M46 Patton: A vital upgrade for the French army

I really don’t see what the point would be of having 2 identical M46s with one being premium. Really don’t think anyone would be interested in that, let alone ready to pay for it .


you misunderstood what i’ve been trying to say, completely get rid of the idea of having the french one, especially considering it’s behind a paywall and is no different than the american tt one at 7.0, replace that with the belgian one just because it’s belgian and then add the m47 with the french 105mm gun alongside it


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well well well. You should have seriously made M47, gaijin now thinks M46 was last foreign tank in french service LMAO

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Joke’s on them and them alone:

I’ve made 3 separate suggestions for the models that France could get. The base M47 suggestion title even being very explicit in what it is.


I guess they just cannot search properly and rely on what they see first. And then make up history. Ridiculous

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Wow, you are expecting ALOT from the dev team, who made an entire battlepass comprised soley of vehicles already ingame without even a single change. (SB2C-5, M46 Patton, and the vehicle box).

Japanese tech tree B7A2, and battlepass B7A2. Gajin has done it many times before.

Similar, but not identical.

Homare 23 has…

21km/h faster max speed
4.5m/s faster rate of climb
8s less turn time
1740m higher max altitude

Not huge differences but the performance increase combined with premium benefits for an already adequate dive bomber make it a decent enough battle pass reward that wasn’t too painful for those who missed it.

I am more than happy to admit that the new BP is pretty low quality but you should care more about the fact that Japan is getting another 3.7 premium bomber they don’t need rather than the Homare being similar to the standard B7A2. I assure you, the Helldiver is a much poorer choice.


Yeah, another B7A2 would have been better than SB2C-5 imo, just on the fact that the SB2C-5 would be more unique to the nations that get it.

Well there isn’t another B7A2 that can be added that won’t be a copy of what we already have, but the point is that there are many other options for Japan around this BR range.