Major Update “Dance of Dragons” — DEV Server Changelog (30.08.2024)

The map designers needs to be retrained and take some courses. Gaijin should create a workshop for designers and learn some things from other games development studious.

Whoever makes the maps they need to start doing research and build some high quality maps with proper testing and game modes.


Can you please stop want to ruin naval ?
Bring back old rope.

This I have been waiting for over a decade now and it’s finally here, it needs a lot of work but they added it to the British tree where we belong. Sure we have the AIM in the American tree but I’m happy to have them apart because my favourite jet is in the tree it belongs in.

Per Ardua Ad Astra!
images - 2024-09-01T061959.408

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It’s because most of the stats need to have an asterisk next to them. It’s turn rate is X seconds at Y altitude with Z fuel and A initial airspeed at the start of the turn, etc etc etc. You can’t assume that it’s always going to be an apples to apples comparison when comparing stat cards. Even looking at official data from first party IRL sources, they may all have their own standards for how they perform their tests. On top of that the stat cards don’t tell you all of the notable metrics necessary to see the full picture. One major example is the recent addition of the Farkour 90. By the stat cards it looks like a heavier slower phoenix that doesn’t pull as well. The stat cards don’t tell you that most of that weight is rocket propellant and that it accelerates off the rail SIGNIFICANTLY faster than the Phoenix which makes it the far superior missile in most engagement ranges that happen within the game.

It’s why you should really only care about stat cards for telling you the most basic of information. Things that aren’t reliant upon a myriad of additional variables or testing conditions. Stuff like “this bomb contains X kg of TNT equivalent explosive” or “this tank can depress its gun Y degrees and traverse Z degrees per second”.

that’s so stupid,…forcing player to go headon will result in over-use of SPG and Heavy tanks

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Please allow me to plug a poll I made about this change, as well as an alternate proposal :P

Nice Now sweden has the best Kv

Germany does


Lmao, as if

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what new for ww2 aviation this patch or is that area of the game not getting anything? when will bison get its proper load outs including r77

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Yea, apparently ww2 vehicles are just not interesting to add at the moment for the devs, instead we get more top-tier stuff that takes ages to grind and “forces” you to spend money so they can work on making more premiums and top tiers vehicles to again make you spend money.

WW2 vehicles are a little 30% treat in the cereal box, I just have given up on seeing most of my favorite ww2 Swedish vehicles in the near future since the high tier hype is so big. And for the bison idk??


it’s a shame as i prefer playing ww2 aircraft, i could think of at least 5 aircraft that should be added into the game. i hope the bison does get sorted soon as it should be able to carry 4 r73 or 4 r77 i believe

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Yeah but it is 0.3 br Higher but this is probably going at 4.7

Yes, the same BR as the Zis-5 which only has the 90mm turret but, unlike the cast turret which cant angle the Zis 5 can giving it 127mm of armor which makes it better. Its more of a problem of compression, additionally only germany and russia have lineups between 4.0 and 5.0 unlike this thing so it wont be the monster the KV-1B/E or C will be but yes we can just act like children and scream bias because we saw sweden getting it.


I really hope the german Tornados at least get the JDAM’s…


Looks like they’re only going to America and Russia right now

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Another Tank that p2w to feed the wallet warriors that just better then the free one at the same br.

You know that 3.7 faces lot’s of up-tier from 4.7 right?
The most kill i have ever gotten with one vehicles was with the Kv-1 zis at 4.7 and it only died from the turret weak spot,This has more armor and a removed frontal weak spot, The 3.7 tanks are going to implode seeing this.

And No i don’t support the other OP tanks around the 3.7-5.0 range such as the Kv-1E the Sav and the german Kv-1C

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Actually as gaijin has already stated this vehicle will be going to russia at a later date regardless, the br you talk about is nation dependent from my experience. If you have a nation with a more popular lineup it will try to match you with more of your nations players. (IE 5.0 will probably play 5.7-6.0 rather than 4.0 since its not a popular lineup. 3.7 sweden is only popular because of premiums. Outside that you get a Panzer 4j and thats it.) Additionally again, this tank wont have a lineup like thebgerman or the russians and is 5.0 on launch which means its not 4.7 we will have to wait months before the next BR change to see whether wnough people are playing it. Rn the only people looking to purchase it are people who think itll be OP. Anyone whose smart wont buy it since its just not worth the purchase.

Leave A and C where they are and move B across the bridge. Or dont mess with the map until it gets a full rework not some halfassed fix that no one asked for.


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