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The LAZAR 3M IFV developed by Yugoimport for the Serbian Military.
- Description :
- The LAZAR 3 is the latest variant of the LAZAR family of armored 8x8 vehicles developed in Serbia. Developed in 2015 by Yugoimport SDPR, it was first unveiled in 2017 at the arms exhibition IDEX in Abu Dhabi. The LAZAR 3 is an 8x8 armored personnel carrier designed to be universal, allowing different modifications and features to be implemented over time. Some of these features include modular armor, electronics, wide selection of weaponry, and more. The LAZAR 3 is can be equipped with several types of weaponry including 3 different combat modules. The first is the Russian 32V01 Remote Weapon Station which is equipped with the proven 2A42 30mm Automatic Cannon that can fire multiple types of ammunition. The 32V01 features enhanced thermal imaging and tracking, allowing the Gunner to target ground and air targets alike. It is armored to withstand light cannon fire and is equipped with 6x 81mm Tucha Smoke Grenades to provide concealment. The LAZAR 3 with the 32V01 has been at times designated the LAZAR 3A1. Another combat module is the Kerber Remote Weapon Station. This module tends to mate old/proven technology like the Zastava 20/3mm M55 Cannons and new fire control/ballistic systems that utilize electro-targeting optics to create an effective fire support vehicle that can target low flying helicopters and drones or provide infantry support. Last is the Praga Turret. This turret is currently under heavy development through Yugoimport but is equipped with 2x 30mm PLdvK vz. 53 Automatic Cannons that can be traced back to the Czechslovak M53/59 Praga self-propelled anti-aircraft gun. The Automatic Cannons are integrated into the turrets fire control system which features latest-generation thermal imaging and ballistics computer, allowing the Gunner to target ground or air targets. Yugoimport is in the process of integrating the NOVA anti-tank missile system into the Praga Turret which would significantly increase the capabilities of the LAZAR 3. The NOVA ATGM is capable of ranges out to 8km and can penetrate around 1,000mm of RHA behind ERA due to its Tandem-HEAT warhead. The current LAZAR 3 with the Praga Turret featuring NOVA missiles is believed to be a mockup, with completion in the near future. The LAZAR 3 with the Praga Turret and NOVA missiles has been designated at times as the LAZAR 3P. Both the Praga and Kerber modules utilize 4x 82mm Smoke Grenade Launchers for concealment. Other variants of the LAZAR 3 have integrated RALAS missiles or have put the LAZAR 3 in a utility role such as an ambulance. The LAZAR 3 is equipped with the 500 hp Cummins ISM 500 Diesel Engine mated to a Timoney Transmission which allows for speeds of around 110km/h. For protection, the LAZAR 3 comes standard with STANAG 4569 Level 3 Ballistic Armor and Level 3a/b Mine Protection. This can be upgraded further with modular armor, bringing the LAZAR 3 protection to STANAG 4569 Level 5 Frontally and Level 4 for all-around protection. An optional anti-spall liner can be added as well. The vehicle with full armor and combat load can reach a maximum weight of 28t with standard combat weight between 24-26t. The LAZAR 3 can transport 9 personnel on top of its standard crew requirements being a Commander, Gunner, and Driver. Many of the improvements have taken account of the LAZAR 2’s flaws. The main differences between the LAZAR 2 and LAZAR 3 are new armor layout/increased armor protection, increased maximum speed, wider hull, as well as new maintenance access hatches, hydraulics, and other crew quality of life improvements. The LAZAR 3 entered service within the Serbian military in 2017. Yugoimport continues development of the vehicle, with it receiving an improved armor layout and removal of the window/ports on the side and rear of the vehicle. This new variant has been known as the LAZAR 3M. Export customers include Turkmenistan, who utilizes the LAZAR 3 with the MB2-04 Remote Weapon Station.
- The LAZAR 3 will also feature integration of a variant of the Au-220M Remote Weapon Station that is featured on the 2S38 Derivatsiya-PVO.
- The goal of these suggestions is to bring awareness and the future implementation of an independent Yugoslavian Ground Forces Tree.
- Special thanks to @YugoSlavfor their assistance in creating Yugoslavian suggestions!
- Role : Infantry Fighting Vehicle
- Origin :
- Serbia
- Combat Modules:
- Note: The LAZAR 3 with the 32V01 Turret has been at times labeled as the LAZAR 3A1 or LAZAR 3M (with the improved hull) while the LAZAR 3 with the Praga turret has been labeled at times as the LAZAR 3P.
- Maneuverability:
- Engine: 500hp - Cummins ISM 500 Diesel Engine
- Transmission: Timoney Transmission
- Chassis: 8x8
- Max Speed: 110km/h
- Dimensions:
- Length: 7.920m
- Width: 2.950m
- Height: 2.320m (Hull only)
- Varies depending on turret.
- Weight: 24-26t
- Max 28t with combat load and addon modular armor.
- Crew (3x):
- Commander
- Gunner
- Driver
- 9x Additional Personnel
- Features:
- Smoke Grenades (Turret Dependent):
- 32V01: 6x 81mm Tucha Smoke Grenade Launchers
- Kerber/Praga: 4x 82mm BDK M79 Smoke Grenade Launchers
- Laser Rangefinder
- Armor:
- Ballistic Protection of STANAG 4569 Level 3.
- Can be upgraded with additional modular armor, increasing protection to all around STANAG 4569 Level 4 and STANAG 4569 Level 5 frontally.
- Mine Protection of STANAG 4569 Level 3a/3b
- Anti-spall Liner
- Ballistic Protection of STANAG 4569 Level 3.
- NVD:
- Driver: NVD/Thermal Camera
- Gunner: Thermal Imager
- Has target tracking for aerial threats.
- Kerber Turret does not utilize a Thermal Imager.
- Commander: Fixed NVD
- Smoke Grenades (Turret Dependent):
- In-game :
- The LAZAR 3 is a heavily armored and highly mobile multi-role vehicle that, depending on the turret, can provide crucial fire support and anti-air capabilities. It can be armed with 3 different turrets/modules which are all remote capable. The 32V01 module, armed with a well known 2A42, would fulfill a similar role to the VCI found in the Italian tree. Armed with a fast firing gun, and a highly mobile and protected chassis, the 32V01 would excel at capturing points and flanking. The Kerber module adds another twist in capability. The Kerber module, armed with 3x 20mm guns and electro-optical sighting, would do well at eliminating light vehicles as well as close range air targets such as low flying aircraft, drones, or helicopters. When its not engaged in fighting, it would fare well in capturing points and scouting. Lastly is the Praga module. The Praga module is still in heavy development and is believed to be have functioning guns but mockup missiles, however if implemented would be the most deadly of all combat modules. Equipped with 2 fast firing PLdvK vz. 53 autocannons as well as 4 NOVA missiles, the LAZAR 3 armed with the Praga module would punish all types of ground vehicles and low flying aircraft alike. It can engage targets at a distance using its 8km NOVA missiles or use its powerful main guns to engage at close range, the LAZAR 3 with the Praga turret would fair very well in most combat situations.
- Estimated Battle Rating:
- 32V01 (Ammo dependent):
- 3UBR11 APFSDS-T: 9.7
- Could be imported later on or used as a placeholder to adjust BR.
- 3UBR8 APDS: 9.0
- 3UBR11 APFSDS-T: 9.7
- Kerber: 7.3-7.7
- Praga: 9.7
- 32V01 (Ammo dependent):
- Sources:
- Lazar 3 | Yugoimport - LAZAR 3
- https://www.yugoimport.com/sites/default/files/documents/2023-11/Lazar%20III%20eng..pdf - LAZAR 3
- https://www.armyrecognition.com/serbian_army_wheeled_armoured_and_vehicle_uk/lazar_3_8x8_apc_wheeled_armored_personnel_carrier_data_pictures.html - LAZAR 3
- https://www.army-technology.com/projects/lazar-3-multi-role-armoured-fighting-vehicle/ - LAZAR 3
- РТС :: Друштво :: Набавка нових "Лазара 3" за Војску Србије, вредност уговора 3,7 милијарди динара - LAZAR 3 Procurement
- Yugoimport from Serbia has delivered Lazar 3 armored vehicles to Turkmenistan - LAZAR 3 Procurement
- https://www.yugoimport.com/sites/default/files/documents/2023-11/Lazar%20III%20with%20different%20types%20of%20ammunition.pdf - LAZAR 3 Combat Modules
- Lazar 3M | Yugoimport - LAZAR 3M
- https://www.yugoimport.com/sites/default/files/documents/2023-11/Lazar%203M%20infantry%20fighting%20vehicle.pdf - LAZAR 3M
- https://www.janes.com/defence-news/news-detail/partner-2021-serbia-integrates-russian-unmanned-weapon-stations-on-lazar-iii-a1-acvs - LAZAR 3 Weapon Options
- Army Guide - 32V01 Turret
- 30 mm Remote-controlled combat module 32V01 | Catalog Rosoboronexport - 32V01 Turret
- JSC CRI "Burevestnik"/30mm 32V01 UNMANNED TURRET - 32V01 Turret
- Yugoimport introduces Lazar III A1 8x8 armored vehicle fitted with Remote Weapon Station - LAZAR 3/32V01 Turret
- https://www.yugoimport.com/en/aktuelnosti/new-turret-praga-tested - Praga Turret
- Serbia develops 20 mm turret - Kerber Turret
- Yugoimport-SDPR, DSEI-2019 - Kerber Turret
- Partner 2019: New Kerber triple 20mm RCWS Remote Controlled Weapon Station - Kerber Turret
- IDEX 2019: Yugoimport unveils RALAS missile - RALAS Missile System
- https://www.yugoimport.com/en/proizvodi/nova-light-attack-system - NOVA Missile
- IDEF 2021: Yugoimport from Serbia unveils its new Nova surface-to-surface missile - NOVA Missile

Side view of the vehicle.
Video of the LAZAR 3M.
LAZAR 3 (Kerber)
LAZAR 3 (Praga)

Closeup of the module.
Turkmenistan LAZAR 3