Mikoyan MiG-31M "Blue 057": an Interceptor Like no Other

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The MiG-31M is a major evolution of the MiG-31 design specialized to dominate long-range engagements. Featuring a powerful RP-31M AESA radar and armed with exceptional R-37 ARH missiles, supplemented by R-77s and R-73s, the MiG-31M would be a titan of long-range combat. However, performance would dramatically decrease as range closes. 6 and a half prototypes were produced. This suggestion will specifically be looking at 057 Blue, the final MiG-31M prototype, identifiable by its wingtip ECM pods.



Beginnings: the MiG-25
The story of the MiG-31 begins with the MiG-25 “Foxbat”. During the late 1950s, the US developed the A-12 and B-70 Valkyrie. These Mach 3 aircraft were designed to fly higher and faster than Soviet air defenses could counter, performing reconnaissance or delivering nuclear strikes. The latter was particularly worrisome, and in 1961 Mikoyan-Gurevich was tasked with developing the Ye-155, a Mach 3 interceptor capable of catching these threats, while also doubling as a reconnaissance aircraft. The MiG-25R reconnaissance aircraft would enter service in 1969, followed soon after by the MiG-25P interceptor. By this point, the B-70 Valkyrie had been canceled, making the MiG-25’s primary target the SR-71. Compared to the American aircraft it was designed to intercept, the MiG-25 was rather primitive.
To survive the extreme heating associated with its speed, the MiG-25 utilized an extremely heavy stainless-steel construction. The MiG-25 was powered by a pair of enormously powerful R-15 engines, which had excessive fuel consumption, poor reliability and service life, and poor performance at low altitudes. The Foxbat initially mounted a Smerch radar, though later models featured the Saphir-25, a more powerful version of the MiG-23ML’s Saphir-23. Armament was missiles-only, being 4x R-40s or R-40Ds with later versions also capable of carrying R-60Ms. The MiG-25 was exported to a handful of countries and is still in service with the Syrian Air Force.

Next Generation: the MiG-31
The MiG-31 began development in 1972, though it followed up on previous Ye-155 developments. Initially designated the Ye-155MP, then the MiG-25MP, the aircraft would be redesignated the MiG-31 by 1974 because despite being based on the Mig-25 and sharing a similar design and layout, it was a completely new aircraft with few shared components. Most early Ye-155MP designs were very similar to the MiG-25, though one interesting version featured variable sweep wings and looked essentially like a supersized MiG-23.
The MiG-31 was a complete reimagining of the MiG-25, intended to rectify the former’s many shortcomings. The airframe was largely similar, but it used double the amount of titanium alloys and triple the aluminium alloy, resulting in a lighter and stronger design. The R-15 engines were replaced with D-30s, which had much more consistent performance across altitudes and airspeeds and were (and still are) renowned for their excellent reliability, low maintenance, and relatively high efficiency. The one drawback of the D-30s was their maximum operating speed of only Mach 2.83 compared to Mach 3.2 of the R-15. The MiG-25 had a crew of 1, meaning the pilot had to manage navigation, interception, and weaponry. On top of this, the MiG-25 could only operate where there were enough ground stations for navigation, meaning much of the northern and eastern frontiers of the Soviet Union were still defended by older MiG-23s and Su-15s. The MiG-31 added a navigator/WSO, lowering the workload of the pilot (interestingly, the WSO had duplicate flight controls until the M/BM), as well as an inertial guidance system to allow the aircraft to operate independently. The MiG-31 featured a built-in GSh-6-23 cannon, modernized SPO-15LM RWR (the MiG-25 had the outdated SPO-10), and quadruple APP-50 countermeasure dispensers, features missing on the MiG-25 that made it essentially helpless in a close-range fight. The wings were reinforced and included new leading strakes, which offered surprising maneuverability. While the MiG-31 could still carry R-40Ds and R-60Ms like the MiG-25, it also featured the new R-33 missile, which had over double the range of the R-40D, quadruple that of the original R-40.
Finally, there were the avionics. The original Smerch radar of the MiG-25 had no look-down shoot-down capability, and the Saphir-25 of the MiG-25PD had limited LD-SD in the form of MTI. The Zaslon PESA radar of the MiG-31 had exceptional LD-SD capabilities, allowing the aircraft to engage cruise missiles and low-flying aircraft such as the F-111 and B-1. It was capable of tracking and simultaneously engaging multiple targets and had over double the range of the Saphir-25. Additionally, the MiG-31 introduced the 8TP IRST, improving its capabilities in ECM environments. The MiG-31 also introduced advanced IFF and communication systems, allowing for effective coordination of multiple aircraft across hundreds of kilometers.

Foxhound Into Production
The MiG-31 was approved for production in June 1974, before any prototypes had even been completed. The first such prototype, minus avionics and armament and with refurbished MiG-25RB wings, was produced in mid 1975, taking its first flight in September of that year. The first full prototype took its first flight in May 1976, this aircraft being given the designation MIG-25MP. The first production aircraft followed in May 1977, with the aircraft finally receiving its final designation of MiG-31. Production aircraft had slightly smaller tail surfaces and larger flaps than the original prototypes, based on results from flight testing. This aircraft, along with the second production aircraft, were exclusively used for testing.
Acceptance trials commenced in May 1977. The aircraft itself proved reliable, though the engines required constant modifications. On one occasion, one of the engines exploded mid-flight, knocking out the hydraulic system in the process. Fortunately, the pilot was able to safely land the crippled aircraft. In particular, the Zaslon WCS was found to have exceptional performance, though it had some bugs initially. During firing trials in 1978, the MiG-31/R-33 combination had a 100% success rate against target drones, demonstrating the power of the aircraft’s multi-targeting.
Full-rate production began in early 1979, concurrent with service trials. Service trials once again showed the capabilities of the aircraft, though fatigue cracks were discovered after extended maneuvers of over 5g and the engines and fuel systems continued to be problematic. The aircraft was officially accepted into service in 1980, and over the next few years its powerplant issues were resolved and the aircraft proved highly reliable. 304 were produced, with first mass deliveries in 1982.

The First Upgrade, the Izdeliye 01DZ
The first modification of the MiG-31 was rather minor, not even receiving a new service designation. This was the Izdeliye 01DZ, which simply added a retractable in-flight refueling probe. 45 of this version were produced from 1989 before it was replaced by the first real major modification, the MiG-31B.

Tolkachev’s Bird- the MiG-31M
The development of the MiG-31M is inseparably tied to Adolf Tolkachev. Tolkachev was a high-ranking radar engineer at Phazotron, working directly with the R-33 and Zaslon systems of the MiG-31. He was also a CIA spy since 1979.
Tolkachev proved to be one of the CIA’s most successful spies, delivering thousands of technical documents worth billions of dollars to the CIA over the next years, providing the US with details about essentially every radar missile and airborne radar then in development or service. But his espionage activities could not last forever.
Edward Lee Howard was a CIA spy who in 1983 was fired for supposed drug use. Bitter and resentful, Howard defected to the USSR and brought with him a list of names of CIA agents- among them, Tolkachev. In 1985 Tolkachev was arrested, interrogated, tried for treason, and executed. With critical details of the MiG-31 and R-33 compromised, work began urgently in 1985 on an improved model of the MiG-31 with all new systems and armaments- the MiG-31M

Foxhound Revolution
The primary upgrades of the MiG-31M would be in avionics and armament to replace the MiG-31’s compromised systems. The MiG-31M featured a larger and much more powerful and advanced RP-31M Zaslon-M AESA radar capable of tracking 24 targets and engaging 6. This was augmented by an electro-optical tracking system composed of the 42P IRST and a LRF. While still compatible with the older R-33 SARH missiles, the primary armament of the MiG-31M would be the new R-37 missiles. These were based on the R-37, but featured an ARH 9B-1388 seeker and new motor (also mounted on the R-33S), combined with improved aerodynamics this nearly doubled the effective range of the R-33. Beyond that, the R-37 was aerodynamically unstable, dramatically improving agility. The MiG-31 had been reliant on woefully outdated R-40TDs for mid-range engagements. The MiG-31M would instead have access to the most modern medium-range missile in the Russian arsenal- the R-77. However, the MiG-31M was not intended to be used in close-range engagements so the built-in cannon was removed to save weight.
The MiG-31 was a relatively long-ranged aircraft but even it was swallowed by the vastness of the Russian airspace. The MiG-31M featured increased capacity. All these upgrades and changes increased weight. To account for this the MiG-31M mounted D-30F-6Ms with more powerful afterburners and featured redesigned LERXs to increase performance at low speeds. The redundant WSO controls were removed. The airframe also went through a number of smaller and rather insignificant changes I don’t feel like listing.

Prototypes and Testing
After being used on a static test frame, the first Zaslon-M radar was fitted to MiG-31 503 Blue, recoded 051 Blue first flying 21st of December 1985. The first true MiG-31M prototype (a new-build airframe), 052 Blue, took flight on the 27th December 1986. Production continued slowly, with airframes 053-056 produced between 1987 and 1990. These were all essentially identical to 052 and all were used for evaluation at Akhtubinsk. Trials resulted in the production of 057, the final prototype, with minor changes and the major change of the addition of wingtip jammer pods. 057 was first demonstrated on 13th February 1992 as the production standard for the MiG-31M. However, by this point, the Soviet Union had collapsed, the Cold War ended, and the RuAF simply didn’t have the funds to purchase such an advanced vehicle. Both they and Kazakhstan opted instead for the much more austere MiG-31B upgrade for their MiG-31 fleets. The MiG-31M continued to be offered to a variety of nations through the 90s, but with no success. In the end the MiG-31M was just another promising aircraft killed by the the thawing political climate of the 90s.

Later Upgrades and Modifications
In 1997, the MiG-31M program was revitalized. Now called the MiG-31BM, the aircraft would additionally feature strike capability. The program ended in 1999 due to budget issues. Once again reborn in 2003, the MiG-31BM now featured an even-more improved avionics suite as well as the wings of the MiG-31M, though without strike capabilities or the modified airframe of the earlier upgrade programs. This version also introduced the R-37M, a Mach 6 missile with a 2-stage design that is the fastest and longest-range AAM in service anywhere, only rivalled by the AIM-174, though many similar hypersonic weapons are due to come online soon. It also has access to more advanced versions of the R-77 and R-73 developed since the time of the MiG-31M.The MiG-31BM entered service in 2012, being entirely conversions of existing MiG-31Bs. MiG-31BS’s began retrofitting to MiG-31BM standard in 2014, being designated the MiG-31BSM. The MiG-31BM would see the family’s combat debut in 2022.
The MiG-31 family also contains many unusual prototypes, including the MiG-31F strike/SEAD aircraft, MiG-31I satellite launch aircraft, a MiG-31 used as a testbed for the Buran shuttle, MiG-31 Izdeliye 08 anti-satellite aircraft, and MiG-31K ballistic missile launcher (this variant entered service in 2018).



Please note- specifications for MiG-31M harder to find than for MiG-31. Some data from MiG-31, indicated by †
Length: 21.62m including pitot
Span: 13.66m
Height: 6.55m
Wing Area: 61.6m^2 †
Empty Mass: 21,900kg
Loaded mass: 45,900kg
MTOW: 51,500kg

2x D30F-6M
92.0kN dry (each) †
160.1kN afterburning (each)
320.3kN maximum thrust
Max TWR: 1.49
Internal fuel: 20,000L

Zaslon-M WCS-
24 targets tracked
6 targets engaged
RP-31M Leningrad AESA radar-
Detection range, bomber-sized target: 360km
4x APP-50 countermeasure dispensers-

Flight Performance
Max speed, sea level: 1,500km/h (Mach 1.21) †
Max speed, 17km: 3,000km/h (Mach 2.83)
Max climb rate: 208m/s †
Max g load: 4.5g (safety limit at combat weight)

Under-fuselage hardpoints

4x R-33

The R-33 is a very large, extremely long range SARH missile with a design similar to the AIM-54 Phoenix. It was designed specifically for the MiG-31 which is its only platform. It features initial inertial guidance with a datalink for mid-course upgrades. At approximately 2/3s of the radar’s maximum lock range, the seeker head comes within range and the missile can be given SARH terminal guidance. The seeker only comes online after the autopilot stabilizes the missile, which unfortunately gives the R-33 a very long minimum range of 2.5km. The R-33 was being rapidly replaced by the R-33S while the MiG-31M was being developed but they were still compatible and might work as a low-rank mod or stock missile.

SARH, IOG, CW, datalink, radar-fuze
446kg (at launch), 294kg (at burnout)
47kg warhead
Max speed: Mach 4.5
Max range: 120/40km in front/rear aspect
Min range: 2.5km
Max overload: ~15g (est)
Max target overload: 4g

4x R-33S

The R-33S is an improved model of the R-33 introduced for the MiG-31B. While some sources claim it has ARH, most agree that the R-33S is SARH like its predecessor. The R-33S had overall greatly improved flight performance, far exceeding expectations. It features a longer-burning motor for greater range, a new digital seeker, and larger control surfaces. Interestingly it was designed to with the capability of carrying a nuclear warhead, much like the American AIM-26.
Unfortunately, accurate and detailed information on the R-33S is harder to come by than the basic R-33. Maybe more information will become available now that the US has access to several R-33S’s courtesy of Kazakhstan.

SARH, IOG, CW, datalink, radar-fuze
490kg (at launch), 296kg (at burnout, est)
47kg warhead
Max speed: Mach 4.5
Max range: 160/60km in front/rear aspect
Min range: 2.5km
Max overload: ~25g (est)
Max target overload: 8g

6x R-37

The R-37 is an advanced ARH missile developed for the MiG-31M. It can be carried 3 abreast in two rows for a total of 6 missiles. These missiles were greatly improved over the R-33, with a powerful ARH seeker, improved motor, and aerodynamically unstable design. This last bit is of particular significance. Like on a 4th generation aircraft or many modern IR missiles, the aerodynamical instability of the R-37 gives it incredible maneuverability. Unfortunately, information on the missile is scarce.

ARH, IOG, datalink, radar-fuze
40km seeker range (5m^2 target RCS)
450kg (at launch)
60kg warhead
Max speed: Mach 5
Max range: 200-300km (maximum recorded kill, 308km)
Min range: 1.5km
Max overload: ~40g (est)
Max target overload: 8-12g

Under-wing hardpoints
2x R-33
2x R-33S
2x R-37
4x R-77

4x R-73

The mounting of R-73s is somewhat speculative. They are a standard weapon on the MiG-31BM which uses the same wings as the MiG-31M. However, the MiG-31M was designed as a specialized long-range interceptor and R-73s would not be useful in its role. The M certainly lacked HMD, a feature introduced on the BM. That being said, there is one image (below) of a MiG-31M prototype carrying dummy R-73s. In the end R-73s would be a Gaijin balancing decision.

The MiG-31M in game


The MiG-31M would be a dominant force in top tier BVR. R-37s would be in a class of their own. However, at closer ranges the MiG-31 becomes significantly more limited. Besides speed and climb rate, the flight performance of the MiG-31M is lacking. Poor maneuverability and low countermeasure count would mean that the MiG-31M would struggle to defend against incoming missiles. This ties into why 057 is the standard looked at for this suggestion- it has advanced radar jammers that would be a great help defensively when such systems are modelled. The MiG-31M could potentially fit well at around BR 14.0, where it would dominate BVR but be an easy target at medium or close range. While not the well-rounded air-superiority fighter the Russians need (that’s the Su-30, already teased for this year) it could serve as a great support aircraft in 2026.


  • Unrivaled speed and acceleration
  • Great climb rate
  • Decently maneuverable at high speeds and altitudes
  • Exceptional radar, can lock 6 targets and track 18 more
  • Extremely powerful IRST
  • R-37 has unrivalled blend of speed, range, and agility
  • Up to double number of long-range missiles over previous MiG-31 models
  • R-77s and potentially R-73s


  • Low maneuverability at low speeds and/or altitude
  • No cannon
  • Terrible flight performance compared to top aircraft
  • Only 48 countermeasures, though they are large-calibre
  • No air-to-ground ordinance whatsoever



The MiG-25PD, predecessor of the MiG-31

Models of several early Ye-155MP designs, I think the swing-wing one in the front is really interesting-looking

The first MiG-31 (Ye-155MP at the time) prototype- 831 refers to the product code, 83/1

The first production MiG-31- the 011 refers to batch 1, aircraft 1

Adolf Tolkachev, the unfortunate father of the MiG-31M

051, the half-MiG-31M prototype. Scrapped. 051 refers to Izdeliye 05 (the technical designation for the MiG-31M), aircraft 1.

052, the first true MiG-31 prototype. Crashed.


can’t find images of 054 or 055



The RP-31M is slightly larger diameter (1.4m vs 1.1m) than the preceding RP-31, requiring a redesigned nose section

The 42P IRST is interesting. It is fitted in different ways on different aircraft- in a gondola on 052, a small protrusion on 056, and entirely retractable on 057

The R-33S. While intended for the R-37 the MiG-31M could also carry the less powerful SARH R-33S (or even base R-33) as neccessary

The R-37 was the primary armament of the MiG-31M and a world-beating weapon at the time

RVV-BD, an export model of the R-37M. Externally the two are almost identical. Internally, it features a much upgraded motor and a downgraded seeker. The R-37M didn’t exist at the time of the MiG-31M but high-quality images of the RVV-BD are much more available and it gives a better view of the general shape of the missile

The crowded underbelly of a MiG-31M. 6 R-37s and 4 R-77s was to be the standard load, though other options were possible

While originally designed for the MiG-31M, the R-37 (specifically the upgraded R-37M) has become Russia’s primary ultra-long-range missile, fitted to MiG-31BMs, Su-30SM2s, Su-35s, and Su-57s, and also exported (the RVV-BD model)

One distinctive external feature of the MiG-31M is the tiny rear cockpit windows

057’s distinctive wingtip ECM pods provide 360 degree radar jamming

Fore and rear cockpits



“Mikoyang MiG-31, Interceptor”- Yefim Gordon
“Famous Russian Aircraft: Mikoyang MiG-31”- Yefim Gordon
“Soviet/Russian Aircraft Weapons Since World War Two”- Yefim Gordon
Истребитель-перехватчик МиГ-31 /Авиабаза =KRoN=/
МиГ-31 (изд.01) FoxHound дальний сверхзвуковой перехватчик
Global Aircraft – MiG-31 Foxhound
[2.0] MiG-31 Foxhound
УР «Воздух-воздух» Р-33
Истребитель-перехватчик МиГ-31М. - Российская авиация
R-37 long-range aircraft missile (RVV-BD) | Missilery.info

Other MiG-31 models:


This is nice.

+1, MiG-31 with an AESA/PESA would be fun.

+1, But we need the MiG-25 first.

Absolute beauty +1

Dunno if I agree with that, with the MiG-25 having no cannon, no countermeasures, no PD radar, being less maneuverable but even faster. It’s in a really weird spot being a hyperspecialized high altitude bomber interceptor, compared to the multi-target platform of the MiG-31.

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Maybe it can be a 10.0 squadron vehicle or something.

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Is the R 37 larger than the AIM 54?

Just barely taller and heavier, same diameter and a much smaller wingspan


No pls no squadron vehicle, this needs to be tt. In my opinion squadron vehicle isbthe place for vehicles like the f117 that are special, funny but not meta etc

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solution make it a sqaudron like f117 useless but there

mig 25 would be sqaudron not mig 31

Hmm maybe. Though I think of the MiG-25 is added there should be at least one TT version, just because of its historical significance and how many versions there were.

MiG-25PDS is literally only missing cannon, which is not needed anyway.

PDS has no cannon, Saphir-25 radar with MTI and not PD (essentially Saphir-23 from MiG-23) and no countermeasures, those only being mounted on the PDSL and PDSG prototypes. I was wrong about short-range missiles though, I forgot about the R-60 conversion.

Because the MiG-23MLs radar is sooo weak…

They have, just not in Soviet service, which would not prevent them from receiving CM in-game.

Again… Don’t need a cannon anyway. Only needed by people too stupid to set up proper missile shots.

yes… yes it is. It only has MTI in a dive and below ~1.2km

Again, not on interceptor models. Only bomber and recon.

You don’t need MTI mode and certainly not if they ever correct IRST functionality.

And the US F-15A has ALE-45 CM, but somehow not ALE-58. It also doesn’t really matter as even a single PDS airframe carrying the BVP-50-60 is all that is required for an A/C to have them in-game.

You need to realize, it doesn’t matter if it is not the most hyper-meta dogfighter that rules ARB. It provides a missing capability to the USSR air tree in having significantly more long-range, head-on engagement magazine depth.


For a long-range interceptor highly dependent on its radar missiles it very much is disadvantaged by a lack of PD radar, which again was my original claim. At least at any BR where it won’t simply smoke everything else by pure speed

You need to realize this vehicle would be simply unbalanceable. People already complain about something like the F-104s- now imagine an aircraft 50% faster, less maneuverable, with missiles of excellent range but awful guidance radar and agility, and on top of all that no countermeasures. It’d be simultaneously helpless and uncatchable, useless and outranging everything. Instead there are much more viable and well-rounded vehicles, from the MiG-31 to the Su-15 that won’t be so hyperspecialized as to be game-breaking.

There is no reason to suggest a MiG-25(PDS) would go any higher in BR than the F-4E or MiG-23M(L). Its slower than most of its contemporaries at low altitude.

A larger R-24R/T is not game breaking, nor awful.

Just straight up wrong.

The point of the MiG-25 in-game to essentially be able to carry 2-4 R-24R/Ts (R-40RD/TD). You might have no use for this, but those trying to cull the herd of RB-tourist zombers in ASB certainly do.

I also want the MiG-31, but that will sit at too high of a BR to be useful against F-111A or F-4 spam.