M1A2SEPv2 doesnt have better LFP armour



I also don’t like the SEP and play the baseline over it because of the way they modeled the SEPv1 kit they made the .50 cal not traversable to the left, even if there is clearly nothing in the way (ie. the armor package is not being used)

M1A2 SEP v1 mine protection should be a modification // Gaijin.net // Issues


to be fair that turn radius issue is an issue with any vehicle in the game with more than 4 tires.

M1128 has the worst turn radius and it’s actually atrocious. They recently acknowledged one for the ZLT.

Whoa, whoa, not so fast. Acknowledged/passed doesn’t mean it WILL be fixed!


Only the larger fatter one in the middle is a CREW/DUKE IED jammer antenna. The smaller ones are COM-201 radio antennas for voice comms


Radio comms (vc) in Sim battles would be pretty sick, doubt it’ll happen tho

Could be. Voice comms capability could be tied to calling for fires/scouting/support (ie if your radios or antennas get shot off, you can’t use outside support). Nice thing with the VIC 3 comms system on the Abrams is any crew member can utilize the radios from any position in the vehicle.

Gaijin definition of SEP is Same Exact Protection


Didn’t know that about the abrams. Maybe it’d make a little niche for electronic warfare aircraft, if they add them. Jamming comms, especially in ground sim could add another level of depth to it. Idk much about military comms but maybe jamming would force player to use an alternative, less useful communication system, if there is one. Plus comms could REALLY help CAS in ground sim NOT obliterate a friendly group of tanks

Yeah, so the CREW/DUKE is kind of limited. It’s usually loaded to jam cell phone type signals and stuff commonly used to trigger IEDs, but it’s programmable. Range is nothing compared to dedicated ECM aircraft and the like.

Sorry, my reply was unclear. I meant that the dedicated ecm aircraft would be the ones doing the jamming.

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There should be more 3D elements on the new Sepv2, rather than simply copying the previous vehicle


And sometimes it doesn’t even work 😂 I know mine only worked after getting hit by a daisy chain


I would just like it if TUSK was an optional module. I would rather make the tank lighter, even if it sacrifices… whatever little CE it may provide after the nerf it seems to be getting. Same reason why I don’t use TUSK on SEP.

There is a bug report opened about it.


For inexplicable reasons I’ve not been able to chime in on this thread until now.

I’m proud of y’all, and hoping the fixes are realized.


That being said, do you know if there’s any hope of passing a report on the manual override of Bradley TOW launcher?

AFAIK folding the launcher for travel is simply a maintenance/safety precaution in peacetime, and wouldn’t realistically be done in an intense combat situation (like the ones we have in War Thunder)


It is possible Gaijin may change their stance on this now as it seems that they initially added that mechanic as way to “balance” the Bradleys, if you have a manual or something that talks about it and/or you could even try giving them this video (at this specified time) as it does specifically go through how the TOW system is manually moved up and down Gaijin may acknowledge it.

That said, video sources are kind of weird i.e. in regards to how Gaijin accepts them as a source, so I would probably only add that if you have a primary source to go along with it.