M22 Littlejohn: unleashing the swarm

Would this have the same main gun and .50s ?

It’s a 37mm with a little john. So same gun, but different ammunition. So you get far better penetration and velocity, but worse post-pen.

As long as it’s a good APHE and not the regular low BR solidshot, I’m happy

I think they only used specialized APCR-rounds for squeeze-bore guns. So no APHE.

Not even SAP?

Not that I know of.

Fuu**!!, I’m sick of being Gaijined with solid shot

No kind of explosive can be fired in a little john. The walls of the shell can’t withstand the effect of being squeezed into a smaller calibre. You can’t even fire regular HE.

It’s perfectly possible to fire HE out of a squeezebore weapon, the Germans did. For the 2 pounder Littlejohn the British did some work on a shell but it did not go into production. Likely because there’s not a lot of room for explosive in such a small projectile, that calculation might change for a larger gun like say the 17pdr.

Supposed to look something like this, the nose fuze is non-fuctional.

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