Major Update “Seek & Destroy” — DEV Server Changelog (11.06.2024)

Darker but not black

I predict belgian F-16AM Block 15 MLU from france tech tree maybe M5 or M6.1 tape. and enable equipped JHMCS & mounted AIM-9X like F-16C/D Block 50/52 and F-16C/D Block 50/52 Plus

But ROCAF F-16A Block 20 MLU never equipped JHMCS and never armed AIM-9X sidewinder until upgraded to F-16 Block 70/72 standard

Probably chose that darker grey because it looks better with the rest of the livery.

A somewhat related question; is the anniversary skin the 40th or 50th? Cause the 40th is available for the f-4f late, and, funnily, the skin for that aircraft has the nose cone of an ICE. They would literally look identical, unless it’s, (preferably) of course, the 50th.

That is the 40th anniversary

Hi, I’m not sure if this is the right place to post this suggestion for the names of two aircraft to be changed.

However I would like to suggest the “Sea Harrier FA 2” be changed to “Sea Harrier FA.2” in order to follow RAF/RN nomenclature.

I would also like to suggest the “Tornado F.3 Late” be changed to “Tornado F.3 AOP” (AMRAAM Optimisation Programme). Panavia Tornado ADV

The plane has a specific name and I would prefer to see it used rather than a vague term like “Late”, I feel the same way about all vehicles in the game with late and early in their name.

I think the misnaming of British vehicles has a lot to do with sources of information coming from other English speaking countries like USA who muddy the waters. Example, a google search will show a lot of results for “Sea Harrier FA2” (probably from American articles that don’t follow the correct sources, or from non-Americans who take their word that it’s correct) and some will show “Sea Harrier FA.2”, which follows British aviation nomenclature.


I do personally prefer FA.2 for consistency. But it seems the MOD gave up on consistency themselves a while ago so what’s in game arguably isn’t wrong…

I agree with that. The only benefit to the “Late” name is that Gaijin can give it AIM-120C-5s, without having to worry about renaming it to the FSP.


The whole gimmick of the Ja-37D was the capability of it carrying ARHs. While the aim 9-L’s are nice, its essentially a copy paste plane without the ARHs.

Except it has BOL pods, a new cockpit [whether its in-game yet or not], and of course the weapons.
With ARHs the Viggen D is a worse Gripen A at the same BR.

BOL Pods and Aim-9L’s are compatible with JA-37C.

Main difference between C and D model are uptaded cockpit and ARH capabilities.

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It says my accounts needs access to DEV, what does this mean

Devserver closed yesterday.

Viggen D without RB99 is like F-14 without Phoenixes. Current state of JA37D kills the whole purpose of the upgrade. Now if they were to add JA37Di with RB99 and RB74(M) or AIM-9Li thats a different story…


guys, does f8b plus USA have aim-120?

On the dev it had the exact same loadouts as the italian AV-8B+. So 2x AIM-120.

You could try installing the CDK from the wiki and then open the model viewer. Might be able to find the models there. I’d love to see 'em if you do try it out, and if you succeed in finding them.

No, a Viggen D without RB99 is like an F-14 without AIM-9Ms, it’s fine.

The F-14 is well known for the Pheonix, not the AIM9M

Dude, the whole point of the Viggen D was to make it compatible with AIM-120s


British aircraft have some of the worst naming inconsistency in WT, it’s so depressing. They’re not even complex either…

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