Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-29 Fulcrum - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

I’m in a postion that i want to play but at the same time i refuse to, this game is worse than drugs


Empty mass for 9-13 is currently 11,010kg. Are you sure the Belarus manual is saying that is the empty mass? 9-12 empty mass is 10,885kg (125kg less).

pretty clearly states empty mass is 11200kg even says 9-12 weight next to it is 10900kg empty

Can you post the page? In the German manual it clarified what gross weight meant etc.

I can post digitalized PDF version if thats cool its sorta like the digitalized version of the su-27SK manual


If you wouldn’t mind DMing it to me?

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@Giovanex05 @DracoMindC

I’m comparing other manuals to the Russian practical aerodynamics manual.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but it appears that one of these manuals is showing 9G sustained at as low as 850 km/h and the other is showing 900 km/h.

The Russian manual is showing 4G sustained at 500 km/h and the L-18 is 4.5G at the same speed.

The odd part is, the L-18 (MiG-29 version 9-12) is showing higher sustained turn rates at a higher weight loading of 13,000kg. The 9-12 with 1500kg fuel in the practical aerodynamics manual is <13,000 kg I think.

Do y’all recall what you calculated the weight of the aircraft in tests for the practical aerodynamics manual was? I recall it being something like 2100kg of fuel to reach 13,000kg which would put it at ~12,400 for the practical aerodynamics manual vs 13,000 for the L-18 one.

note Mt refers to expended fuel not how much fuel is remaining so take total fuel and subtract 1500

as for the rest just look at the fact one is at 1000m the other is at 0m or sea level

There is also a line for 1km, seems there is still a performance difference. So both are at approximately 13,000kg… It is still reaching 9G at approximate 850 or 860km/h as opposed to 900. It is still doing 4.5G at just past 500km/h… there is a small discrepancy in performance between the two manuals. I should look into some of the other available charts.

then its just bizzare, probably a result of the yugoslav manual not being a translated soviet manual like a lot of warsaw pact manauls are? so theyd have their own testings/graphics

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There was discussion of possible inaccuracies in the Russian practical aerodynamics manual from @BBCRF

Perhaps he wants to look into this as well.

What application do you use to get the weights?

I’m viewing the files or editing it with localhost

No, it is that the fuel weight is 1500 kg, since the manual indicates an empty weight, without fuel, pilot, engine oil, etc.

11500kg here is your curb weight without fuel

The deflection rate of the stabilizer is 38 degrees/s
When the damper is turned on, they range from 27.7 to 12 deg/s
It seems to me that the problem of gaming is precisely this excessive damping
For the MiG-29, these characteristics are not shown in the documents


Max pitch is in ~1.5s (30 / 1.5 = 20) so max pitch rate appears to be 20 deg/s. This is nearly half what it needs to be undamped.

As already stated, pitch rate for elevators should be increased to 38 deg/s undamped and a maximum of 27.7 deg/s with dampener.


Overhead tank for MiG-29SMT 920 L,+4300 l in the fuselage,+2000L Suspended central tank

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will this also affect the 9.13? or just the 9.12?