Leopards w/ spall liners are way too op

True but what worth is it to make a new standard if you cant even produce them to that standard.

like i said it is what it is, else we would already have 2a6 with gen 3 thermals in the game as well


GRAU index usually changes, but the name can easily be same yeah, GRAU indexes usually take time to get public.
T-90M is Object 188M IIRC.
2A6A3 was passed to devs on russian forum.

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I wonder sometimes how many suggestions are denied cause there are Russian language ones beforehand.

Overperform* :)

None I think, I think I have seen same vehicle suggestions on different forums.
ALSO: I straight up have a suggestion made that I made on russian forum and it was alredy passed, while here on English forum moderation exists so it took time for it to become aproved and public and its still far from being passed from too little activity.

Edit: Yep, I am right, for example suggestions for Object 195 exist on both forums.

No it’s lacking pen rn

Its penetration is fine, its 300~mm 60° 2km as its supposed too

ah yeah , i forget the GRAU index, would be simpler if gajin still would name it anywhere, so we can just be knowledgable which version we have in the tank. And i guess the Object 188M is the one without the upgraded transmission then

You mean the one in the video right ?

Do you have any proof for that ?
Last time i checked the video with the t90 with better reverse
The driver held his hand in front of the speedometer? …
and you, me and anyone else knows russia likes to pretend lul

its a whole other upgrade version then we have in the game

Oh really?


Currently it has 310mm of penetration at LoS 60/2km :)


can’t expect them to pen more unless remake autoloader lol

the problem is when i hit a leopard weakspot the spall liner eat everything and i die, when they hit a russian tank weakspot everyting explodes thats the difference

Thats a lie, the conga line doesnt have any spall liner infront of them on the hull, nor does the gun mantlet. The only spot the hull front has a spall liner is directly infront of the loader behind the glacis plate, and if you’re hitting that spall liner, you’re hitting the loader.

For all intents and purposes, the 2A7V doesnt have any frontal spall liners

Nice to see people keep proving Willi Odermatt’s equation accurate.
Now whether the data is put in correctly each time… seems to be the case from my research but my source data of the rounds have a chance of being wrong.

what do you expect when the autoloader gets hit, doesnt matter how much it spalls in the area when the penetrator directly takes out 4-6 rounds, then it just turns into the russian space programm

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DM43 640-700mm
DM53 600-640mm

this list is bs

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that’s lmao