Merkava 4 armor is long overdue to be buffed

I’ve lost my hope with waiting to see them fix all the armor for israel. it’s just boring to sit and play this game right now because of the lack of communication with the devs

they still continue to undermine evidence. but will take video footage and use that to fix their most recent top tier CAS, but won’t accept that for anything else, what an absolute joke

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can a moderator please answer to me why gaijin still doesn’t answer to anything that they’ve been shown?


They have answered and its clear as day they just dont want controversial Israel to become something good. Its as simple as that, and thats why ive given up :)

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[quote=“LightningMoon33, post:310, topic:160727”]
They have answered and its clear as day they just dont want controversial Israel to become something good
[/quote] where have they answered recently to anything Israel related? because I can’t find anything from the devs saying anything about the sources they’ve been given other than the fact they said “it would be heavier if it were actually that good” and since then the war thunder community continues to batter them with evidence. yet their biggest priority is making the game pay to win and even going as far to make a new auction site. again, gaijin what a joke and lousy leadership decisions you are making.

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or the best answer yet so far from gaijin. “closed post”… because lack of “manuals” or “official documents” but again like I said gaijin hypocritically used video footage to fix some top tier cas. like its always a losing battle with these thick-skulled developers

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Hi i just found out something that can maybe save us

So gaijin told us that merkava armor cant be that good as the tons of the sources and bug reports claims while having just around the same weight as other tanks like the m3
But what if the official idf tanks museum claims it does?

Idk how gaijin missed that but maybe it could help maybe its just nothing


try and push it to be a source. maybe gaijin will take it. considering the fact, they used just video footage to fix some of the new top tier CAS

I have no idea how to make this bug reports

nobody does anymore bro. everyone has thrown any kind of evidence to show proof that they modeled the Merkava’s wrong. the namer is the most latest joke from gaijin

its simple really, they would focus on the nations that makes them money the most
except that they only really care about adding new ways to monetize and russia tech tree

me when abrams depleted uranium armor

Gaijin you guys should play in the MerkavaMk4!
They set the armor value low just because they never get to ride it themselves.
We are always scared of even 105mm APFSDS!

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All im seeing in this picture, which i know where it was taken from, it says:
“although the armor and engine were upgraded the engineers were able to keep the weight of the merkava mk3”

And thats what gaijin is saying so maybe i misunderstood you.

For starters, can you prove that it isn’t? The tank is highly classified.

Secondly, even if it isn’t, Gaijin stated that the top-tier tank values are based on balance, not realism. If this is to be taken seriously, wouldn’t it be more enjoyable if tanks other than the Leopard and T-80BVM had a chance to shine?

The armor is SLERA. It should withstand a hit and act similarly to Russian ERA.

It’s thicker and more advanced than Russian tanks. It has a greater angle at the front too.

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Gaijin saying that merkava cant be that good as the sources claims(on par with 2a7 and even better) with this weight
But this site saying it does have upgraded protection while having the same weight as previous variants probably israel engineers found a new armor tech so this debunk gaijin exuse to merkava being cardboard

I want the Merkava to be as good as other top tier as much as you, but you make yourself sound like a child. All you are saying is speculation.

Why is that?
If the armor should be good with this weight gaijin doesnt have an exuse to keep merkava bad

But they do have an excuse. Minor nation do not generate as much money as major nations. As a result, buffing minor nations will make players play those nations, but without buying prems, or buying less because the grind is not as hard/long.

Because of this loop, they will never fix Israel, its just not efficient or contributing to their business model. I mean look at france, poor thing has only JUST started getting buffed, with the leos, the Rafale, and some SPAAs, even though it has been in the game for SUCH A LONG TIME.

well said, but it still doesn’t change the fact that they need to drastically revamp the Israel TT and put some work into it. from what im gathering in this next major update, we are getting more top tier CAS and Israel still doesn’t have any top tier SPAA and still have nonexistent armor for everything