M1A2SEPv2 doesnt have better LFP armour


Can you comment on the status of this bug report?

It’s still open


can you open this one ?

What do you think about this post? These antennas really obstruct the view


Well my friends, it seems your LFP will not be getting improved. The same source that gave the estimates for the LFP to be 650 - 700mm KE and 850mm CE is now going to be rejected by the developers since it was a Russian source.

A link to the thread: The Leclerc is in dire need of a buff - #1521 by Bossman919. Just read the last few replies.


If they just told us to go ____ ourselves it would save all of us a lot of time and confusion.


Oh great. Our key evidence.

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Give the LFP armour based on Paul Lakowski’s estimates, simple as that.


yeah I wish. But you know what they are going to say already.

That same document states that the leo 2a4 turret has 600mm KE and about 1000mm CE. also states the base t-72b has about 500mm KE and 700mm CE for the turret.

its not reputable

There was also a US based source in the SEPv2 hull armor report right? Posted by historical_ in a reply?

I hope that one is enough then?

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I know these estimates are outdated, but there is nothing better.

I think those prove there are DU inserts. Not how much KE they have

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580 mm RHA vs KE is quite realistic on LFP on SEP, there are tanks in game that have more anyway.

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I think this link is directly to the right comment. It does state estimates, but I’m not familiar enough with the source to know how reputable it is.

and as one of the mods once said" 3’d gen DU composite doesn’t say anything about protection values"

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Ah, I see. Problem is don’t you think that website might be challenged as a secondary source and not reliable ?

My freaking god I thought we had them cornered and now this.

I think the issue is that we’re expecting them to behave reasonably and not just keep moving the goalposts.

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