Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-29 Fulcrum - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

So Cobra is 90 degrees nose attitude, the MiG-29 meets these requirements so it can Cobra. The MiG-29 does this in-game as well. Where is the issue?


This doesnt look super stall to me.


That’s cuz it’s not. J35 does a proper Cobra.

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Lol none of the first were a cobra as they increase altitude lest they lose control and 2:11 they utterly lose control and spins out disapearing.

Notice how all the attempts were done at the EDGE OF OUTTER SPACE.

Please panther, Sweden is awesome but its off topic.

Who said the J35 cannot cobra? I said it simply superstalls to do it and has to do it at 60,000ft for Christ’s sake.

The Mig29 and Su27 do not and can utilize it in actual combat and maintain control. THAT IS supermaneuvrability

super maneuverability is quite subjective anyway

As for the F18, i really think that plane is over hyped. Should fly basically like a mirage 2K, not bad, but not insane level of performances either

Its really not lol. Its pretty simple actually

There is not a single scene that shows Draken Lost control and spinned out in that video,especially in first attempt.

Do you have any indicator that shows these maneuvers done at the edge of space?

2:11 and they zoom out. Probably like “uh oh.”

Indicator? The sky above them starting to turn dark bluish black in broad daylight. You can see the lower atmosphere and border of the firmament for Christ’s sake.

Not even close.

F-18 is actually underrated when it comes to manuvering, saw a couple of videos against F-22 in dogfight training and man that thing can cause serious trouble.

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Training places the F22 in the most difficult odds. Many times the F22 is already tail aspect to the trainee and still has drop tanks.

They do not just place two fighters against each other like WT.

the fact that you call mig29 super maneuverable but not the draken says otherwise.

As for the video, there’s not plane losing control at 2:11, it just slows down and gets to the right of the frame.
EDIT : nvm, got the wrong time stamp

Just out of curiosity, can you list to me the planes you would consider “supermaeuverable” ?

Yes, I’m moving to the F/A-18 thread but I was making a reply already. Let’s move it over there, F/A-18 especially the legacy model will dominate Air RB for a long time once it’s added.

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Doesnt like that but lets accept it that you’re right.

Out of all attempts one resulted with spinning out which means it was more likely to pilot issue rather then plane itself.

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Its not because the Draken actually loses control to Cobra and must be in outer space to safely do it.

Did that footage look like they were in total control of the aircraft?

Please be honest. Cmon boys. Don’t break my heart here.

No, it didn’t look like it lost control at all. It looked perfectly controlled actually. Even MiG-29 manuals tell you it is strictly prohibited, and suggest you don’t do it at low altitude like they’ve done for airshows.

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We found a fanboy!

ok so? More of your brilliant interpretations?

The Mig29 and Su27 still do not need to be in OUTER SPACE to safely do it.

it’s so controllable its actual combat doctrine.

Is dynamic deceleration and actual doctrine for the Draken? HELL NO.

instances of mig or su pilots not being in total control also exist (although it’s usually more related to altitude)

Non the less, the draken does a cobra while not completely stalling, so it’s a form of super maneuverability.

Also, i really don’t like the idea that “super maneuverability” is reduced to this kind of figures, because once you do that, be it in a draken or 29, you end up very slow, so slow in fact, that if you miss your missile, your opponent will dance around you like it’s nothing.

The fact for example, that by this definition a mig29 can be called “super maneuverable” while an eurofighter can’t is quite laughable

Wait till you find out that high alts make such maneuvers more susceptible to complete departure and it’s doing them perfectly well in the video.

The Eurofighter cannot cobra or J-Turn. Why are you mad at me? Be mad at the dudes who made the thing.

Who knows maybe a lot of aircraft can but are limited by the FBW because its not in their combat doctrine anyway.

High thrust to weight & engine-versus-inlet compatibility is a requirement for supermaneuvrability. The F-18 and F-35 lack.

The Mig29 and suck air through the top and produce sufficient thrust at these insane angles of attack. Thats another clue for you people.