Way too new. Not enough good information on the system. If we ain’t got the armata which we got way more info about then we for sure ain’t getting this.
“not good enough information on the system”
check again?
Revolver Gun Mk3 (35mm with AHEAD)
just look at that laser beam
shell trajectory marked in red
Neeeeed. Boxer Skyranger 30-35 with multiple kits for air defense missiles LFKs galore.
+1 Me Likey
gib +1
+1 looks cool
I love the concept of Ahead ammo and having a dedicated AA system for germany (since we have it in the puma already which is a light tank) would be wonderful. Also when they add it they can balance Ahead a bit more since it still behaves a bit weird
Bug reports lying in the report site for 7 months. I make it, but still nothing in answer. Smin ignore questions. Both reports stated as “accepted”
A good premium tank to, hopefully, go along with the techtree Boxer Skyranger 30 and 35.
i got a namesake (Gepard 2) of this guy in the cookin’ pot. it wont have AHEAD but hey itll look almost as cool hehe