I read correctly that the maximum roll rate is limited to 90 degrees per second, the maximum allowable overload is 4.5 g. At a lift coefficient of about 0.8 with R 40 rockets, the aircraft warns the pilot of stall warning buffeting ?
The max allowable is “4.5-5”
With exit 11-11.5G
To eject a missile it is 6G.
Maneuvering limitations with large fuel loads are strict. The manual concerns itself with 30-32 ton weights, and the overload plateaus under that.
We can’t say that the MiG 25 is a heavier F-15, but we can say that the MiG 25 was an interesting aircraft.
Hmm idk, I’ve heard that the RP-SA had some weird sort of Look Down ability because of it’s huge raw power, but that’s just something I’ve heard, I can’t really back that up.
MiG 25 vs F-15 and possible F-15 shoot down in this air battle
F/A-18 too btw
It didn’t score a kill on F-15, but if you look into real records MiG-25 took very few losses in Middle East despite huge efforts to destroy them.
Including ambushes by groups of F-15’s on single aircraft.
It was here the MiG-25 set the record speed at around m3.6.
There are no confirmed shootings (however, this does not mean that in the future some of the alleged ones will not be confirmed). However, at least one F-15C was damaged (I don’t know if the damage led to the aircraft being taken out of service).
Bulannikov said on a Russian stream that there are plans to introduce the MiG-25…It is not known which modification has a combat rating, because of the special characteristics of the aircraft, it is likely to be Promotional…
Wait, really? Could you tell (rough) time-frame of this?