KF51 Panther

Should be added to Italian TT aswell


is italy really eligble for receiving the kf 51? How? I mean that would be great.

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Italy TT, and irl KF51 is commig to hungary army faster that to germany. And hungary is part of italy TT in game.


Tbf the KF51 EVO ordered by Hungary isn’t comparable to the demonstrated KF51.


germany should still get both as both are produced in germany, even the initial hungarian lynxs was produced in germany

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No only the ones that they used or made that no one else adopted unless that nation isn’t one that has a tree

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Germany produced these versions of the kf31/41 Lynx:

And this version of the Kf51 Panther:

Germany can and should receive all of these as they are all produced in germany as well as designed by it

Did another nation adopt them that has a tree in game

only the hungarian lynx which still should come to germany too

Hungarian lynx no Germany shouldn’t get that

Germany doesn’t get the Swedish Leopards
UK doesn’t get the American harriers

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imo should as it is a technology right

Thats not how this game work my game

you don’t get something because a company that’s in your nation makes it

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kinda does bro…
all military vehicles that were added but not put into service were added to the nation of design, so it stands to reason that this should not be an exclusive case, but ofc, the snail moves in mysterious ways

if no other nation that has a tree uses them

KF51 EVO its different it uses a 120, and its not nearly as good as the 130

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F-20 not used by anyone, in US TT
Su-25BM not in a Kazakhstan TT, in Russia TT
M1A1 AIM not in Australian TT, in US TT

to name a few. so yeah…

i will agree with mytho here if we just do that and copy and paste tech trees they are gonna obviously gonna get bloated, a good option for germany would either be the australian or greek KF41 that never got adopted, plus in reallity the PUMA its much better since not only has more armor but has a crewless turret too

My point really is that i can be German made but if Germany doesn’t use it and another nation in game does it going to go to them

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the point abt bloating is fair but its too late, sweden is already a prime example of it, you get all of german top teir ground basically and PUMA is better if it was correctly modeled and implemented but also it doesnt have APS AFAIK (gaijin fckd up strikesheild too smh)

i agree on that, that’s why the greek and australian KF41 are still an option