Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-29 Fulcrum - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

More F-4 lost of AAMs counted as losses from SAM. And it’s small part of this Polish casino advertisement

at least the MiG-25 has a different ratio, about 6 of them were shot down, not 8. At the same time, he himself shot down about 11 aircraft.2 F-15s were also shot down in aerial combat.One exactly the wreckage of the Israeli F-15 is in the museum of the 2nd indirectly US Air Force aircraft.The phantom has negative statistics, not positive as here.About the MiG-21 is also funny


MiG-29 rate test: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bNPqnrilstw
23.1 seconds, 15.58 deg/sec. ~200kt

MiG-29 sustained G at 200kt : 3.2 G

Horizontal component of this G force = Gy = sqrt(G^2-1) = 2.93G

Degree/seconds for a given speed and G force = (180/π) * (Gy*9.81) / (Speed in m/s) .
In our case it would be 16.62 deg sec.

With this deg sec projected sustained turn time at 200kt sea level should be 21.66 seconds.

Removed previous post/calculations as they contained some errors and this test is more accurate than the one posted before

and we also live in a world of pink ponies and green elephants

open the original source, The practical aerodynamics of the MiG-29 is better indicated there

I’m wondering if the German manual is accurate as I’ve heard they reduced performance of the motor to enhance the mean time between failures.

Thanks for laughing, but I’m not going to discuss this crazy picture with you

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why do this if it says lies

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@BBCRF and @SlowHandClap

if you need to discuss a picture, politics or F-15 kill to death ratios go in another thread, write here if you want to discuss something about the MiG29


i was about to say something like that, ty

It’s kinda relevant to the thread though, because even after the MiG-29 was stealth buffed today Russia mains are still crying it’s not enough.

Are you not the guy who claims the MiG-29 would be faster if they increased the mass, with zero proof?

You can’t conduct polite discussion, you’re here to bait and troll and you’ve done a terrific job of derailing the thread. Please leave.


Can’t even try to get an accurate fm for the mig29 without it being russian mains crying. Meanwhile the f16 is a completely ahistorical ufo…

Yes I am, when I am done doing this bug report I’ll answer to you.
Anyway I’m pretty sure I gave you a physical explanation on why that would happen (or at least why the MiG29 wouldn’t be slower). Effective airflow is the airflow at he end of the wing, and, as the air NEEDS to be deflected downwards to produce lift, effective airflow is tilted a bit compared to relative airflow.

Instead of writing this I suggest you spend some time reading this: Lift-induced drag - Wikipedia

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He’s only here to pester you and everyone else, you’re feeding him grade A entertainment by responding.

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Yeah I know, at least if he reads something about aerodynamics he may troll using actual physics lol

You gave me a physical explanation according to your physics, which you yourself admitted was wrong in that thread. Forgive me if I’m not slightly sceptical of other claims you make afterwards. More interesting is how @MiG_23M keeps interjecting into that thread with toddler-level understanding of physics saying how mass doesn’t influence missile top speed at all. I’m sure even you can concede he’s wrong on that point?

I’ll answer you in the other thread later, I won’t answer anymore to any non MiG-29 related post you make here

If you actually believe the trite you’ve been posting, then technically the mig29 FM is wrong and increasing fuel should increase top speed. It doesn’t. Is that not relevant to this thread?
