Major Update “Storm Warning” — DEV Server Changelog (10.12.2024)

NOTHING is added instead of something else.
So your post is really just complaining that more than USA is getting cool vehicles.

Simulator battles has IFF, so that’s not an excuse.

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India operated F.3Rs with 8, some F.3Rs were tested with 8 but never entered service with 8.

Anything other than mentioned above is a mockup or a “what we can do for you if you buy it and customize” thing

The bug reporting manager is correct

Rafale M Bourget airshow 2011

Again, mockup/showing what can be upgraded

No French Rafales used 8 missiles in service until the F.4.1

Just because you can strap a Magic I to a biplane doesn’t mean it can work

Sure, keep saying that. We know that isn’t the case.

These are not mockups and we have multiple photos of pre F.4 models carrying 8 missiles

Will it be possible to remove camonet from Hungarian Pzh2000?

So Gripen stopped Tornado F3 Late from being added?
Sherman II stopped Cromwell?
The list goes on for hundreds of vehicles.

Only the F3.R was tested with 8 missiles, that’s the only Pre-F.4.1 French rafale capable of firing those missiles.

Believe me I want more than 6 missiles but it simply will not happen unless someone can pull out documentation of it that nobody else has ever found.

Maybe in the age with missile this is valid, i don’t play above 10.3 too much. But for the b-29 and the early jet bombers, why or how on earth would you “accidentally” shoot one down. Learn to hold your fire, just like Pe 8’s should learn to not bomb a hotly contested area. Both severally cripple a teams chance to win and in both I think you should be kicked, yet one offense are you kicked. It’s not an easy mistake to accidentally shoot down an allied plane.

No new top tier MBTs in a year now. Not counting the Leopard 2s that were just put in a different tree, with the most major change being a .50 cal. It’s time for tanks, now. Give me new MBTs. No fixes for existent top tier MBTs either.


This is the bigger issue imo.

Slapping new MBTs into some trees is just going to widen the power gap at top tier already and not all even have MBTs too add.

What would be a better use of their time is fixing the existing MBTs and then decompressing top tier. Once that is done, then look at new MBTs. I also think their focus on IFVs and hopefully soon new SPAAs is also a fairly high priority.


SEPv3 overdue now tbh.


ok, then decompress and leave those at their very end at the current top BR, then proceed with adding more.

first, all valid and accurate bug reports should be implemented

Doesn’t the VBCI use M919A2? Devserver only has PMB 090. At least per the suggestion, I’m not too familiar with French autocannons. Also doesn’t have spall liners yet.

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the Bri’ish typhoon’s radar keeps, well, deleting itself on my end, rendering the 120’s inoperable. It attempts to lock before jumbling up and ceasing functionality, even the IRST is inoperable after this

Hi, there were some fixes with the hud on planes, vehicles and some fixes to game mechanics but is there anything related to graphics?
Are there any planned improvements for DX12 or fixing the blurry antialiasing?

Emil to rank 2 at BR4 is absolutely unnecessary. You have killed so many German vehicles in Rank 2 uselessness.
I think it’s because you don’t want people using it for rank 3 steppe spider and similar higher BR challenges.

Puma at 3.7 should be rank 3 like every other nation, allowing Germany a much needed light tank for rank 3 tasks.

All you are doing by making Rank 3 BR 4 without light/medium/heavy tanks, is forcing German noobs up to BR5-6 where they get clapped in their single Tiger/Panther, stuck in CQC maps most of the time where they cannot use their range/armour at appropriate range. They also don’t learn anything on these dumbed down maps and have gotten worse over the years than ever before.

There are 2? Ground vehicles under BR7 range in this entire update and the Emil goes to the giant, ever growing area of rank 2. What a poor update for WW2 players, you know, 70% of the playerbase…


will the US ever get wheeled vic’s like the Cadillac Gage v150, v200 or CC Lav 300[V300],Lav600[V600] Or General Dynamics Land Systems Lav-25-A1-A3,Lav-AT,Lav-AG and GDLS m1196 Stryker Dragoon m1134 ATGM.


I can confirm when I came back from my big break and got annoyed at ARB so wanted tanks, I ran into this very issue. “I want to do BP.” “No you cannot.” “Why.” “Rank 3.” Cue jumping into BR 5-6 battles with barely any experience with my vehicles.

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