it should be BOL compatible though, so we could see that ingame at least.
By the way, I noticed that visually, the American F-15E engines are not similar to the F-15I engines. They look one-on-one like the F-15C, not the PW-229. Have the developers changed the engines, but not the aircraft model? And yet, for some reason, the radar in the card is 120 kilometers, but in fact it mistakes 94 or something like that. So many mistakes…
Nice find!
F-15C and F-15E radar is not properly implemented ingame.
Missing a ton of stuff.
Most notably High PRF TWS, or in war thunder, TWS HDN.
USAF doesn’t mount turkey feathers on their F100 engines. This is why they look different
Quick Lol
Toggle it to Headon pulse doppler mode. All aspect and TWS processing decrease range. Also lock range should be less than detection range
Oof I feel like I just spread misinformation.
Are we not supposed to have TWS HDN as well?
Ok, thank you, i just really didn’t know.
it must, probably theres report for quite long time, since F-15C also must have it
look who got a big buff. When could we expect the F-15 to get HPRF and 185 km range??
thats for eurofighter
probably AN/APG-63 will underperform for even more time…
The radar is still significantly underperforming in both absolute detection range and absolute lock range.
We have specific ranges for both against the T-33 (AKA F-80) in look down and look up scenarios.
The radar in-game is a fraction of what it should be.
right on!
I hope we could see the AIM-7MH and the P in the game, maybe when the hornet comes
Looks like gaijin with their attemps to “fix” F-15E ruined all of supersonic millitary thrust perfomance
currently, it missing like 0.1 mach on 50K feet, 35K feet, 0.03 mach on 15K feet. And it performs as it should on 5-10K feet
Wouldnt be suprised, if same would be for AB thrust modes
made bug report for F-15E among other aircraft to get LJDAM
Just researched planes to be able to test drive F15E and to my suprise did not expect 14.0 plane to have an old type of radar. All 14.0 's in game have the AESA radars but somehow someone decided lets give F15E a range of around 60km with it’s radar. What is the point of 14.0 plane with radar that can track targets at the same distance as the F20’s radar … Many planes in game have weaponry of whitch they did not have at the beggining yet most of NATO planes have their basic capabilities. Come on Gaijin ;/
Typhoon doesn’t. The F-15E and the Eurofighter share this in common, as they have insane engine and climb performance compared to their contemporaries.
… what? You using your radar right man? You know how to use TWS, HDN, and PD modes right? You also know how to extend the range of your radar display right? You can track someone at the corner of a map if they’re flying towards you.