M1A2SEPv2 doesnt have better LFP armour

I would like to know as well, because now people are tossing the statement around as fact due to the video and I’ve yet to see and reference of actual DU related changes in the hull or the turret arrays for the SEP V3.

Of course there is the generalized “improved survivability and armor” but its already been beaten to death that gaijin ignores those statements.

Considering the new armor upgrade is called NGAP (Next Generation Armor Package) there is the possibility that the new armor composition doesn’t use DU anymore. Either way it’s a pretty big upgrade since you can physically see that they had to extend the turret and hull further out to fit in the new NGAP package in.


Now now, we don’t know that. Maybe they simply had to extend the hull when they ditched DU to get the same effectiveness /s

Edit: Yes I’m that pessimistic.

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This is wrong. The AIM and SEP programs included the new armor package. The budget forms, FONSI statement, the VA, show that Abrams hulls have them, and the 1999 amendment of SUB-1536 show that the 5 hulls were already being tested to have them.

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As I said before, there’s no need to be tied to the fact that there’s (or not) depleted uranium in the hull, it just stricts main position. It’s publicly known engineers made non-DU packages, so the main point is to indentify protection upgrades

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You don’t get it, furry can’t be wrong.


Pack it up, folks. The furry has spoken.


Thus why I’ve said I’d settle for simply upgraded protection of some form.

2013 beyond.

From at least 2002 by budget report forms.

DOE Armor

1998 by the VA.


First two sources mention a frontal armour upgrade but not where on the tank - still likely the turret
Veterans Affairs PowerPoint presentations are hardly a good source, they’re made by doctors and lawyers, not engineers. That one you posted also conflicts itself - it claims there’s DU in the hull, then shows a diagram that implies it’s only in the front of the turret.

fortunately we have proof for the SEP v3 because I believe the armor got visibly thicker

when a source says frontal armor upgrade and turret side armor upgrade its safe to assume frontal includes the hull, that might not be on the source you were responding to but that is said in other budget sheets

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But do you have values for that increased armor thickness?

For all Gaijin knows they just needed a bigger volume of armor the get the same protection as the DU armor, just like for all Gaijin knew 3rd gen DU armor offered lower protection than esrlier DU armor.

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Here’s your answer.


So the turret front and sides, nice find!

Then why would they show an image of the turret front to denote the “frontal” upgrade and not the front of the whole tank? Same with the “side” diagram that clearly just shows the sides of the turret highlighted.

different upgrade package at a different time

What’s the source on this one out of curiosity? Because I’m not getting much of anything via reverse search

Still the same. US tanks don’t have spall liners, no turret armor, no hull armor. It’s hilarious playing the Strv 122 with spall liners and working turret/hull armor and then vsing any variant of the Abrams and being able to frontally pen it anywhere.