McDonnell Douglas F/A-18C Hornet: Continuing a Proud Tradition

12.3 minimum with 10 amraams is possibly the worst thing i’ve ever read

like 13.7 with that load


Yes, but maybe a later block variant with the EPE 404 engines. The Finnish one just passed for consideration in the spec sheet was a late block variant with these engines. Would be a nice bump from the A model if it gets added before the C.

Edit: Just saw it had both engine specs listed in this post, so I guess my comment is more aimed to the developers when it eventually gets considered. C model with better engines than the A makes the most sense if the A is already being developed for the game.

Just noticed that the F/A-18A suggestion was passed to developers, so I decided to remove early F/A-18C/D exclusive stuffs.


It was? Can you link the article?

Yes, I’d guess at least 13.7, probably not in the first AMRAAM wave but with later 4th gens (Typhoons, Gripens) with less AMRAAMs (4-6) but access to IRIS-Ts and other advanced IR missiles



The time has come Gaijin! Make our dream come true! you are adding aim-120s to the game also engine and radar of f/a-18 is already in game. Do it.

Too early. It’d be OP.
Patience, I too want the jet, but it needs to be added when it’s fair.

The engine isn’t. The F/A-18s use the F404-GE-400 and F404-GE-402.
The F404-100 is exclusive to the F-20 (with the afterburner can attached, a few planes used the 404-100D, which lacks the afterburner can)

+1 very hyped for this jet coming soon

We have an option to give it AIM-7 first, and upgrade it to AIM-120 later. Maybe it would be a good chance to introduce AIM-7P.


If AIM-120s are already in the game there is no point in adding one without AIM-120s. You guys easily could’ve added one with AIM-7s quite a while ago but that ship has pretty much so sailed. Any aircraft that is placed at top tier will pretty much so need FOX-3s. Only way you could add it with only AIM-7s is honestly at a BR where it doesn’t face FOX-3s either at all or not that often.

Also what do you think the ETA is for the F/A-18 Hornet?

I don’t know, but I think it could be released at any time.

Hopefully not, adding the C before the A is just silly.

At this point in the game not really tbh. Unless they truly wanted to add a F/A-18 with just some Sparrows


+1, the F-18C is an obvious addition in the near future. Would however really like to see the F-18A as well precede it, maybe lacking some of the upgrades the C has like the APG-73 radar and the BOL countermeasures.


and still hasn’t appear today in december…

Smin denied it and the Su 30 earlier, so it won’t be coming this update sadly


Since we’re entering the age of ESA radar, I’ve just updated the post a bit.