The Pantsir also shoots at 4 targets at the same time
Same with the F-14. IRL can track 24 and engage 6 simultaneously. It’s not modeled effectively in game.
Is there any proof the N010M can guide 2 SARHs at once, DTT on a mech scan radar is notoriously faulty
i found this some time ago, im not sure how realiable this source is but since we dont have too much info related to the 29smt, maybe you can look and find something nice
(you have to download the pdf )
This MiG-29UPG export version SMT
i mean, at least is something tho lol maybe it can help
I see tracking for 4 targets but this would be for R-77s in TWS not R-27s which need STT lock
The R-27 is capable of STT on two different targets if the fighter’s radar allows
Yes but only PESA/AESA radars can guide multiple SARHs at once at different targets, like the Zaslon radar in the MiG-31 could guide 4 R-33s at 4 different targets at once (BM can do 6 I believe). I also believe the PESA flankers can also 2 R-27ER, but the mech scan N010M shouldn’t be able to
The mechanical antenna is also capable of aiming missiles at different targets
yes but only on paper in practice its incredibly impractical and unreliable since you need to rapidly move the beam and mech scan radars cannot do this fast enough to reliably perform it, an example of mech scan DTT is the APG-70s DTT which could guide 2 sparrows at once but this radar feature was removed in later suites because it was found too impractical and unreliable to for employment of SARHs
You may be right, but even this is not implemented in the game
Not even PESA unless you have 2 T/R modules to generate 2 beams. If only one module, you’d have to change the beam’s direction quite fast, the radar needs to update trackfile and illuminate the target enough time for the missile to guide and correct itself for SAHR.
On the R27R/ER. To receive a full INS correction, it takes 358m/s. Add 4 targets and you’d be getting an update every 1.432 seconds. The information given in distance for correction is limited to ±300m. In 1.432sl seconds a maneuvering target might’ve moved more than that. And the expected place the target will be (what the INS corrections gives in my understanding) at SAHR transition will be vastly more different.
PESA doesnt generate 2 beams to guide multiple missiles it just controls one beam and rapidly moves it between targets I believe changing the frequency for each missile too
Does anyone have data on how much AoA the mig29 and SMT are meant to be able to pull in real life?
Maximum dynamic attainment of the MiG-29 series is ~60 degrees per TsAGI although it’s more likely a bit closer to 55 degrees. In either case, the nose is ~90 degrees in relation to the ground when the AoA is at around 60 degrees if you do it when the aircraft is level during the start of the maneuver.
Maximum sustained AoA is 26-28 degrees.
Anyone know which variant of N019 radar can use R-77 and Kh31?
NO19M on the 9.13s
Btw do you know which radar is used in Belarusian MiG 29BM? In the brochure of MiG 29BM they are saying it has H019 radar which is just N019
I need some information on MiG 29BM’s radar for my suggestion.MiG 29B (Bangladesh)