Leopards w/ spall liners are way too op

Funny how the moment the Germans get a tank that doesn’t die in a single hit, and where the Russians actually need to aim for weakpoints, one that actually has spall liners (granted, 2A7V has many artificial ones that need to be fixed, and it is still lacking proper protection, as it should be better than 122s), they whine and cry.


Other lesser tanks need a buff


All of them need fixes, this isn’t a cock measuring contest.


It isnt about russians, it is everyone else vs sweden/germany, but you love to make everything about russians i know.

There is so much spam of leopards right now that it is USA USSR vs Germany Sweden most of the time

Dude has his shiny op 2A7 with %75 winrate and is defending it to keep stomping everyone else, nice coping mechanism thinking he can stop the nerf hammer and raw statistics with “but muh germans, rUSSiaN biAs geRMAnY suFfeRs” arguments

Screenshot (604)


Yet it’s the sole vehicle you brought up as an argument. Get over yourself.

It’s pretty funny as well, German players warned everyone about the 2A7V, and that less capable variants need to show up first; “nah mate, it will be just like fighting the Strv 122!” was the answer. The best part is that 2A7V still isn’t performing as well as it could, since it’s missing a huge portion of its armour capability, and is riddled with a significant amount of artificial weakpoints.

Bringing up my stats in the 2A7V like you’re trying to argue a point I’ve never made, yep, it’s a Malekitth moment. I bet you didn’t make nearly as much of a fuss when it was Russia doing this to everyone else.


People complained about BVMs that didn’t spall and wanted it nerfed.
So the monkeys paw curled once again and gave it to leopards, especially the STRV122 and 2A7 and made them worse to fight than the BVM.


Nuh uh . Let people have fun , Time for others to have realistic vehicles

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i have the BVM with 400 matches almost and only got %55 , it never had 75% WR like 2A7, truly a Furina moment, pointless arguments


Jup, was like talking to a wall like @AlvisWisla it wont be such a huge step. The Leo 2A7V wont be that bad. Yeah just watch what happend.
Only Reason the T-90M didnt ROFL stomp rank 8 in the end was because the Leopards got their spall liners as well.

And the funniest part is 2A7V is still missing massive armor fixes and the PSO needs spall liners and better internal composite as well.

Other nations definitly need their fixes as well, but it just is normal that the german community wants their vehicles as accurate as possible as well. Even if gajin made an mistake of adding them in the first place


Literaly only flavour of the month effect currently. A lot veteran , great players are coming back to play germany again which results in the stomping as well


Your stats are definitely representative of the overall W/R ratio, my BVM has 66%, went down from 71%… at the same time Necrons has 100% :p

Find better arguments boyo.


Glad you agree with myself & Furina; even if you insult one of us.

More matches means a better representation of its WR, more sample size will always give more accurate results. you only have 170 matches.

Learn some math and take some statsitics classes from high school teachers, “boyo”

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again flavour of the month effect genius, you literaly cant calculate the win rate currently. Since its abnormaly boosted

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Yet you used my 72 matches in the 2A7V as an argument of the much better WR lmao. You’re not even seeing the hypocrisy of your own arguments.


because %75 is an abnormally high number, and my latest matches with USA/USSR top tier confirms this data currently. Again, learn math from a HS teacher please

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Win rate is mostly team skill so it’s largely an irrelevant metric for the topic of how powerful an individual tank is.
Comparative analysis is the only method of determining individual tank power over other tanks.

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Flavour of the month effect, are you to stupid to recognise that?

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BVM upon addition reached 80% for a while, was that abnormal then?

How come you weren’t screeching about that? You’re still a hypocrite of astronomical propotions, I’ve even told you my BVM had a WR of 71% before, and that it fell, but you ignored it because it contradicts all of your points.


BVM’s stats 2 years ago fyi.


Why isn’t there flavor of the month effect for new SEP and T-90M then? Because they are not even close to the level of 2A7 and 122B+, that is why