Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-29 Fulcrum - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

Then yes, it definitely accelerates at 6G

Somewhere the developer missed something. Because the @MiG_23M was tested at 2000m and a speed of 700km / h at 6G and the plane began to slow down, although it should not have

you said 800km/h not, 700km/h

800 speed does not pull, 700 loses

I will now draw up a schedule for 2000m, based on the data and guidelines

At 700km/h it is mostly keeping its speed constant at 6G, perhaps slightly decelerating as @MiG_23M said

2000m 13000kg. Full AB

Nope, the higher the speed closer the MiG29 is behaving to what it should

Is that sustained Ny?

the point is that it shouldn’t slow down


Yes, but it’s only slightly decelerating, while at lower speed it’s struggling a lot more compared to 6.4 chart

Somewhere there is a mistake, or there is not enough traction. Or is the resistance too high

according to chart 6.4 yes, while according to 6.14 no. (6.4 says it should accelerate over 500kph when pulling 5G, while 6.14 says it can sustain only 4.1G at 500kph

Unless one of the 2 charts is flat out wrong, we are not understanding what the charts are about.
Either 6.14 was made using flaps or something else (which is possible, as at full afterburner the aircraft should pull more than 24 degrees of AoA at 300kph, since if it pulled 24 degrees AoA it would just accelerate to 400kph), or 6.4 was made with a much lower weight

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It is also necessary that these equations are observed
If 1 and 2 are equal to zero then the turn is considered steady

Is the Mig29 currently pulling enough alpha in Air Rb right now, Yes or No?

Are you having trouble understanding what I am saying? If instructor pulled less AoA, we would stay at higher speed, and performance would be closer to the correct one.

And no, it should pull be able to pull more, but as I have already explained a lot of times, more pull means more energy bleed which equals to worse performance in air RB.


@Smin1080p simply explained.

“The devs wished to add that using WTRTI as a test tool is not permitted. These reports are not acceptable, as it could be easily edited and adjusted to any outcome desired.”

Not a single one of Migs reports were accepted. Neither shall we consider any “test” conducted utilizing the above “tool”.

That’s why it would be important to know to what surface the Cx and Cxi values in the charts I posted above refer to, we could calculate tangent force with them and see when it is equal to tangent thrust (thrust * cosAoA)