Would have been pretty nice BP if not for torpedo task
Yeah, it’s not as tough on second look.
why did you put a modern American weapon or that it is clearly the SCAR-L with an Acog and a grenade launcher? and I didn’t say that it’s the MK16, it’s just the name that the Americans give to the sacr-l, so what is the name of this weapon, I’m listening to you dear dev and developer
Better safe than sorry with copyright
You have the name of the decoration straight under the picture.
It’s Modern Assault rifle.
That text is not displaying for you? Can you screenshot that part of post please?
Destroy a specified number player vehicles using a Bluewater ship torpedo
Great, luck based task
Does the “qui ose gagne” decal is free ??
It’s not a free prize.
You can check the list here: Battle Pass: Season XIV, "Airborne General" - War Thunder Wiki
noooo :(
Looks pretty good, however, I would like to see wagers and orders dropped and replaced by more camos, decals, and decorations please
“Receive a specified number of mission points where vehicles of the current season of the Battle Pass were used”
Why is this always a timed challenge?
Makes no sense to force us to get to lvl38 before we can do it, and also timegate it on top of that.
It’s a pretty easy task imo, Just don’t think of it as something you must complete immediately an instead just play normally, A Japanese warship with Type 93 torpedoes will be the easiest ship to use for such a task like the Japanese destroyer Shimakaze or Yūdachi especially if done in AB NF or any ship with a fast torpedo used in cqc with unmodded torpedoes like the soviet 21", Italian 21" or french 21" or for the second fastest torpedo the 53-65 found on the Project 56K.
You can’t really get rid of me, War Thunder !
Interesting, War Thunder as a brand need to buy the names of tanks f.e from GDLS to use M1 Abrams or it’s free license ? @Stona_WT
First off Good day, Question will the airdropped fueltanks be a universal decoration for any ships say an ocean going frigate found in the coastal TT or exclusively only warships considered bluewater TT by the devs, If the former yay I can finally jokingly make a trampsteamer with cargo on its decks with the Isles class Naval Trawler HMT Liscomb T-285 if the latter than lame as blocking decorations due to the TT names are silly especially when many of the vessels are truly bluewater but also large enough to carry such decorations.
Question with the French Destroyer Le Triomphant will the HA 4" HAA come equipped with HE-VT ammunition? If so it’ll make that ship incredibly useful vs 90% of the other french ships.
The automatic acquisition of unlocked items does sounds nice but could it not just be automatically sent to a players inventory as soon as you unlock an item bypassing the slightly annoying pop up congratulating what you’ve unlocked ntm not having to wait until the seasons end?
Lastly I hope the devs don’t listen to those complaining about specific naval tasks on the main site complaining they’re not forced when non of them are & since they may easily skip a task instead.
boring BP, but vehicles are cool and fits what a bp vehicle should be. If only it reverted back to 4 vehicles, with 1 at rank 14 that you immediately get with buying the upgraded BP making it worth it…
Yes, it’s for both - coastal and blue water.
I like it, good “spread” of reward vehicles, all premium(have we had that before) and mid tiers so almost any player can make use of them, nothing too high or too low in BR I guess you could say. Looks to be one of the better offerings for a BP in a while, or so it seems to me I should say. Being retired now(yeah, that means I am old . . lol) I have the time & as a longtime player, I have more vehicles than I can play really anyway. But that just means I don’t “grind” for new vehicles too much anymore and doing the BP is my primary goal anymore, I enjoy it. Shorter, simpler tasks . . . so you still feel like you’re getting stuff done, but not overwhelming like an event or the like. Like I got the Frank Knox outta the WB Shop this round, first time there was something in there that I didn’t already have since the SU-85 . . . some years back . . . lol. I like the way this one is shaping up and look forward to starting another one . . . I’ll just make it to lvl 150 tonight with the Daily Log In points and get the title . . . yay . . . 1 day of rest (all I need!)
If it matters, regarding upcoming Battle pass, noticed these labeled as barrel. Its a normally called a “Fuel Blivet” or “bladder” by those who work with them or have either Air dropped or Sling Load under Heli. I guess in the scheme of things, not that a big deal but for those of us trained in that job, notable. The NSN refers to them as Drums, NO one calls them that either.
In some of the work I have done over the years, stuff like this was commonly referred to as a . . . bladder