:


But that doesnt cover the fact the other station can carry a Mk84 2000lbs bomb, and thats longer (3.84m vs 3.66m), wider (460mm vs 254mm diameter), and heavier (925kg vs 280kg). And with the AMRAAM’s fins, the thin is 484mm wide fintip to fintip. I have a hard time believing the AMRAAM-ER couldnt fit or be made to fit into the F-35 is they wanted it to.


Considering the AIM-120D-3 is already claimed to be “nearing the threshold of the AIM-260A program”, it seems like the AIM-260 is a pretty low bar to clear, and puts it nowhere near the which makes all the fanfare and secrecy about it seem rather odd.


AIM-260A missile design unveiled by NAVAIR in new rendering - Naval News

what if it got thrust vectoring for flexibility so they removed the front fins and lowered the drag.
and also dual motor separate action rocket motors

I wouldnt be surprised if it got thrust vectoring, but it still seems like a pretty baby-mode improvement over the AMRAAM at this point, and entirely undeserving of all this attention, which i mean, only those involved really know whats going on underneath, but to me it just sounds like its not all that special.