Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-29 Fulcrum - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

I didn’t understand anything. But you can test it yourself to climb to a height of 15 km and a speed of 2M and see how the missile accelerates

I will do it in the SMT since this is the Mig-29 topic. It’s not going to go Mach 6 I can assure you.

While I do it, I might as well try the R-77s too. (doing it Afghanistan)

You know I really wish you hurry up & get these aircraft the only thing I trust of your opinion is the flight models.


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You guys want to see a Hypersonic Medium Range SARH High-Off Boresight Lock-On After Launch Extended Range Dogfight Missile with HMD Support?? First & only in the world?

@BBCRF I know I was not at the full 15km I got lazy flying around in circles trying to get a missile off. I was Mach 2.02 when I launched the speed did not register in replay.

I like to test in the most real conditions to avoid tamper. So, I found AI, launched and disengaged the track so it would fly straight but it still went for targets. It dropped down on its own toward a target.

Still interesting performance, it reached hypersonic 5.4 in about 7-8 seconds. Pretty sure it would have killed that AI had I left the track.

How is it underperforming again? Look at how fast it zips off. Pretty funny. Flew like 25km in like 10 seconds lol

Raise the target to the same height

alright. Maybe we can get it to Mach 6.

Will do Flanker because that was hard getting up to speed. Even though the SMT has better TTW min fuel. Then again, a Min fuel Flanker is ridiculous thrust regardless if lower TTW.

I like to try to keep everything in game as is no alterations testing.

I can verify there is some replay bug causing the launch speed to differ, but the missile speed is 1:1 it seems.

What I can also say is that according to all data points the R-27ER underperforms in top speed and range. It won’t go mach 6, though. Not from 2 mach launch at least.





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Mig-29SMT got a buff roll rate increased at Mach. It handles much better with fuel. Multiple others confirming as well.

Feels like an actual Mig-29.

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mhmmm that’s interesting, gonna test it rn.

Also the french f16a was the only f16 that got the 9m, i thought the others vipers would get it aswell but they didn’t, probably no r73 for now

Literally doesn’t matter. The only advantage MIG-29/SU-27 had was the Radar missile. Now they are simply garbage planes that have literally 0 advantages, will fall out of the sky when trying to notch or go cold, and only have downsides compared to others.

F-15 was already god tier and with AIM-120 it shits on the trash-29 and trash-27 in literally every metric that matters. So does gripen, and F-16C


Negative ghost rider.

The SMT has a much better radar than the Su-27 & it has more CM


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that would eventually happen, but don’t be sad, now that they don’t have the magic radar missile button the chances of gaijin doing something about these planes is higher, they will be almost forced to do so.

WOW so much better radar, that doesnt even matter because literally ever plane besides SU-27 and J-11 already have great radars.

F-15 240 CM
F-16C 120 CM
Gripen 600

wow smt has 116 such an advantage! over the dogshit su-27 maybe

Just got out from match and it actually feels better then before.

Hopefully they wont be dogshit flying airbrakes anymore. I tried notching in 29SMT today at 5000 meters and lost all my speed in 1 turn. Then said fuck this. Playing F-15C with AIM-120 and shitting on the horrible poor MIGs and SUs now. Maybe gaijin will fix them if they get stomped enough times.

Thank god im not a 1 nation main. I have all nations except Italy and France. I wouldn’t be able to stand playing the horrible russian jets now that they have literally 0 advantages.

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gaijin would never touch them before because of the r27er and absolute bvr dominance, they made the mig29 behave like a mig31 and it was ok for them because winrates were “balanced” although the plane is an absolute fantasy vehicle.

Wait a week or two, maybe a month, they will have to do something about it otherwise there will be no reason to play with Russia as its counterparts have:

more CMs, same bvr capabilities, much better flight models.


I am not mad. I am enjoying destroying the horribly underpowered russian jets right now. Like stomping on ants in the garden.

F-15C is a beast. Along with Gripen.

A voice from the corner appears: “buT muH rusSiaN bIaS” cried the US main, who grinded with F-4S bombing his entire life with 0.1 K/D in F-16C

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Also, much better radars. Su-27 radar is absolutely horrible. Smt radar is great but it’s a Mig-29, so auto lose.

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i don’t have much time to play rn so i won’t be able to quickly research the 15C, at least i have the 16C spaded so i just need to get 1 mod and boom spamraams

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