Laksamana Class, Missile Corvette, KD Laksamana Hang Nadim 134 - Royal Malaysian Navy

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1) KD Laksamana Hang Nadim 134
KD Laksamana Hang Nadim 134

In the mid-70s, the Italian company Fincantieri designed a Class of Corvettes called “Type 550” (the name is given by their minimum displacement) the project included three basic versions: standard, multi-role and fast attack. These corvettes intended for export, built and designed by the Italian shipbuilding industry had a notable success, due to their versatility, in fact the customer could choose both the engine and the armament. The main buyers of these Units were Libya, Ecuador, (Iraq) and Malaysia. In 1986 Iraq had purchased four Corvettes (of the “Type 550”) that should have been the “Al Walid Class”, if it were not for the fact that Iraq was subjected to sanctions by the UN due to the war against Iran, and then again in 1990 due to the war against Kuwait, so it never received these Corvettes, which remained in the Italian shipyards until 1997 when they were delivered to Malaysia (which in the meantime had purchased them, after having been reconditioned by the Italian shipyards). These four Corvettes of the Royal Malaysian Navy are part of the “Laksamana Class” (KD Laksamana Hang Nadim 134, KD Laksamana Tun Abdul Jamil 135, KD Laksamana Muhammed Amin 136, KD Laksamana Tan Pusmah 137). The lead ship “Hang Nadim 134” (Named after a famous figure of the Kingdom of Johor-Riau, Admiral Hang Nadim) was the first to enter service. The propulsion systems of these units are composed of four MTU 20V956 diesel engines and three diesel electric generators, the maximum speed is 36 knots. The very respectable armament is composed of an OtoMelara 76/62mm Super Rapido gun, installed on the foredeck, a twin OtoBreda 40/70mm DARDO gun, installed aft. The anti-aircraft armament is completed by a four-cell Albatros launcher for Aspide SAM missiles (installed on the raised command bridge aft of the mainmast). The anti-ship armament consists of three twin launchers for OtoMat Mk2 SSM missiles (three port-facing and three starboard-facing, are installed on the aft deck), and two triple launchers ILAS-3 ASW TT (one on each side of the main deck) for 324mm A244/S anti-submarine torpedoes using active, passive and mixed targeting modes. The electronic systems consist of a Kelvin Hughes 1007 navigation RADAR, a Selenia RAN 12L/X surface and air surveillance RADAR, a hull-mounted ASO 94-41 active search and attack sonar. The ship’s command and control system is the IPN 10, The fire control system is based on two NA21 systems and a DARDO system, together with their dedicated radars. The Unit’s electronic warfare suite consists of the INS-3 radar interceptor and the TQN-2 radar jammer, both produced. A 105 mm Breda decoy launcher is installed on both the starboard and port sides of the ship. Each launcher has six launch tubes and is capable of firing illuminating or chaff projectiles to counter enemy radars and radar-guided missiles. All four “Laksamana Class” Corvettes are still in service.



Crew: Officers, Second Chiefs, Sergeants and Seamen: 56

Displacement Full load: 705 tons

Length: 63,20m
Width: 9,30m
Full Load Draft: 2,80m

Engine System:
4 MTU 20V956 TB92 diesels
3 Diesel Electric Generators
4 Propellers

Power: 24400 hp / 17946 kW

Speed: 36 knots (66 km/h)

Autonomy: 2300 NM (4259 km) at 18 knots (33 km/h)

1 x OtoMelara 76/62mm Super Rapido
1 x OtoBreda 40/70mm DARDO (1 twin systems)
1 x Albatros 4-cell missile launching system for Aspide SAM (12 missiles)
6 x OtoMat Mk2 SSM Anti-Ship missiles (3 twin mounts)
2 x ILAS-3 ASW TT triple torpedo tubes 324mm

Electronic equipments:
1 x Kelvin Hughes 1007 navigation RADAR
1 x Selenia RAN 12L/X surface and air surveillance RADAR
1 x ASO 94-41 Sonar
2 x Selenia NA 21 Weapon Control System
2 x Selenia RTN 10X Fire Control
1 x Selenia RTN 20X Fire Control
1 x Alenia IPN-S Combat Data Systems
1 x Selenia INS-3 intercept ESM
1 x Selenia TQN-2 jammer ECM
2 x Breda 105mm 6-tubed multipurpose Launchers; Chaff to 5km; illuminants to 12km (Decoys)



2) KD Laksamana Hang Nadim 134

4) KD Laksamana Hang Nadim 134
5) KD Laksamana Hang Nadim 134
6) KD Laksamana Hang Nadim 134
7) KD Laksamana Hang Nadim 134


LAKSAMANA HANG NADIM missile corvettes (1987/1997-1999)
Laksamana (Wadi M'ragh) class missile corvettes - Royal Malaysian Navy
Italy 40 mm/70 (1.57") Breda - NavWeaps
Oto Melara Breda 40/L70 DARDO CIWS close-in weapon system
Aspide SAM missile MBDA Selenia
OTOMAT TESEO SSM anti ship missile Oto Melara Matra MBDA
A244/S lightweight Torpedo LWT Eurotorp 12.75 inches 324 mm
Book: The Naval Institute guide to combat fleets of the world, 2005-2006 : their ships, aircraft, and systems - Eric Wertheim


A +1 from me, this would be a pretty neat addition to either the Italian tree or a future ASEAN Tech Tree