M26 and M26T99 need to be put back to 6.3, the armor, gun, and maneuverability cannot compare to any tank at 6.7, and they have to face Cold War tanks like IS-3/IS-4/M48 every single battle. M26 is a tank with abilities close to the Panther tank, yet every Panther is at 6.3 or even lower rank. It is so not fair, and America’s late WWII combo was completely destroyed after M26 was moved to 6.7. It has to fight the cold war every day. MOVE IT BACK!!!


Gajing and the same trash over and over. Garbage maps, trash teams.

If you want to see the M26 return to 6.3, heart this comment


Yeah i would suggest using the intended place to discuss this manner as Apollo pointed here with his proposal.

No it’s the best 6.7 medium. Excellent armour, excellent firepower, decent mobility. Why would it be the same BR as the T25 or Jumbo, or lower than a T-44 or Centurion, and only .3 above Panthers with massive disadvantages across all metrics except forward speed, or hell, the M4 T2 which is literally a Sherman.
The M26 holds up well to early MBTs with similar armour and mobility, and an extremely punchy APHE shell (plus the only truly good APCR shell in the game) that handily penetrate the lower plate or turret ring or turret front in some cases for MBTs even at max uptier.
I’ll never understand American mains ability to gripe about some of the most effective MBTs at their BRs.

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I believe that honour belongs to the T-44 with it’s nearly inpenetrable UFP and LFP, and narrow turret with tiny weakspots on the cheeks. There’s also Centurion Mk. 2 with it’s stabilizer, APDS, and superior armor to M26.

Mediocre armour, mediocre firepower

The T25 is also overtiered, clearly. The Jumbo is good at 6.3, and features a stabilizer and better armor than the M26. Both can exist at 6.3

This is M82 APHE vs Tiger II, a heavy tank of the same BR

At 400m (a very common engagement range) you can’t pen anywhere except for tiny MG port. You argue about APCR, one of the worst shell types in the game and which basically no one runs as primary ammunition. Being forced to give up APHE, the strongest shell type in the game, to simply be able to penetrate a tank of the same BR is… yeah not good.

Not an american main… I have played Germany and USA equally as much

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Not, really, the Pershing, while having its weaknesses, is really in its element in 6.7, with realistic targets and performance.

The tank designed to combat German tanks, Taylor made in fact, has “mediocre” firepower against those said targets?

I will attest the armor against 8.8 guns is, indeed, mediocre.

The goals and design limitations of the real combat vehicle is very different from how it performs in-game. Even then, the real M26 was criticized for being too little, too late. By the time it arrived in Europe it was already outclassed by heavier german armor like Tiger II, and still very vulnerable to Panther’s 75mm.

Yes, the long 88 is found on Tiger II which sits on the same BR as M26. This cuts through the M26’s armor like butter. The long 75 on the Panthers also have little issue penetrating the M26 frontally using normal Pzgr 39 APHE.


Why it shares the same BR with the heavy tank versions which are vastly superior I’ll never know.


Hint hint you can take multiple types of ammo at once

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When switching from APHE to APCR you’ll be vulnerable for as long as the reload takes, about 8 seconds.

The Tiger II however only has to click on you, and you’re dead.

You will suddenly encounter the enemy in situations you don’t expect, and guess who has the overwhelming advantage then.


Why do you think Panther has worse armor than M26? M26’s hull front armor can be easily penetrate by PzGr 39/42, but M82 cannot even dream it in 0 distance, even M304 can only do that with 0 angle. M26 and Panther only contain similar capability in all areas but Panther can stay 0.7 less than M26, how is that fair? And there is the UK Centurion tank, which was designed and produced much later than M26, supreme than M26 completely, also staying at 6.0. I don’t think a single M302 shot is worth 0.7 rank. For T44, I agree that its gun is trash and it should be put back to 6.3 as well, but besides that, M26 cannot compare to a single tank at 6.7. Not to mention that M26 need to fight against IS-3/IS-4 every day, which I cannot penetrate with M302 even from the back.

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Good point! To add to your argument, there is also the Centurion Mk.2 which is currently 6.7 and has APDS and stabilizer, not to mention superior armor to the M26.


Honestly I skipped the m26 its an absolute joke so yeah bring it to 6.3 armor is horrible coupled with a bad gun.

Comparison of Panther A and M26:

1 - Armor

The Panther’s 75mm Pzgr 39/42 can easily penetrate the M26’s hull armor out to about 500m.

The M26’s 90mm M82 can barely penetrate the Panther A’s hull at 100m, and only then if you aim for the lower portion of the UFP. If the Panther’s hull is angled a few degrees to either side or not on level ground, you will bounce off.

In a 1v1 situation between the two, Panther has better armor.

2 - Firepower

Panther has Pzgr 39/42, 192mm pen, velocity 935m/s, filler 28.9g

M26 has M82, 185mm pen, velocity 853m/s, filler 137.2g

Panther’s Pzgr 39/42 has slightly better penetration and a higher velocity which makes for flatter trajectory, making it easier to aim. On the other hand, M26’s M82 has a much bigger explosive filler, making up for it’s lower pen and velocity.

In regards to gun handling, both have similar traverse speeds, about 20°/s Ace qualification. Reload speed is similar, about 7.5s for both.

IMO this is a tossup, they have similar firepower.

3 - Mobility

They have similar forward mobility, but the M26 has much faster reverse (4 vs. 16 km/h)

Similar horsepower to ton ratio, Panther has 13.2 HP/ton, M26 has 12 HP/ton.

The M26 is superior in mobility.


They are very similar tanks, too comparable to justify a 0.7 BR gap between them.


M26 is an excellent medium tank, but it was purely designed with WWII technology and has 0 capability facing cold war tanks. If you check, you will realize that all other medium tanks at 6.7 served after WWII ended, and all tanks at 6.7 were either heavy tanks like T26E5 that with outstanding armor which could survive from attack of Cold War period tanks, or early Cold War tanks with supreme rounds which can penetrate most armor. For M26, it simply cannot handle tanks above 7.0 and needs to fight hard against other tanks at 6.7. You didn’t Gaijin put any WWII medium tank above 6.0 and somehow M26 cannot even dream to stay at 6.3