Well yes, but it’s clearly not FBW if the pilot has to make pitch corrections during the roll.
this is for the basic MiG-29
video demonstration of the Bulgarian Air Force MiG-29
Hm… ok… remove the critically big nerf from mig29 and the players calm down
Excellent documentary! Never seen this one before. Thank you it already generate some more leads to looking to.
Did you hear that, he also touches on the complete aerodynamic integral design/configuration of the mig29 which make it one of the most maneuverable fighters in the world. Every portion of the aircraft assisted in its a lift ability just as I have said.
Yet the SMT loses a tremendous amount of lift even under far under 50% internal fuel when the thrust to weight should be well beyond what is needed to remain completely unbothered by upgrades.
Mikoyan would have never wasted the time with series II upgraded and left thrust out if it did. They tackled what the RD-33 needed, the fuel efficiency.
You are also right in the aircraft is extremely easy to fly and remain situationally focused on the fight. Especially if you have a helmet mounted sight and high off boresight capability.
The plane still has problems with engine thrust.As well as an excessive pitch damper
Did you guys notice how R73s ant R27ETs seem to be more susceptible to target friendlies and flare?
Additionally, did you guys notice that they gave the F16C its radar HMD capability? We make think we brought down the efficiency the aircraft (in this case the F16) in reports that alter the FM which is good. But GJ knows exactly how to minimize and offset changes to FM with little buffs not easily identified or a seem like a big deal on paper, but in game have great effects such as the HMD radar compatibility.
I just went jumped into the F-16C and immediately smashed with no warm up. All aim9Ms and sparrows flew true. @Giovanex05 & @DracoMindC . When did they add the radar HMD? What are your thoughts on it?
The HMD radar capability in the F16C helps tremendously now that I can just keep reacquiring targets over and over like the Mig29. Greatly increasing the Sparrow hit probability. Now imagine when they give it back its 19km acm lock range and amraam capability? The F16 has a lot of ways to continue to being buffed.
While the Mig29s are missing a key aspect in their flight performance which is the ability to pull high alpha maneuvers quickly in game to notch incoming radar missiles. Especially in the while performing maneuvers like the split S. The mig29 should be amazing (the best) at rolling over and split S to quickly change direction. It takes an insanely long time to turn the SMT around unless you are ridiculously slow.
The split S should be the Mig29s one of the 29s and Su27s ace in holes for quickly launching IR or active missiles and immediately changing direction as defense against High PRF radars of the west.
Some ppl are saying that the mig29S is coming next patch (those random leaks yk?), i heard that it has better engines and improved controls
That would be cool but it would not solve the problem because these mig29s still exist in game. They cannot be left half done because another variant was added.
Does it have digital flight controls? Because mechanical flight controls have weight and a delay compared to digital, which is immediate in response to pilot input. Which I have to give it to GJ, for good research in the SMT because even though the SMT is upgraded to digital avionics, the flight control remained mechanical and is present even in the Xray model.
Additionally, I really wish GJ would allow us to carry R60Ms. I would greatly appreciate having the choice so I can select a historical loadouts and remain light as possible without dropping pylons. Placing r60Ms on outer pylons.
Yes, the R73s are better dogfight missiles, but they are chunky and not faster off the rail like the smaller R60Ms.
Get a better dealer, man. Whatever you are smoking is laced with something nasty.
Why, what’s wrong with the content of my post? I guess I can turn this around and say you would know, right? What do you smoke? Seems like you been around the block and know a thing or two.
Can you address anything I said that was incorrect in the post you replied to?
Mechanical flight controls have no delay compared to digital controls and electric wiring straight to the hydraulics of flaps and elevators? lol is that what you are trying to say but can’t?
Some mechanical flight controls still use cables and pulleys my guy. You know what a cable and pulley is right?
The radar cuing / JHMCS suite was added in King of Battle. They teased it in the update trailer and showed off the usability in the devstreams.
Thanks, I love it. haven’t even tried it until now playing only the G and SMT. I can’t imagine how vicious it will be when they give the 19km ACM back.
Or when they add those sweet Fox 3s…
I have a piloting techniques (aerobatics manual) for the MiG-29. Should have information showing how the aircraft is supposed to perform in loops, split-S, etc. Would you or someone else like to do testing to see if it indeed is underperforming in those maneuvers?
This seems to be the right chapter / section… on page 44.
The relevant pages for the Split-S conveniently placed into an IMGUR album
Recommend yandex for translation. The data is here for the maneuver;
I’ll leave it up to y’all.
@Ziggy1989 on a side note I’m curious how much of a performance improvement there is carrying R-60M in favor of the R-73. Does the acceleration really mean more than the IRCCM at ranges where that will matter?
Not much other than close range and directly on a opponent’s tail.
Personally, I like the weight and less parasitic drag placing two on the furthest outer wing pylons which were awesome for the G when they had them keeping weight more center.
In combat I enjoy the time to target if you sit right on an opponent’s tail. The R60M zips right to them with less time to react.
Other than that, the R60M is inferior to the R73. But I do not think it hurts the Mig29 in anyway shape or form to have the option and diversity of air-to-air weapons. It also throws off the opponent as he may not what you launched at him.
I have been killed by Migs at times thinking it was an SMT or G and R73 instead the R60M zips right over before I knew it. We get so used to facing the R73 and using it so much, we know its strengths and weaknesses and they become a second nature in defending against without much thought. Throw in a R60M here or there and it makes things interesting.
it’s better like I said, but when it’s the only possible missile that is fired from the top tier Mig29s in close quarters it gets easier to defend against.
It’s the only offensive play in the book of the Top tier Mig29s. Regardless of if it’s the best, it’s the only play.
Been using the Regular R27T1s to change it up in the G and it’s been pretty interesting. I like them a lot.
How does defending the R-60M differ from the R-73?