Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-29 Fulcrum - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

I think I would survive some of ground collisions if I was able to pull more aoa…

It already bleeds speed like crazy at low speed, a few avoided ground collision don’t make up for literally going 350kph after a single turn (it already goes below 550kph after a full 360 starting at 1000kph).

Do you have more information about the whole missing thrust thing, especially about what’s going on with chart 5.4 and 6.14?

It seems strange to me they would just put wrong values in a chart for thrust (and in general why would they put another thrust chart if we already have 3.17).

6.14 also confirms that there must be some afterburner mode with the thrust curve of chart 5.4, as AoA to Cl and Cd is correct for a mass of 13000kg

I will not be able to do bug reporting / testing in the following weeks. I can just read and reply on here occasionally.

Community Bug Reporting System made a quick report on the F-16A… took a lot of time to figure out where the E-M diagrams came form to be sure they can be used…


Looks like they changed the f16 FM



Idk how this will change it’s performance and i can’t test it rn, but still, interesting to say the least.

Reduced stability at high AoA, still no deep stall or departure. Should discuss this in the F-16 thread tho.

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ur right, mb

Hey, guys.
The math plugin for the forums has been activated, so we don’t have to write C_k and can just do C_k, or even break out the funky stuff

\int_\Gamma e^zdz=\int_\Gamma F'(z)dz=F(z_1)-F(z_0), \text{ where } [z_0=(0,0),\ z_1=(\pi,0)]
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The Mig29G is amazing I love the fact we can go back to R60Ms to stay extra nimble. It handles so amazing even with full SMT combat loadout. Best Mig29 hands down. Only lacks the radar of the SMT… but who cares I rather have the FM and weight reduction.

The G is definitely the counter to the F-16 in the ACM aspect.

Finally a really cool feature on the new forum

\int_{0}^{1} e^{x} \, dx = e

Why is my integral so small lol

Also looks like it’s a bit wonky when quoting


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That’s great, finally they decided to fully switch to 9-19R

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What differences are there?

For gameplay purpose better RWR and additional 56 large caliber countermeasures.


İs this footage from dev server or live server?

It also now has correct visual model with L-150 antennas.

Dev server

Well then time to be patient until patch drops.