KI-64 japanese VB.10

Honestly sounds weird.
Any Japanese planes had trend to increasing the fire capability with changing guns to bigger caliber and increasing the ammo capacity
If I remember correctly, there wasn’t any case when plane with 4x20mm changed 20mm to 12.7 or 7.7

As far as we know the prototype wasn’t armed. There is one drawing with a single Ho-5 in each wing, which is probably why some secondary sources say 2x Ho-5. Likely the placement of 2nd gun pair was never finalized. Note that armament for Ki-60 also changes between those charts from 2x20mm + 2x13mm to 4x13mm. By the time those charts were made Ki-60 was long since abandoned project.

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There is no vehicle I want as much as this baby


The document that says 20mm x 4 is from after the war (as is the one saying 13mm x 2 and 20mm x 2). And in any case both are very long after Ki-64 was abandoned.
The armament of Ki-64 was most likely never set in stone as the plane did not get far into the testing stage, and even if adopted, the mass produced combat model would have been Ki-64 Kai.





Suggestion passed to the developers for consideration.