it could be much more detailed
it must even give target type… but looks like NCTR is too hard for gaijin
isnt a lot of it classified or something? kinda makes sense
i think theres still enough information.
If we are talking about radar display then we should absolutely be able to.
If DCS can, war thunder can.
To add on though, this is a lot deeper than just Strike Eagle MFD.
The overall implementation and functions of War Thunders radar can be much more deeper and detailed.
Not deeper and detailed as in people who want to have a more laid back experience need to do a lot more in order to utilize the radar, but deeper and detailed as in there should be way more info and feedback provided to the pilot.
There should be many more simple yet meaningful features such as proper target designation while in tws, so that it is possible to mark targets as possible in real life and shown in the screenshot I provided!
I won’t stay off topic but I hope it is possible to make a suggestion regarding this as an actual game feature soon.
this part of discussion about NCTR
but yeah, it presented in DCS
Can you be able to provide more info on the APG 63/70 if you have them.
What exactly are you seeking to achieve?
Just interested to read or get something fixed in game?
hopefully get a bit more range on the F-15’s radar :)
160nmi is insane
Also found a line on page 45 saying the F-16 had 80nmi range
Update on F-15E GBU-15 employment speed
got “accepted”
Yea. Same like the BOL pods on the F-15C and F-15A got accepted.
Pretty sure that is for ground mapping only. But there a re multiple sources that show it has at least 100 NM
Looks like LJDAM to me on the Mid LCFT station.
Also in case they ever try to say there can’t be mixed A2A and A2G loads on L/R CFT.
Working on a bug report for this right now, make sure you guys have voted for the various bug reports linked under the thread.
Feel free to link any more and I will post them there as well.
Will work on export variants soon for those interested!
And how does American differ from Israeli in the game? As far as I know, the radar should be worse.
Idk man. Rn the israeli one is better. Having slightly lower drag and 360 cm