Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-29 Fulcrum - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

The mig29 fm is fine, the problem is the busted f16 fm that ppl here pointed many times while citing sources showing that it’s overperforming by a lot. Yes the viper should still rate better than the mig29 but not like it is rn.

the rate is considered correct its AoA thats incorrect, and in air rb the belief is instructor is too loose which allows it to sustain 12g turns no problem while before it had its initial pull heavily limited so other fighters could have an advantage initially (F-16A still sweeped any plane at low speed even pre FM buff)

just ignore this guy lmao, apparently for him NATO is russian biased cuz they said that the mig29 can compete with western aircraft wvr-wise


MiG-29 series underperforming in sustained turns still

Sustained turn of F-16 and the AoA are both incorrect currently.

ik but i remember reading that it’s not that far from reality, maybe like 0.5 more deg/s would be the correct one

Gaijin has also not modeled properly deep stall and aerodynamic features of aircraft beyond airflow separation and deep stall. There is no such thing as pitch departure in war thunder (yet). These FM’s will not be proper until they further develop their instructor and FM code.

i trust things will get better soon… Maybe in December when they add new toys good changes will come

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oh someone tested STR finally? which models or is it all of them then

Underperforming MiG-29 report

Overperforming F-16A and ADF report (Blocks 10 and 15, I guess also MLU)

tell me

I’m pretty sure Russian mains don’t know what a flying brick really look like

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Sorry, I don’t speak russian. This is the English forum.

write in English

That’s correct, you should write in English.

How oblivious are you two?

How is this not obvious to people?

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A few moments later…

Just cope lol.

Before mocking me, saying that I am talking bullshit and that I should post results eating humble pie, THINK ABOUT WHAT YOU ARE SAYING.
Before you answer, the problem is not being wrong about the SMT/9-13 flight model vs MiG-23MLA, the problem is the way you argue, which doesn’t contribute to the discussion in any way apart from creating a more toxic environment.

The right way you should have approached the issue was saying “You are wrong, let’s test that so we can see which aircraft rates better”.

And for the record, as soon as i’ve finished doing other tests for the MiG-29 and F-16 i’ll look into the MiG-23MLA STR into more detail, and I will certainly bug report after i know by how much it is overperforming and in what situations.


yes, I agree. The FM of the MiG-29 in the game now has significant high drag characteristics, which greatly reduces its turning performance. Now, the MiG-29 (9.13) with its minimum fuel load and no external stores can only obtain a maximum TRT of 20.5 degrees/second when making sustained turns at sea level, which is even lower than the MiG-23MLD@24 °/s TRT (We know that the powerful turning ability of the MiG-23 comes from the fact that it is allowed to place the wings in the “minimum sweep angle” position during combat in the game, but the MiG-29 should still have more power than the MiG-23 Good continuous turning ability, thanks to its aerodynamic design and higher thrust-to-weight ratio), and the MiG 29SMT’s figure is as low as 16°/s TRT.
These numbers are from my actual testing in the game. I fly as accurately as possible. If video evidence is needed, I will provide it.


In addition, I would like to remind everyone: MiG-29 9.12/9.13 does not have AOA restrictions similar to F-16s. The angle-of-attack limiter acts as a damper on MiG-29s by applying resistance to the control stick to prevent the pilot from continuing to pull the stick, but this device can be overridden by pulling the stick harder. This must be taken into account if War Thunder attempts to add AOA limiters to both Viper and Strizi in a Simulation battle. We know that this device is widely found in many jet fighters that use traditional mechanical flight controls, so why is it that only the MiG-29 has it and cannot perform override control?
For the MiG 29SMT, it has a fly-by-wire flight control, so I’m not sure if this feature still exists on it.
If more evidence is needed I will provide it.

The MiG-29 doesn’t have any AoA restriction or limiter in-game. The F-16 also does not have any. This is the issue, as the F-16 is able to exceed the high alpha performance of it’s real life counterpart. The F-16 in real life had such restrictions not to prevent the pilot from exceeding them… but because it physically could not fly beyond those restrictions in real life so there is no sense doing so. In-game it can do >90 degree AoA cartwheels and recover as if it was a whimsical and fun stroll through the park.