Leopard 2 TVM - Best offer

BTW, when can they fix so called “not a bug” bugs of D-tech armor of Leopard2 PSO and E-tech of Leopard2A7V?


Well they used Swedish trials for armor. So no. This armor is basically same as Swedish, need just copy-paste as they like to do

No, i don’t think so

The swedish leopards are used a unique armor not as D-tech or E-tech while they are not so good as new leopards’. As you mentioned lazy gaijin just copied swedish armor, but the E-tech that leopard2A7V used is not that bad. Sadly, they always called the west tech is “fake propaganda”, just hope oneday they can fix it.

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“Clearly marketing lie”


Never thought id see people having an issue with more leopards being added to GERMANY of all nations…


right now germany does not need any more. i’m not against adding leo3 and panther (the new one) later

Once decompression hits… 2a7v will be alone at 13 or 14.0.
TVM would help it make a better lineup.

Also Leopard 3 doesnt exist sadly


lol, that’s what they said

is this speculation?

Leopard3 was a program that aims to help german fight against USSR, like VT1-2, a typical one. However, with falling of USSR, a class of them were terminated due to financial helps for east germany.

We all know its coming.
Yeah the leopard 3 program did exist, however it did not reach conclusive or satisfactory results which is why the VT-1-1 and VT-1-2 did not acheive the leopard 3 designation.

There were also other peoposals for leopard 3, most interesting of them being:

Leopard ATD



This model



PzKpfW 2000




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The second one looks like a hybird with leopard, chanllager, abrams, and the leopard2 ARC 3.0 could be also considered a “leopard 3”

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@Armen_Lozone first image is leopard ATD “technologietrager”

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fixed hehe

No you don’t. 2A5 + 2A6 + PSO + 2A7V just for MBTs is very good and capable.

Still +1 for this addition

i meant that them all being 12.0 is preposterous. theres no way the 2A7V == 2A5

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I agree, but that’s a case of the 2A7V needing to go up, not the rest needing to go down. The 2A5 and 2A6 are still great tanks capable of dealing with enemy vehicles at that BR.

The TVM would fit around the same BR of the 2A5/2A6, it wouldn’t be an alternative to the 2A7V.

i dont want the 2A5 to go down, the 2A7v needs to go up along with comparable AFVs.
TVM MAX is comparable to 2A7V because of the armour package and it was also mounted with the L/55 cannon so its pretty similar