Major Update “Dance of Dragons” — DEV Server Changelog (30.08.2024)

If only there was a way the community could learn these things quickly?

For that purpose I think it’d be nice if there was an announcement or list, or what’s that word again? Ah, a log… that listed all the changes…

A changelog… if you will :P

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-Challenger 3 (TD) still has the old Challenger 2 (pre-remaster) turret damage model and armor.
-Challenger 3 (TD) still has the L30A1 gun module model instead of L/55A1.
-The mantlet of the Challenger 2s is still hollow.
-ZTZ99A’s armor remodel appears to be done- but still missing spall liners, just like every Top Chinese MBT.
-Type 10’s steering is still broken.
-Type 10’s acceleration is still underperforming.
-Type 10’s turret is still filled with holes.
-The Abrams turret ring is still a 50mm thick flat plate instead of properly volumetric.
-No other Abrams-related armor fixes (like SEP and SEPv2 turret sides).
-No Merkava fixes, still lolpenned by 3BM42 everywhere (same for Namer, which now weighs as much somehow).
-Leclerc’s UFP still provides less KE than T-64A’s (makes sense).

…and a long etc. Basically, no MBT fixes at all besides the (so far only partial) ZTZ99A’s.

Speaking of bugs, why is it taking so long for the devs to fix this easy, simple, obvious bug that was acknowledged 4 months ago? This ship has been broken since it was introduced! What could possibly make fixing this bug take half a year (so far) to be fixed!?

That is not to mention Naval damage models being broken to the point where 76mm HE is able to insta-kill BBs somehow, but that’s a whole another story.


Pr.12412 still not receiving its MANPADs while the ammunition just right in the boat

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Also any word on this bug report?

Once again, an EXTREMELY EASY bug to fix, yet it’s been unfixed for months.

As stated on the bug report that led to Challenger 3 (TD)'s engine power to be reduced from 1,500 hp;

It has 1,200 BHP (Brake HorsePower), which, converted to HP, the game’s engine power unit, it’s 1,217.

1,217 is, as well, the HP value found in all other Challenger tanks with the same engine and power.

There is no reason why Challenger 3 (TD) should be missing those 17 HP; being one of the slowest MBTs in the game, it is in no position to be taken away 0.27 HP/T over an inaccuracy.

Solution: change Challenger 3 (TD)'s engine power from 1,200 HP to 1,217 HP, the same HP value as the rest of the Challenger 2s with the same engine.

It’s… so… simple… just make the engine be 1,217 hp instead of 1,200 hp. Just changing two letters on a line of code. How could this be taking so long to fix?

Again, I know 17 HP may seem irrelevant to many; but when we are talking about a Challenger, every HP/T is important… and there’s no reason for a CR to be missing nearly a third of a HP/T over not converting units properly.

Just one of the many examples of bugs that could and should have been fixed long ago, but hasn’t been.


Smin once said that the reason it was changed so quickly from 1500hp is because it was just a quick code change, yet things like this often take years to implement. The disrespect that is given to players by devs by just straight up lying and gaslighting is insane sometimes.



1,500 to 1,200 HP? Instant change.
1,200 to 1,217 HP? Months, months, and months.

This proves, as I said a few days ago:

The M735 case is probably one of the worst offenders.

@Stona_WT coule you add the La Surprise to the FR ships, since we just got it

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Especially since a dev even explicitly acknowledged it right after the change (even before it when live, if I recall correctly).

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Just like how a simple model change to the SEP v2 is apparently a multi patch affair

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Also Mogador.

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Just to make up for my negativity and criticism, I’ll list positive changes I like;

-New module viewer filter is really nice, since the newest, more detailed models can be too cluttered to notice certain things at times.
-New tracers, very cool.
-New loadout viewer, quite cool and functional too!
-It appears they are working on fixing the Spikes, which is great and I hope they succeed!
-HSTV-L HE-VT, at last; although it’s still missing air tracking and APFSDS fixes.

What’s changed/will change?

On the Dev Server, I have even managed to kill the Test Drive T-90 a few times! It’s still unreliable and often inaccurate, but now it SOMETIMES WORKS!

Which is a HUGE step compared to the current build Spike, which is incapable of damaging the Test Drive T-90 at all.

Also, hopefully this penetration bug report will make it:


Stuff like MBT acceleration being fixed requires either:

  • Giving wrong horsepower values in order to try to match the real life acceleration
  • Reworking tank transmissions and engines

One I don’t think would be well accepted, and the other would take a lot longer.


Added to list (French Coastal)

  • Mogador
  • La Surprise

What a legend! good stuff bro :D


It’s @x_Shini 's report :)


New french ships on dev server:

Coastal: La surprise


Blue water: Mogador



Testing the LR2 in dev rn, looks like they programmed it to lock one of 4 points on a target:

commander hatch
driver port
one of the tracks
Gun breach

shooting the T-90 in the test drive is still feels like the missile is crap because a hit on the tracks or hatch does nothing basically. I get that its a balancing decision, but thats unrealistic af


Yeah… when it hits the commander hatch or one of the tracks, it’s useless, deals zero damage.

All shots should go to the center of mass/roof (from above).

Other than that, it’s still a bit better now. But I hope for more improvements (AKA don’t go for the tracks, etc)

Also hope the penetration bug report makes it and it’s increased! Will help against many UFP shots that fail to go through.

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