Ki-51 sonia japanese Sturmovik

There are a lot of props not in the game. I would from a technical standpoint include the float planes as those are only accessible via ships. But that’s from a technical standpoint.


good news, I have already reported him




I don’t see the suggestion

it is still being considered by the moderators. Together with it, the Ki-201, Ki-12, Ki-44-III, G3M3 and Ki-147 are being considered


you can also suggest something so that I can report it. I’ve run out of ideas for now, the only idea I have is to submit the Ki-98

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Excellent work @Grzegames The Ki-44-III is something I’d want to see as well, it would be on-par with the Ki-84s and add more diversity to the tree. The Nell and Karyu are iconic as well.

Right now I’m making the suggestion for the Ke-Ni Production, but with me being in college and lazy, it takes me weeks to make a single suggestion.

As for aircraft, I had the idea of:

  • Ke-Go infrared bomb
  • Ki-98
  • P1Y2/4/6
  • J2M7
  • N1K3/4
  • Ki-202

These are the only ones I could think of at the moment, but I have others shelved for future suggestions. Obviously, I can’t get to all of these, so if you make a suggestion for these, let me know so I don’t accidentally make one for it.

Also are you Japanese? I was just curious if you have access to Japanese archives


Wasn’t the Ki-147 added?

Reported who?

We have the Ki-148, not the Ki-147. And only one variant of the Ki-148.

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I would like to be Japanese, but unfortunately I am from Europe. I was planning a ke-go bomb

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Few simple ones:

-A7M2 with 4x Type 99 mark 2 model 5
-N1K1-Jc (With total of 600 rounds for 20mm it would fit well between N1K1-Ja and N1K2-J.)


N1K1-Jc (Fighter-Bomber N1K) + Automatic Flap - Passed for Consideration - War Thunder - Official Forum

-N1K3-A or N1K4-A (Slightly improved N1K2-J for carrier used and with 13.2mm nose guns. Possibly with 99-2-5 cannons as well.)
-Ki-100-Ib (don’t ask why)


Thanks, I’ll have something to report. :D

Having a nicer looking model with the later canopy would be great.

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We could also get the Ki-61 with the cut-down canopy

I managed to find three interesting variants of the Ki-61: Ki-61-I kaid with 30 guns, Ki-61-IIb with four 20mm guns and Ki-61-I-wces which was the fastest version and had cooling in the wings

There aren’t any pictures of that Ki-61-I Tei with 30mm and we don’t know it’s ammo count or weight.
There is some speculated information about Ki-61-II variants which didn’t exist, though Ki-61-II prototype with larger wing likely had 4x20mm as fitting them was one goal of the new wing. Unfortunately there aren’t pictures and data about that either. There is this photo of the vapor cooled prototype, but once again we don’t know the weight or even what guns it had, if it had any at all. It was a test bed for Ki-64.


Ki-61 vapor cooling prototype


This is a beautiful example as well, but I am not sure which variant this is


It is simply a Ki-61-II kai with full view canopy. Not many of them were build as such. Oddly enough it didn’t get a separate designation like Ki-100s with different canopies.

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