Major Update “Dance of Dragons” — DEV Server Changelog (30.08.2024)

It had it’s visual model changed to have the same countermeasure pods(?)/launchers as the F-111C, they just haven’t changed the numbers (yet).

It very much can carry the GCS-2 though


Basically a domestic Japanese GPS/Laser guided 2000lb glide bomb, could be added alongside GCS-1 IR guidance kits for Mk-82 500lb and JM117 750lb bombs



Interesting the premium av8 is advertised has having
10 jdams [Shop] [Development] Pre-order: AV-8B Night Attack - News - War Thunder

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The premium av8 has 10 jdams


Will the Q5-L and JH7-A receive the LS-6 500/250?
Both can mount them IRL.

The Q5-L can mount the 250 on every pylon capable of counting the regular 250, and it would seem by that same logic a mixture of the LS-6 500 on heavy wing pylons, and LS-6 250 under the belly on their respective pylons.

The JH7-A’s mountings follow the same logic.


Do they not require a specific pylon to set the target?

The target info should be given via datalink through the plane’s navigation system. In T.O.O target of opportunity mode, the TGP will synch with the satellite/nav system to create a waypoint for the bomb.

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Heres hoping that stays that way, devblogs are notorious for not having current or correct info, eg the F-111F and C devblog.

Same would be Great if stona could say something about it but Nothing so far

They’ve already answered this question in the appropriate threads

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Very nice
So just to be clear that’s also including the av8b+
Which is literally just one step above(almost Sure) in the evolution Tree with the only change being the new Radar and missiles

Nice, although would be nice for dev server related content to be discussed in the dev server forum.

will there be new dev server before the next update?

Never know until it happens. If they server was a success and they have a schedule they have set it could just be released by next week. If not it could be another dev and update a week or 2 or more from now.

The AV8 devblog stated that it was only a limited time left for the pre-order of the pack. So a update release early next week is my guess.

got my r77 thrower still cant see how those are supposed to be the worst
yes they cant bvr aim120 or aim54 but at combat ranges they are good and can hit things aim120 wont

Ship towing has now been made contextual. We have removed the towing on/off button from the action bar and made it work automatically. If a player runs aground, the request to tow them is now turned on automatically. A corresponding icon appears above the player’s ship, which is visible to nearby allies. If an ally gets close enough to the stranded ship, they will be asked to help get it off the ground by hooking the towing rope. After that, the towing player will be able to unhook it using the same button at any time

No no no no.
Tell us if you want to ruin your game faster ?
Let this as it was in the past.
You do not like teamplay ?
You still want slow ship never reach the battlefield ?



i was confused why people were so mad about this at first, it did seem a bit redundant but not so bad as ruining as per say. Realising what you all meant makes it abundantly clear that this is a monumental oh cock. What where they thinking even adding this as it isnt even worth the time they put into it now.

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do you guys know if the addition of the gbu 31 (mk 84 ver.) JDAM would be added?

The 500 & 2000lb JDAM variants (Both USAF & NAVY subvariants of the GBU-31 & -38 w/ Mk.80 warheads) are present on some aircraft. It’s the GBU-32 (1000lb variants) & alternate HAVE Void series of AP warheads ( BLU-109 / -110 / -111) that are not currently present in the files at the moment.