Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-29 Fulcrum - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

I wish people would stop posting misinformation for players to talk about.

From what Giovannex pointed out multiple times MiG-29 is probably not underperforming.

Other planes are just absurdly overperforming and by a big margin…

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Such as? The MiG-29 specific excess power is not correct and it is evident as the in-game models cannot even complete generic aerobatic maneuvers iaw the aerobatics manual.


What maneuvers can’t it do? Apart from testing i’ve computed how the MiG-29 should perform based on the Cd/Cl, AoA/Cl polars and thrust chart.
With the 29 it’s not like other aircraft where we need to test everything with performance chart, thrust and lift to drag ratio charts tell us everything we need, unless those charts are wrong.

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Maybe the devs think similarly, but basic aerobatic maneuvers are not possible. Try to fly as slow as a MiG-29 in an airshow, perform a similar cobra, make rapid roll rate and pitches without stalling where the real world aircraft commits to the line with ease.

The aircraft does not follow the correct speed reduction in simple loops, it is impossible to maintain the correct loop radius at the speeds shown in the manual.


Wasn’t it that the original 9.12 and 9.13s can’t actually perform a cobra maneuver? Iirc it was the MiG-29M and later variants that can.

No, all MiG-29 variants could “Cobra” in the right conditions. The standard 9-12 variants shown in-game can be seen doing the Cobra here;


What was initially misunderstood is the actual AoA throughout the maneuver. The aircraft’s local angle of attack never really exceeds ~55-60 degrees because the velocity vector of the aircraft at the apex of Cobra (nose 90 degrees vertical from the ground) is actually 30-35 degrees vertical.

Anyhow, while the ability to achieve an arbitrary ~60 degrees in the correct conditions is now possible, the aircrafts performance during the maneuver is not correct. It should rapidly stall, nose lifts due to the pitch overshoot rapidly beyond flow separation (airflow is no longer flowing over the wings). Once this occurs, the tail pushes the nose back down and the aircraft “recovers”. The instability at recovery and lack of smooth transition back into controlled flight causes the in-game model to accelerate too poorly immediately following the maneuver.

Thus, it is impossible to maintain medium to high angles of attack at low speed in-game. The aircraft simply cannot Cobra, recover, and then perform the aerobatic maneuvers seen in the video. The in-game aircraft is not capable of it.


I see.

Yeah but that’s at extremely high AoA regime. With AoA under 27

degrees we know exactly how much lift the MiG-29 should have

and from this other chart how much drag it should have at a given lift.

Considering we also have an installed thrust chart it’s pretty hard to mess the FM up for AoA < 30
degrees (which is the most relevant part).

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It is still incorrect, basic aerobatic maneuvers do not require AoA beyond 27 degrees and yet it fails to maintain correct speed through a basic loop.

There is something wrong with their FM that prevents the aircraft from flying as elegantly as it should whether their charts are correct or not for Cd and Cl.

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can I see the chart with the speeds for this loop?

Use literally any maneuver described in the manual as far as I can tell… LINK



Reading about this vehicle, the MIG-29S might be a cool addition to the game, it has some interesting improvements over the original 9.12 and 9.13. I could see it being added under these planes.

It will probably get added in the future like the P-51C was added late. It’s an important major variant being the first aircraft to fire r-77 but right now it would either be too good if 13.0 or outclassed if 13.3


It’s probably going to behave like a light SMT

These RVV-AE are standard R77s?

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Yeah but without extra 56 countermeasures and a far worse radar and RWR.

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i am very tempted to start grinding the german air tree just because of the mig29g but at the same time i’m afraid that once i get close to it gaijin might troll me and add a proper mig29 with r73s to Russia…

It’s unlikely that Gaijin will make major munition and BR changes to the current non SMT MiG-29s specifically. Unless you want a Eurofighter, grinding Russia will be the better alternative.

They might give us the K together with the F-18, unless they decide to add the naval flanker.