M1A2 SEP V2 doesnt have better LFP armour

Its honestly disgusting how we always have to do this.

Wheres the honor and values?

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Not for you haha. Gaijin.

oh sorry

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Well, if the delivery arrives tomorrow as the shipper claims, should have a couple sources that put A2 SEP turret at 960mm KE and hull at 650mm KE.


what shipment is that?

I am actually concerned for the developers and the community of this game at the moment. I legit am wondering how is this big debate regarding this update affecting the developers at this point? i am not talking about the higher ups doing the big decisions. As someone who is part of a game developer group and know game developers in person it is a lot of work and takes a toll on you. We are literally showering the developers with so much information not to mention some in this community go beyond what is normal and commit criminal acts against the people who made this game and posting ILLEGAL STUFF. Just to prove a “point”. This might very well be off-topic but i feel the urge to post this.


You will see when it gets here.

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I don’t get it. What’s the secret just tell me

I think that’s why they have certain mods to act as intermediaries here. We have to get past the guard dogs, they pass it on. Then they can get back to us with whatever excuse the devs want.

It won’t matter until I have it anyway. It’s a book.

ah, I see

But 960mm KE on turret and 650mm KE on hull for SEP V1 and SEP V2 would make sense with them having 3rd generation DU armor packages while the M1A2 has 2nd gen DU armor packages. Which means we can get better turret protection for the SEPs as well.


Its self inflicted

I say that as an observation

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I stupidly thought you know of some black market sales of a M1A2 with DU inserts to someone that will release its values…was worried for a sec.

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Oh yeah. Let me contact my arms dealer. I know a few. No big deal. I work with them A LOT!


I got a fella calls himself the Irishman…

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I did say I understood the issues being reported. I mean, Did I not?

However, when issues are Passed to Developers you have to wait for the Devs to work and fix them.
I also mention that sometimes when too many people makes the same bug report, it could be labeled as not a bug because there is already the same report passed to developers.

Further more, when Gaijin states “you don’t need it” it doesn’t mean you won’t ever get it.
They’re waiting for multiple vehicles to be in the game at a certain time to perfect the feature that is missing. (They also do this to prolong the games life span by adding new Gimmick update features at specific periods of time)

I thought people learned this lesson, But no Some Gaijin Technical Mod and his family Got Doxxed over the T-90M spall lining issue (Even though it was only the 1st dev server, and gaijin stated that many vehicles will get the feature)

All I’m saying is that I find this community laughable in many ways, Instead of waiting and seeing. People spam the same reports over and over again, then some peoples lives gets ruined over this. All because of a missing feature that was already going to inevitably get added. Please, I don’t need any education as to what I’m saying being “Russian Bias” all you people need to do is wait.

Screenshot (4127)

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You cant be so blind and dense to not understand this ONLY happened because of the backlash

No, Gaijin always works like this, Backlash aside.

Gaijin added many features towards the game in the past where only a few vehicles has the feature then it spreads towards the other vehicles once the feature is completed. People like you only cannot wait more then 3 days before already being apart of a community scandal that makes War Thunder forums look borderline like Twitter.

I mean your name speaks more volumes then what i’ve stated.


waiting and seeing only really works for Russian vehicles. If it worked we wouldn’t have the absolute shitshows that are the Arietes, Leclercs, Type 10s, Merkava Mk.4s and now the SEP hull armor.

I agree that spamming the same report if one has been already been forwarded 2 days ago, but Gaijin won’t really do much out of nowhere for NATO tanks.